Pope Francis Endorses Zionism:

Snouter, et al,

I'm not sure I understand what this means.

The meeting of two middle east cults, one adopted by pathetic, racist Khazars and one adopted by dummies who have never read the New Testament.

How do you define Khazars? What does it have to do with anything?

Most Respectfully,
Link? All he said was he supports a two state solution. Big fookin' deal, that's what the Israelis say too <wink wink>. Ha ha ha.

The UN position is the pre-67 borders for State of Palestine...Then if the Pope supports a two-State solution, then it follows that he supports International Law.
So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
The UN position is the pre-67 borders for State of Palestine...Then if the Pope supports a two-State solution, then it follows that he supports International Law.
So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.

As I said, the Israelis and even the previous Bush administration expressed their interest in a two state solution. A two state solution which also takes into account the current facts on the ground. And with the latest developments in the peace talks, the two state solution just took a nose dive.

Aren't you that Pope Francis endorsed Zionism and its founder, and the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state? Ha ha ha.
So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.

As I said, the Israelis and even the previous Bush administration expressed their interest in a two state solution. A two state solution which also takes into account the current facts on the ground. And with the latest developments in the peace talks, the two state solution just took a nose dive.

Aren't you that Pope Francis endorsed Zionism and its founder, and the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state? Ha ha ha.

You Assume the Pope didn't endorse International Law, Jack Ass...
Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.

As I said, the Israelis and even the previous Bush administration expressed their interest in a two state solution. A two state solution which also takes into account the current facts on the ground. And with the latest developments in the peace talks, the two state solution just took a nose dive.

Aren't you that Pope Francis endorsed Zionism and its founder, and the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state? Ha ha ha.

You Assume the Pope didn't endorse International Law, Jack Ass...
The Pope endorsed Zionism, and he said he would like to see a peaceful resolution and a two state solution, and THAT'S IT, you jerkoff moron.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.

As I said, the Israelis and even the previous Bush administration expressed their interest in a two state solution. A two state solution which also takes into account the current facts on the ground. And with the latest developments in the peace talks, the two state solution just took a nose dive.

Aren't you that Pope Francis endorsed Zionism and its founder, and the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state? Ha ha ha.

You Assume the Pope didn't endorse International Law, Jack Ass...
The Pope endorsed Zionism, and he said he would like to see a peaceful resolution and a two state solution, and THAT'S IT, you jerkoff moron.

Easy , go have a tantrum in a bathroom stall, ZioNazi!
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So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem &#8212; lands Israel captured in the 1967 war &#8212; as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.
well, you say that, but...
Pope tells Abbas of hope for Mideast solution | Reuters
You Assume the Pope didn't endorse International Law, Jack Ass...
The Pope endorsed Zionism, and he said he would like to see a peaceful resolution and a two state solution, and THAT'S IT, you jerkoff moron.

Easy , go have a tantrum in a bathroom stall, ZioNazi!
Ha ha ha. So, to conclude, the Pope did endorse the concept of Zionism by laying a wreath on the tomb of its founder. And you have nothing but wishful thinking and assumptions for what the Pope meant by a two state solution.

Or should I say ASS-umptions.
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Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem &#8212; lands Israel captured in the 1967 war &#8212; as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.
well, you say that, but...
Pope tells Abbas of hope for Mideast solution | Reuters
But----> you have reading comprehension problems. Here's what the article said:

"It is hoped that (the resolution) will encourage the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be reached only by resuming negotiations between the parties, in good faith and according due respect to the rights of both," a Vatican statement said.

Now where does it say "along 67 lines blah blah blah" that douchebag Pbel keeps saying?
The Pope endorsed Zionism, and he said he would like to see a peaceful resolution and a two state solution, and THAT'S IT, you jerkoff moron.

Easy , go have a tantrum in a bathroom stall, ZioNazi!
Ha ha ha. So, to conclude, the Pope did endorse the concept of Zionism by laying a wreath on the tomb of its founder. And you have nothing but wishful thinking and assumptions for what the Pope meant by a two state solution.

