Pope Francis Endorses Zionism:

A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?

The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...
Again you are ASS-umjng what you want is the same as what the Pope or Vatican think.

Cry me a River, the Pope and I are both Italians and think alike...This man is a Saint and Justice is his message.
The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...
Again you are ASS-umjng what you want is the same as what the Pope or Vatican think.

Cry me a River, the Pope and I are both Italians and think alike...This man is a Saint and Justice is his message.
The Pope is not Italian, moron.
Again you are ASS-umjng what you want is the same as what the Pope or Vatican think.

Cry me a River, the Pope and I are both Italians and think alike...This man is a Saint and Justice is his message.
The Pope is not Italian, moron.

He was formed by Italian immigrants from Italy, with Italian Catholicism...Since you are Iranian you are not American...

Go polish your gems...
But----> you have reading comprehension problems. Here's what the article said:

"It is hoped that (the resolution) will encourage the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be reached only by resuming negotiations between the parties, in good faith and according due respect to the rights of both," a Vatican statement said.

Now where does it say "along 67 lines blah blah blah" that douchebag Pbel keeps saying?

the vatican endorsed the 2012 un resolution. what lines were used for that? (hint: pre - '67)
United Nations Official Document

Which also stated that 242 and 338 were to be used and they say that the borders have to be mutually agreed. A good starting point is the authors explanation of just what 242 meant. Even that stated that the '67 ceasefire line was not the acceptable borders for peace
Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.

No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release

Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, “[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967

Already ripped you a new one on this, and it is not a UN document. But care to explain why this says that Palestine is not a state.
Exposed the braying JackAss as he un-presumes!!!:eusa_boohoo:
A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?

The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...

What '67 borders, a LINK please that states borders and is signed by Israel and Palestine ?
Pope gives Palestinians boost of support

In November 2012, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem — lands Israel captured in the 1967 war — as a non-member observer. The recognition still has little meaning on the ground, with Israel remaining in full control of east Jerusalem, which it annexed in 1967, and the West Bank.

No it didn't as there is no mention of anything other than the UN accepting the P.A. as observers alongside the PLO. No mention of recognising Palestine in the west bank, gaza and Palestine. As I keep telling you link to the minutes of the UN and not some press release

Legal Implications of the UN General Assembly Vote to Accord Palestine the Status of Observer State | ASIL

In the resolution adopted on November 29, the General Assembly, inter alia, “[r]eaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967

The report that has this to say

In addition, several of the states that voted in favor of the resolution underscored that statehood could only be achieved through dialogue between the parties, implying that Palestine had not yet achieved statehood
A meaningless UN declaration that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, has what to do with the Vatican?

Aren't you glad that the Pope at least lay flowers in the tomb of the founder of Zionism and paid his respects, and didn't let his trip go to waste entirely?

The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...

What '67 borders, a LINK please that states borders and is signed by Israel and Palestine ?
Link that you are sane?
Cry me a River, the Pope and I are both Italians and think alike...This man is a Saint and Justice is his message.
The Pope is not Italian, moron.

He was formed by Italian immigrants from Italy, with Italian Catholicism...Since you are Iranian you are not American...

Go polish your gems...
So I guess that means you are not an American either, my little Mussolini douchebag.

Now if you can show us where any Pope or the Vatican has announced the "borders" for said Israeli or Palestinian state to be formed, el douchè.

And here's this good "Italian" el Papa being a good Zionist and paying his respects, praise to the Allah x 3:

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It seems Peeballs the el douchè thinks he speaks for the Pope and the Vatican.
The Pope is not Italian, moron.

He was formed by Italian immigrants from Italy, with Italian Catholicism...Since you are Iranian you are not American...

Go polish your gems...
So I guess that means you are not an American either, my little Mussolini douchebag. Now if you can show us where any Pope or the Vatican has announced the "borders" for said Israeli or Palestinian state to be formed, el douchè.

And here's this good "Italian" el Papa being a good Zionist and paying his respects, praise to the Allah x 3:

Wrong again, born to an American Citizen overseas Iranian misfit...
He was formed by Italian immigrants from Italy, with Italian Catholicism...Since you are Iranian you are not American...

Go polish your gems...
So I guess that means you are not an American either, my little Mussolini douchebag. Now if you can show us where any Pope or the Vatican has announced the "borders" for said Israeli or Palestinian state to be formed, el douchè.

And here's this good "Italian" el Papa being a good Zionist and paying his respects, praise to the Allah x 3:

Wrong again, born to an American Citizen overseas Iranian misfit...
Right, your Pope is Argentinian you imbecile, and Last I checked my US Passport, I was an American.

Keep putting your hoof in your mouth. Ha ha ha.


Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport

BUENOS AIRES — Pope Francis has renewed his Argentinian passport, according to Argentina’s Ministry of the Interior and Transportation, and his new documents will be sent to St. Martha’s guesthouse at the Vatican.

“His Holiness communicated with Juan Pablo Cafiero, our ambassador to the Vatican, and told him he wished to continue traveling around the world with his Argentinian passport,” said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Therefore, the minister continued, “his application was filed on Friday through the digital center we operate in Rome.”

