Pope Benedict Goes Full Hypocrite

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
You gotta wonder what anyone was thinking when they appointed this guy. He's in his 70s so it's not like he had no record or his views were unknown.
Pope Gun Makers Are Not Christians - The Daily Beast

For the record, the best selling pistol worldwide is the Glock brand. Gaston Glock, the owner, is a staunch Roman Catholic and contributes heavily to the Church. Will the Pope return all the money Gaston has given? Gaston is very ill and old. Will the Pope deny him extreme unction because he is a firearms maker?
I'm glad to see your eyes have been opened, The Rabbi. This is the least of my concerns about Pope Francis. I believe he is the most dangerous man in the world - on the political scene today - as well as his role of being an anti-Christ / false prophet. There are Jewish Rabbi's warning Israel even now to beware of this man. I pray those warnings are heeded!
One of the things that disturbs me about Rabbi's news report - is that this Jesuit Pope asked concerning the death camps, "Why didn't the bomb the railway lines"? First let me state that it was once said that 70 - 80% of all questions are statements. Not questions. With Jesuits there is an evil twist. It's the dagger they are hoping to plunge into the hearts of the Jews and Christians while those in their camp know how to read between the lines. The truth is as a Jesuit, he knows already why the railways weren't bombed. The Vatican forbid it (Hitler was chosen by them for the destruction of the Jews - their Inquisition) and the very same persons in power in the US Military / Pentagon / Political office / doing the bidding of Rome from within - trained in Jesuit colleges, Universities such as Georgetown and many others - did precisely what the Pope wanted throughout WWII and after! Which is why they arranged for the Nazis (faithful Catholics) to be given safe passage to America and given new identities and papers. What was the other safe haven the Jesuits provided for the Nazis? Argentina. Of course.

As we witness the Roman Whore of Babylon pressuring nations to disarm their citizens we must realize that without the disarming they would not be assured the New World Order they seek to rule / the same vision of a New World Order they failed the last time to achieve through Hitler.

For those who choose to remain blind - it is doubtful they will listen to the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - Ex-Jesuit who exposed the secrets plans of the Vatican against the Protestant Church (non - Catholic) and the Jews. But for those who desire to know the truth? It is imperative that they listen to what he has to say. There is a reason the Vatican attempted to murder Rivera 5 times before they finally succeeded. He knew their secrets.
The Pope drives some folks crazy when he follows the Bibles teachings. I guess those folks must not be true Christians.

The Jesuit Pope doesn't follow the King James Bible. The Jesuits have been trying to destroy the King James Bible for many centuries - they forbid their own people to read the King James Bible and insist they must read "the Catholic Bible" (which is a false book and not the same thing as the KJV Bible)
Given his logic, no supporter of abortion can call themselves a Christian.

Francis has been accused of being present at Black Masses that performed human sacrifice of babies. He has also been accused of the rape of two children - now grown adult women who have said he is a Satanist and the one who raped them. It makes sense when you consider that he had a serial paedophile for his personal Nuncio - and arranged for him to be brought back to Rome before the Dominican Republic could charge the Nuncio with Sexual Crimes against children. Not only that but when the Nuncio returned to Rome - Pope Francis said that the Vatican would hold their own court trial and he would not be tried by the Dominican Republic for his crimes even though that is where they occurred. The Vatican claimed that the Nuncio was under house arrest. They lied.

Just recently a bishop tweeted that he saw the Nuncio walking freely on the streets of Rome (without an escort) so Pope Francis's Nuncio is still permitted to roam the streets for his next victim. When will the world open their eyes and stop believing these liars?
You gotta wonder what anyone was thinking when they appointed this guy. He's in his 70s so it's not like he had no record or his views were unknown.
Pope Gun Makers Are Not Christians - The Daily Beast

For the record, the best selling pistol worldwide is the Glock brand. Gaston Glock, the owner, is a staunch Roman Catholic and contributes heavily to the Church. Will the Pope return all the money Gaston has given? Gaston is very ill and old. Will the Pope deny him extreme unction because he is a firearms maker?

Do you realize that the Jesuits condone and justify the murder of anyone who is not a Roman Catholic and they even take an oath vowing such things - that they pledge their willingness to murder for the Jesuit General (Black Pope) and "Mother Church" if commanded to? Did you know that the Nazi's in high office were actually Jesuits? Did you know that Himmler was a Jesuit and that Aldolf Hitler called him his "Ignatius Loyola"? Yes, Hitler was a faithful Catholic and the Jesuits who are higher up all know the truth that WWII was all for the Vatican - to wipe out the Jewish people.

The Jesuit who was ordered to assassinate ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera confessed to his having been ordered by the Vatican to kill Rivera. He went on record with his testimony and I believe he has since left Catholicism and become a Christian. Whether he is still alive or not - I do not know.
The Pope drives some folks crazy when he follows the Bibles teachings. I guess those folks must not be true Christians.

