Pope puts final nail in the coffin. Socialist revolution is complete.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle
Calm down it's not the first time the compassionate philosophy of Jesus has moved hateful hypocrites to insanity, don't run out and crucify anyone.
Who's insane? You know, people have been calling this for months. People thought Rush was crazy. Maybe he was right.
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.
SwimExpert is complete wrong about "Pope puts final nail in the coffin. Socialist revolution is complete."

Swim, listen to the Pope and not to Rush for your understanding about Catholicism.
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.

Francis is simply applying the teachings of Jesus to today's society.

His words and actions are bringing many who left the church to return. And, as the various levels of church hierarchy follow his example, many, many will follow.
SwimExpert is complete wrong about "Pope puts final nail in the coffin. Socialist revolution is complete."

Swim, listen to the Pope and not to Rush for your understanding about Catholicism.

But he did predict this policy swing quite recently, didn't he?
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

If it did that, it would no longer have the capacity to minister to the people. It would cease to exist.
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

How many other enterprises have been in existence for One Thousand Six Hundred And Fifty years?

The riches the Church has were mostly gifts from past Kings and Emperors. Nothing from us.

I'm not Catholic but you idiots need to find another whipping boy. How about Islam?

They murder people by the bushel basket ever day in the name of their child molesting, baby-raping, conquering, murdering prophet.


No wait!!!!

They're badass, those muslim scum!! They might actually fight back.

Typical liberal scum. Always attacking people they know won't fight back...

Especially Christians. Their second favorite target is Republicans because they have too much class to stoop to their level..... Actually, they'd have to dig a hole to get down to the level of dimocraps

liberals are the scum of the Earth.

Time to take the gloves off, people
SwimExpert is complete wrong about "Pope puts final nail in the coffin. Socialist revolution is complete."

Swim, listen to the Pope and not to Rush for your understanding about Catholicism.

But he did predict this policy swing quite recently, didn't he?

Anybody could do that, so Rush ain't special.

The church should be about mercy and justice to the poor, infirm, and old.

These are principles our far reactionary right in our GOP need to grasp.
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Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Yeah, let the Roman Catholic Church give up all its properties, and all its riches and let the government run all the hospitals and schools and charities which are now run by the Roman Catholic Church.

What a happy world that would be!
The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle

If the head of the Catholic Church declares that Catholicism is not the one true religion then there is no reason to be Catholic anymore. It is grossly a-historical as well as philosophically absurd.
Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

OK, let us suppose for the moment that not only the Catholic Church, but ALL the millionaires and billionaires and politicians gave up and redistributed their wealth, so total equality, total justice and total fairness is achieved, at last.

Dollars to doughnut that within ten years all those who had been poor prior to this redistribution, would be just as poor as they were before and those who were rich, would be just as rich again.

If you have any illusions about the kind of fairness and justice and equality you advocate, move to this far away land, called Utopia.
The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle


This pope will likely be credited with saving the Church.
Pope Francis spent his years in South America where he was heavily influenced by Liberation Theology.

Liberation theology[1] is a political movement in Roman Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.[3]
Although liberation theology has grown into an international and inter-denominational movement, it began as a movement within the Catholic Church in Latin America in the 1950s–1960s. Liberation theology arose principally as a moral reaction to the poverty caused by social injustice in that region. The term was coined in 1971 by the Peruvian priest Gustavo Gutiérrez, who wrote one of the movement's most famous books, A Theology of Liberation. Other noted exponents are Leonardo Boff of Brazil, Jon Sobrino of Spain, Óscar Romero of El Salvador, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay.[4][5]
The influence of liberation theology diminished after proponents were accused of using "Marxist concepts" leading to admonishment by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in 1984 and 1986. The Vatican criticized certain strains of liberation theology for focusing on institutionalized or systemic sin, apparently to the exclusion of individual offenders and offences; and for identifying Catholic Church hierarchy in South America as members of the same privileged class that had long been oppressing indigenous populations since the arrival of Pizarro onward.[6]

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After Argentina’s return to civilian rule in 1983, then-Bishop Bergoglio was dogged by rumors that he had done little to oppose the military dictatorship, under which some 30,000 people had been killed. Some even suggested that he had been involved in the arrest and torture of two of his priests, who were putting the message of Medellín into practice by organizing slum dwellers. Subsequent investigations have cleared him of any complicity. The consensus of informed opinion on this affair was best summed up by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, the left-wing Argentine writer and activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980: “Perhaps he didn’t have the courage of other priests, but he never collaborated.” In any case, Bergoglio has told friends that he wishes he had acted differently and will try not to make such a mistake in the future. But now, as the first South American pope, just where does he stand on the most important theological contribution ever made by his continent to Christian theology?

What Bergoglio has said and done since his selection indicates that the message of Medellín and the example of Romero have indeed shaped him and could inform his papacy

Liberation theology is an off shoot of Catholicism. It is not Catholicism.
Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

If it did that, it would no longer have the capacity to minister to the people. It would cease to exist.

I guess I will not be repenting any time soon then?

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