According to La Nacion newspaper, Randazzo said that Pope Francis did not want any special privileges, and so the normal procedure for filing for a new passport was followed.

The process for obtaining the Pope’s documents is the same as that “followed by all Argentinians,” Randazzo explained, “in which a photo, his fingerprints and his signature were taken in around 15 minutes. In the next few days, he will be receiving it at St. Martha’s residence at the Vatican, which he declared as his residency.”

Randazzo said the Pope’s gesture and his choice to travel the world as the highest representative of the Catholic Church using the same document as any other Argentinian “fills us with pride.”
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So I guess that means you are not an American either, my little Mussolini douchebag. Now if you can show us where any Pope or the Vatican has announced the "borders" for said Israeli or Palestinian state to be formed, el douchè.

And here's this good "Italian" el Papa being a good Zionist and paying his respects, praise to the Allah x 3:

Wrong again, born to an American Citizen overseas Iranian misfit...
Right, your Pope is Argentinian you imbecile, and Last I checked my US Passport, I was an American.
Keep putting your hoof in your mouth. Ha ha ha.

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport

BUENOS AIRES — Pope Francis has renewed his Argentinian passport, according to Argentina’s Ministry of the Interior and Transportation, and his new documents will be sent to St. Martha’s guesthouse at the Vatican.

“His Holiness communicated with Juan Pablo Cafiero, our ambassador to the Vatican, and told him he wished to continue traveling around the world with his Argentinian passport,” said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Therefore, the minister continued, “his application was filed on Friday through the digital center we operate in Rome.”

According to La Nacion newspaper, Randazzo said that Pope Francis did not want any special privileges, and so the normal procedure for filing for a new passport was followed.

The process for obtaining the Pope’s documents is the same as that “followed by all Argentinians,” Randazzo explained, “in which a photo, his fingerprints and his signature were taken in around 15 minutes. In the next few days, he will be receiving it at St. Martha’s residence at the Vatican, which he declared as his residency.”

Randazzo said the Pope’s gesture and his choice to travel the world as the highest representative of the Catholic Church using the same document as any other Argentinian “fills us with pride.”

Yea, an Israeli first Jonathan Pollard type! We trust you!:D:D:D
Wrong again, born to an American Citizen overseas Iranian misfit...
Right, your Pope is Argentinian you imbecile, and Last I checked my US Passport, I was an American.
Keep putting your hoof in your mouth. Ha ha ha.

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport

BUENOS AIRES — Pope Francis has renewed his Argentinian passport, according to Argentina’s Ministry of the Interior and Transportation, and his new documents will be sent to St. Martha’s guesthouse at the Vatican.

“His Holiness communicated with Juan Pablo Cafiero, our ambassador to the Vatican, and told him he wished to continue traveling around the world with his Argentinian passport,” said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Therefore, the minister continued, “his application was filed on Friday through the digital center we operate in Rome.”

According to La Nacion newspaper, Randazzo said that Pope Francis did not want any special privileges, and so the normal procedure for filing for a new passport was followed.

The process for obtaining the Pope’s documents is the same as that “followed by all Argentinians,” Randazzo explained, “in which a photo, his fingerprints and his signature were taken in around 15 minutes. In the next few days, he will be receiving it at St. Martha’s residence at the Vatican, which he declared as his residency.”

Randazzo said the Pope’s gesture and his choice to travel the world as the highest representative of the Catholic Church using the same document as any other Argentinian “fills us with pride.”

Yea, an Israeli first Jonathan Pollard type! We trust you!:D:D:D
Ha ha ha. What freaking nutjobs you terrorist lovers are. Yes, all Joooooos who defend Israel are spies and Jonathan Pollards. No, no anti semetism there, even you repeat typical anti Semetic canards.

So, to recap, after claiming that you're Italian "like the Pope" you then turn around and tell everybody, no, you're American. :cuckoo:
You also claim to be able to read the Pope's mind and the exact location of the un-negotiated and unsettled Israel and Palestine's borders that the Pope desires, even though the Pope hasn't mentioned anything, and you haven't been able to provide any evidence for such a claim. :cuckoo:
And finally, you just decided to create your own rules and laws regarding US citizenship! :cuckoo:

Viva el Douchè Mussolini Peeballs!
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Right, your Pope is Argentinian you imbecile, and Last I checked my US Passport, I was an American.
Keep putting your hoof in your mouth. Ha ha ha.

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport

BUENOS AIRES — Pope Francis has renewed his Argentinian passport, according to Argentina’s Ministry of the Interior and Transportation, and his new documents will be sent to St. Martha’s guesthouse at the Vatican.

“His Holiness communicated with Juan Pablo Cafiero, our ambassador to the Vatican, and told him he wished to continue traveling around the world with his Argentinian passport,” said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Therefore, the minister continued, “his application was filed on Friday through the digital center we operate in Rome.”

According to La Nacion newspaper, Randazzo said that Pope Francis did not want any special privileges, and so the normal procedure for filing for a new passport was followed.