The Jesuit Pope doesn't follow the King James Bible. The Jesuits have been trying to destroy the King James Bible for many centuries - they forbid their own people to read the King James Bible and insist they must read "the Catholic Bible" (which is a false book and not the same thing as the KJV Bible)

Well, based on the Pope's words and my knowledge of the Bible (raised a Baptist), he certainly seems to follow what the Bible teaches us about taking care of God's Earth, helping the poor and the weak, God's attitude about the wealthy and the right thing to do with their wealth and abortion.
Still waiting on that evidence Glock is a big donor to the Catholic Church.
The Pope drives some folks crazy when he follows the Bibles teachings. I guess those folks must not be true Christians.

The Jesuit Pope doesn't follow the King James Bible. The Jesuits have been trying to destroy the King James Bible for many centuries - they forbid their own people to read the King James Bible and insist they must read "the Catholic Bible" (which is a false book and not the same thing as the KJV Bible)

Well, based on the Pope's words and my knowledge of the Bible (raised a Baptist), he certainly seems to follow what the Bible teaches us about taking care of God's Earth, helping the poor and the weak, God's attitude about the wealthy and the right thing to do with their wealth and abortion.

Satan comes as an angel of light. Do not be deceived, Kiwi. Adolf Hitler sounded like a dream come true to many of the German people yet in the end his true nature was revealed. There are Protestants of all denominations who have been deceived by agents of Rome who pretended to be Christian evangelists and protestant preachers - (Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham, Joseph Prince, Pat Robertson, Shuller, Kenneth Copeland, and many others) the Roman Babylon Vatican and it's Pope have many agents out there working for them to bring about this One World Anti Christ Religion. It is part of the great falling away prophesied about by Jesus in Matthrew 24. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 five times not to be deceived. Why? Because in the end days the deception would be very, very great.

My prayer for you, Kiwiman, is that you would not be deceived but that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes and you would see the truth about the agenda of Rome. I have prayed this same prayer for my Jewish friends and God is opening their eyes and confirming the truth. He always does. God is faithful and good. Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one.

In closing, I must warn - people cannot choose any path they feel like following, all paths to not lead to the same place unless the destination is hell. (Interfaithism is not of God)
Given his logic, no supporter of abortion can call themselves a Christian.

Francis has been accused of being present at Black Masses that performed human sacrifice of babies. He has also been accused of the rape of two children - now grown adult women who have said he is a Satanist and the one who raped them. It makes sense when you consider that he had a serial paedophile for his personal Nuncio - and arranged for him to be brought back to Rome before the Dominican Republic could charge the Nuncio with Sexual Crimes against children. Not only that but when the Nuncio returned to Rome - Pope Francis said that the Vatican would hold their own court trial and he would not be tried by the Dominican Republic for his crimes even though that is where they occurred. The Vatican claimed that the Nuncio was under house arrest. They lied.

Just recently a bishop tweeted that he saw the Nuncio walking freely on the streets of Rome (without an escort) so Pope Francis's Nuncio is still permitted to roam the streets for his next victim. When will the world open their eyes and stop believing these liars?

I heard Pope Francis was the second shooter on the grassy knoll. Why won't the Catholic Church answer any questions about the Blue Pope's whereabouts on November 22, 1963?
Given his logic, no supporter of abortion can call themselves a Christian.

Francis has been accused of being present at Black Masses that performed human sacrifice of babies. He has also been accused of the rape of two children - now grown adult women who have said he is a Satanist and the one who raped them. It makes sense when you consider that he had a serial paedophile for his personal Nuncio - and arranged for him to be brought back to Rome before the Dominican Republic could charge the Nuncio with Sexual Crimes against children. Not only that but when the Nuncio returned to Rome - Pope Francis said that the Vatican would hold their own court trial and he would not be tried by the Dominican Republic for his crimes even though that is where they occurred. The Vatican claimed that the Nuncio was under house arrest. They lied.

Just recently a bishop tweeted that he saw the Nuncio walking freely on the streets of Rome (without an escort) so Pope Francis's Nuncio is still permitted to roam the streets for his next victim. When will the world open their eyes and stop believing these liars?

Vatican to indict Nuncio charged with sexual abuse of boys US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's all there - make sure to read the news articles - testimonies of the victims - actions of Pope Francis who protected His Nuncio paedophile even though the Nuncio's own Dominican asst. who procured children to be his victims wrote a letter of confession which the New York Times printed in their newspaper. Also see the charges that Pope Francis was charged with and has avoided prosecution thus far due to Vatican protection. Thanks for reading.
I guess being smart isnt one of the qualifications for being the pope.
But why not? It's obviously not a quality needed to be the president of the free world either.:dunno:

He's a Jesuit. You are not chosen by the Jesuit General (Black Pope) and become chosen for the office of Pope unless you are utterly brilliant and well trained in the art of deception. Jesuits are masters of deceit. See Alberto Rivera - ex - Jesuit testimony by Jack Chick and learn about the Jesuits and why they were formed by Ignaitius Loyola (Founder of the Illuminati).

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