Or should I say ASS-umptions.

The article I linked said the pre-67 armistice lines, I'm sure he Vatican would have corrected such an important statement in the article...Frankly, I think the Palestinians will win that point at the UN and Israel's Legitimacy will be answered with further Boycotts, but keep dreaming this Pope of the poor favors the Israeli oppressors!
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Easy , go have a tantrum in a bathroom stall, ZioNazi!
Ha ha ha. So, to conclude, the Pope did endorse the concept of Zionism by laying a wreath on the tomb of its founder. And you have nothing but wishful thinking and assumptions for what the Pope meant by a two state solution.

Or should I say ASS-umptions.

The article I linked said the pre-67 armistice lines, I'm sure he Vatican would have corrected such an important statement in the article...Frankly, I think the Palestinians will win that point at the UN and Israel's Legitimacy will be answered with further Boycotts, but keep dreaming this Pope of the poor favors the Israeli oppressors!
You are dreaming and in denial again. The boycott movement has not worked and will never work, because the people behind it are a bunch of thugs and shysters. George Soros just jumped on the anti BDS bandwagon. Soros' SodaStream Stake Riles BDS Bullies

Do you really think the Pope is stupid enough to draw the geographical lines of a peace deal between two parties which have been at war for decades, before the negotiations have begun and ended? Ha ha ha. Seriously, he's the Pope, not a terrorist worshiping internet dufus.
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The UN position is the pre-67 borders for State of Palestine...Then if the Pope supports a two-State solution, then it follows that he supports International Law.
So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.

No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release
Pope didn't endorse a meaningless UN declaration, you goofball.
well, you say that, but...
Pope tells Abbas of hope for Mideast solution | Reuters
But----> you have reading comprehension problems. Here's what the article said:

"It is hoped that (the resolution) will encourage the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be reached only by resuming negotiations between the parties, in good faith and according due respect to the rights of both," a Vatican statement said.

Now where does it say "along 67 lines blah blah blah" that douchebag Pbel keeps saying?

the vatican endorsed the 2012 un resolution. what lines were used for that? (hint: pre - '67)
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So that's what you're assuming, and you have no real evidence other than your assumptions.


Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.

No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release

Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, “[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967
But----> you have reading comprehension problems. Here's what the article said:

"It is hoped that (the resolution) will encourage the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be reached only by resuming negotiations between the parties, in good faith and according due respect to the rights of both," a Vatican statement said.

Now where does it say "along 67 lines blah blah blah" that douchebag Pbel keeps saying?

the vatican endorsed the 2012 un resolution. what lines were used for that? (hint: pre - '67)
United Nations Official Document
Nope. This is just a meaningless declaration.
Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.

No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release

Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, “[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967
Whoop de do! We saw how far that vote took them. Further building by Israel in the West Bank. :clap2:

And this has what to do with the Vatican? LOL
No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release

Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, “[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967
Whoop de do! We saw how far that vote took them. Further building by Israel in the West Bank. :clap2:

And this has what to do with the Vatican? LOL

Exposed the braying JackAss as he un-presumes!!!:eusa_boohoo:
Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, &#8220;[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967
Whoop de do! We saw how far that vote took them. Further building by Israel in the West Bank. :clap2:

And this has what to do with the Vatican? LOL

Exposed the braying JackAss as he un-presumes!!!:eusa_boohoo:
A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?
Whoop de do! We saw how far that vote took them. Further building by Israel in the West Bank. :clap2:

And this has what to do with the Vatican? LOL

Exposed the braying JackAss as he un-presumes!!!:eusa_boohoo:
A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?

The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...
Exposed the braying JackAss as he un-presumes!!!:eusa_boohoo:
A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?

The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...
Again you are ASS-umjng what you want is the same as what the Pope or Vatican think.

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