Zone1 Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’

Interesting to watch the Pope be the very main architect of the Church's own decline into a weird cult which, increasingly , decent people wish to distance themselves from .

We Critical Thinkers have seen for some time how this Pope is dismantling the Catholic Church step by step .
He is an Anti Christ , which, of course, is impossible for cult followers to even imagine .

Yet steadily he is making his own church an establishment of fun and ridicule .
Sad that otherwise ordinary cult members who tend to be OK people are having their religion raped by their supposed direct link to God .
And cannot or will not see the obvious .
Even after being told that NewsPunch is a satire-fakenews website, every pedo-screamer is _still_ falling for it.
I made a cursory search and found nothing to corroborate the article in the OP.

Even after being told that NewsPunch is a satire-fakenews website, every pedo-screamer is _still_ falling for it.

And to think that these people vote, and that their vote counts as much as a normal person's.

Some people don't joke about pedos, just you sociopaths do. The joke is on those who who think the story isn't entirely believable these days..
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.
What do you expect from a fake "pope"?

I've been telling people over and over that the Vatican was taken over by NON-Christians in 1958. There is speculation that Pius XII was even murdered so they could do so. I have no problem believing such (although I still lack conclusive evidence).

The Vatican is NOT the Catholic Church. It is where the Church once was found. But just like Jesus was persecuted, the Church He founded is also...
Well I get what he's trying to say, that God loves all his children and forgives their sin, but I can't say that I'm thrilled with how it comes off as a defense of pedophilia. I suppose a person might have an attraction to children but so long as they keep it to themselves and don't actually harm any kids, I suppose that is their business or problem.
I can' understand that attraction

But God does love everyone... just not their hideous sins
Fact Check: Pope Francis Did NOT Declare 'Pedophiles Have A Special Place In Heaven' | Lead Stories

Fact Check: Pope Francis Did NOT Declare 'Pedophiles Have A Special Place In Heaven'​

No one can find any evidence of him saying this or tweeting it.


NewsPunch, originally Your News Wire, is among the most prolific online publishers of fake news. NewsPunch has published numerous fake news articles in the past, so anything it publishes should be taken with a large grain of salt. Its Facebook page, "The People's Voice," lost its verification checkmark, according to a 2018 report from Media Matters For America."

"The image​

The image used in the NewsPunch article shows Pope Francis with a black eye and a small bandage on his eyebrow. It is derived from a real photo by Catholic News Service photographer Paul Haring (archived here and pictured below on the far right). On September 10, 2017, Pope Francis was injured in Cartagena, Colombia when the popemobile stopped short and he lost his balance.

Lead Stories flipped the altered photo (center) to aid in comparing it to the original. The photo has some small edits: It has been reversed, the background color changed, and the color and contrast brightened. This darkens the bruise and accentuates wrinkles, but the black eye and bandage are authentic. There is one additional edit that altered the pope's expression. The corners of his mouth were pulled up slightly while the distance from the lower lip to the jaw was extended."
Here is my take on it. I stay in prayer and devoted to God. I know in the end times wickedness will be in high places. So had he actually said that it does not change my devotion to God and to Jesus Christ. It only shows me we are closer to end times which no one knows when it will be. But we do see evil in high places and all sorts of evil going on. I just stay devoted to God.
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.
Well so many Catholic priests and bishops will be there that it will be a major party.
A faggot usually commits far more rapes than usual, which why they commit from 35% to over 50% of all child rapes while only being 1%-2% of the population. The average faggot pedo commits hundreds of rapes in their pedo careers, an average of 300 or so.
Where did you find those stats?
1 John 3:15
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
Define hate:

Getting angry with your brother is not hate

Disagreeing w/ him is not hate

Reprimanding him because he is on the wrong path... far from hate. Sometimes reprimanding someone on the wrong path is a sacrificial offering to God if it can help save that person's soul
Well so many Catholic priests and bishops will be there that it will be a major party.
"Judge not, lest you be judged for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you." (Jesus)

I hope you are ready for Heaven and ready to go there at this present moment, if death should come (doubt it). Then maybe you can be so certain of the damnation of others you do not actually know
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