The process for obtaining the Pope’s documents is the same as that “followed by all Argentinians,” Randazzo explained, “in which a photo, his fingerprints and his signature were taken in around 15 minutes. In the next few days, he will be receiving it at St. Martha’s residence at the Vatican, which he declared as his residency.”

Randazzo said the Pope’s gesture and his choice to travel the world as the highest representative of the Catholic Church using the same document as any other Argentinian “fills us with pride.”

Yea, an Israeli first Jonathan Pollard type! We trust you!:D:D:D
Ha ha ha. What freaking nutjobs you terrorist lovers are. Yes, all Joooooos who defend Israel are spies and Jonathan Pollards. No, no anti semetism there, even you repeat typical anti Semetic canards.

So, to recap, after claiming that you're Italian "like the Pope" you then turn around and tell everybody, no, you're American. :cuckoo:
You also claim to be able to read the Pope's mind and the exact location of the un-negotiated and unsettled Israel and Palestine's borders that the Pope desires, even though the Pope hasn't mentioned anything, and you haven't been able to provide any evidence for such a claim. :cuckoo:
And finally, you just decided to create your own rules and laws regarding US citizenship! :cuckoo:

Viva el Douchè Mussolini Peeballs!

All Jooos are not right wing ZioNazis like you...ZioNazis like you who support Settlement building stealing homes of innocent civilians and annexing land that no one has sanctioned are no better than real Nazis, and yes you would betray America in a minute!
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The Pope like everyone else on Planet Earth Support the Palestinian State to the 67 borders, like myself which makes us all endorse a Jewish safe-haven and a peace.

We are all Zionists...

What '67 borders, a LINK please that states borders and is signed by Israel and Palestine ?
Link that you are sane?

Well it seems that you aren't as you keep pushing these '67 borders that are a figment of your imagination. So produce a link that details these '67 borders that according to UN 242 have to be negotiated and mutually agreed by Israel and its neighbours.
Wrong again, born to an American Citizen overseas Iranian misfit...
Right, your Pope is Argentinian you imbecile, and Last I checked my US Passport, I was an American.
Keep putting your hoof in your mouth. Ha ha ha.

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Pope Francis Renews Argentinian Passport

BUENOS AIRES — Pope Francis has renewed his Argentinian passport, according to Argentina’s Ministry of the Interior and Transportation, and his new documents will be sent to St. Martha’s guesthouse at the Vatican.

“His Holiness communicated with Juan Pablo Cafiero, our ambassador to the Vatican, and told him he wished to continue traveling around the world with his Argentinian passport,” said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Therefore, the minister continued, “his application was filed on Friday through the digital center we operate in Rome.”

According to La Nacion newspaper, Randazzo said that Pope Francis did not want any special privileges, and so the normal procedure for filing for a new passport was followed.

The process for obtaining the Pope’s documents is the same as that “followed by all Argentinians,” Randazzo explained, “in which a photo, his fingerprints and his signature were taken in around 15 minutes. In the next few days, he will be receiving it at St. Martha’s residence at the Vatican, which he declared as his residency.”

Randazzo said the Pope’s gesture and his choice to travel the world as the highest representative of the Catholic Church using the same document as any other Argentinian “fills us with pride.”

Yea, an Israeli first Jonathan Pollard type! We trust you!:D:D:D

Would that be the same as a Palestinian mass murderer first Arafat type like you ?
Yea, an Israeli first Jonathan Pollard type! We trust you!:D:D:D
Ha ha ha. What freaking nutjobs you terrorist lovers are. Yes, all Joooooos who defend Israel are spies and Jonathan Pollards. No, no anti semetism there, even you repeat typical anti Semetic canards.

So, to recap, after claiming that you're Italian "like the Pope" you then turn around and tell everybody, no, you're American. :cuckoo:
You also claim to be able to read the Pope's mind and the exact location of the un-negotiated and unsettled Israel and Palestine's borders that the Pope desires, even though the Pope hasn't mentioned anything, and you haven't been able to provide any evidence for such a claim. :cuckoo:
And finally, you just decided to create your own rules and laws regarding US citizenship! :cuckoo:

Viva el Douchè Mussolini Peeballs!

All Jooos are not right wing ZioNazis like you...ZioNazis like you who support Settlement building stealing homes of innocent civilians and annexing land that no one has sanctioned are no better than real Nazis, and yes you would betray America in a minute!

Would that be the same as the ISLAMONAZIS that have stolen homes, property and land from the Jews since 1948. Forcibly removing them from the nations they lived in contrary to the LoN charter and the mandate, then compounding this by being in breach of the UN charters they have signed that say the same things. Is it any wonder that fully 50% of all the worlds muslims are ISLAMONAZIS and the majority come from the M.E. How many have betrayed their adopted nations and their oaths to save lives in the name of their false prophet and fake moon god.
It seems Peeballs the el douchè thinks he speaks for the Pope and the Vatican.

Are you not doing the same when you assume the simple act of laying flowers at a grave means anything more then an act of respect for the country he is visiting? Please show us a statement by Pope Francis saying he totally endorses Zionism.

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