Pope puts final nail in the coffin. Socialist revolution is complete.

Tell you what, when the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them to the poor and down trodden let me know because the end will be truly near.

Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.


So that is what you think the Bible is?
Have you ever read the New Testament lately or ever?
Don't you EVER have anything new and original to post?

You took this right out of a socialist/progressive handbook. Probably the one Ayers wrote and Obumbler lives by.



If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

OK, let us suppose for the moment that not only the Catholic Church, but ALL the millionaires and billionaires and politicians gave up and redistributed their wealth, so total equality, total justice and total fairness is achieved, at last.

Dollars to doughnut that within ten years all those who had been poor prior to this redistribution, would be just as poor as they were before and those who were rich, would be just as rich again.

If you have any illusions about the kind of fairness and justice and equality you advocate, move to this far away land, called Utopia.

The reason why Jesus commanded rich people to give up their riches to the poor was to allow them into the Utopia of the Kingdom of God, the ultimate Utopia.
I love to watch self described conservative Christians struggling to remain self righteous in the face of the actual teachings of Jesus. Were he to come back for another shot at saving our sorry asses these modern pharisees would crucify him all over again. Anytime we feed the hungry, heal the sick or stand up for the downtrodden we practice true religion, everything else is just ritualistic hokum.
Who's insane? You know, people have been calling this for months. People thought Rush was crazy. Maybe he was right.

No, he’s crazy, and wrong as usual.

Either the OP isn’t Catholic or doesn’t understand his faith, as the Pope’s statements comport with fundamental Catholic dogma.

"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

Translation: all men are sinners, consequently no man is in any position to judge another, or to deny another seeking a personal relationship with Christ. All are welcome to enter the Church in good faith with the understanding that god alone knows the truth, and will judge one’s intent accordingly.

The reason why many conservative Christians are having a problem with the Pope is they’ve forgotten how to be Christians.
I love to watch self described conservative Christians struggling to remain self righteous in the face of the actual teachings of Jesus. Were he to come back for another shot at saving our sorry asses these modern pharisees would crucify him all over again. Anytime we feed the hungry, heal the sick or stand up for the downtrodden we practice true religion, everything else is just ritualistic hokum.

So the "real" teachings of Jesus are that Satan does not exist, and that all religions are true?
Who's insane? You know, people have been calling this for months. People thought Rush was crazy. Maybe he was right.

No, he’s crazy, and wrong as usual.

Either the OP isn’t Catholic or doesn’t understand his faith, as the Pope’s statements comport with fundamental Catholic dogma.

"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

Translation: all men are sinners, consequently no man is in any position to judge another, or to deny another seeking a personal relationship with Christ. All are welcome to enter the Church in good faith with the understanding that god alone knows the truth, and will judge one’s intent accordingly.

The reason why many conservative Christians are having a problem with the Pope is they’ve forgotten how to be Christians.

Mate, I'm the original poster. ;) I understand Catholicism pretty well. And I understand what you're saying. But do you really believe that fundamental Catholic dogma is that Satan does not exist? Or that Jesus wants all countries to adopt an open border policy? Or that "The Bible is a beautiful holy book, but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated." Or that all religions are true, in contradiction to the Nicene Creed?
In other words, you are stating that what you think today is more important than what the words of Christ were 2000 years ago. Very strange that you would even consider yourself to be a Christian with that viewpoint. Our Diest founding fathers understood Christ's message far better than you will ever understand it.
The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle

You have to drink a lot of Rush Limbaugh's and Glenn Beck's and Sarah Palin's piss to believe this story is true.

You also have to be pretty stupid to believe there is a Third Vatican Council going on that was only mentioned on that site. If there really was a Third Vatican Council, it would be headline news the world over.

The original content on this blog is largely satirical.

“I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.

It is in the spirit of the above quote that I write. Who am I you may ask? My name is Erik Thorson. I created this blog for my own personal amusement.

Disclaimer | Diversity Chronicle
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The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle
"Diversity Chronicle", interesting name for a blog that lists Pat Buchanan as a contributor.
Thanks swim for a jaw dropping post. I just read it to my wife and she said well they've finally got their own Obama. Could you write this any better if you were trying to create a one world order. And you know the world is upside down when a black African cardinal asks if you white people have gone stupid.
There are so many layers to this article I don't know where to start. Let's start with the tone of the writer who is so progressively biased he needs a drip rag, a common condition of most of the media. Then let's take how the pope uses extremes to make his case, hate and racism are continually cited as the condition that most of us have.
Let's leave Jesus out of it for a minute and use some logic. If as Francis claims there is no hell then can there be a heaven? Who is Francis to claim that some passages of the bible are outdated or irrelevant, then why can't we just choose the ones we want?(think constitution needs to be redone) and as one has already posted if we all are just supposed to be love robots why do we need a pope or even spiritual guidance? And why whether it is liberals and Obama or the pope are those with little or no money always saints and those who strive and produce and have any money devils?
Tolerance does not mean acceptance. Let's ask this question, while Jesus didn't judge Mary magdalen for being as prostitute would Jesus if he had a daughter advocate her to go into the prostitution profession.
Soon the western world will have no guidelines for human behavior. Soon the only evil people will be those that judge others of evil acts. Pedophiles will be due unconditional love because they are humans. There will be a collision of reality and naïveté and guess who is going to win?
why on earth wouldn't we invite communists to Church? Shouldn't we be inviting everyone? How are we suppose to convert them to the truth if we tell thm they cant come?
The Catholic church is now dead. And Francis has killed it. In his capacity as the infallible leader of the church, Pope Francis has declared that Catholic dogma now holds that all religions are true, Hell does not exist, atheism is a form of acknowledging God, Satan is a theological metaphor for the collective evils of humanity, and that a non-open border immigration policy in any country is the premier form of such evils in today's world.

But perhaps most telling is this tidbit.

Pope Francis said:
"For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”

We saw this coming months ago, though I don't think anyone could have imagined that it would happen so soon, so fast. Nostradomus predicted that the End Times would begin with the fall of the Church. I'd say we're here.

Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That ?All Religions Are True? At Historic Third Vatican Council | Diversity Chronicle
"Diversity Chronicle", interesting name for a blog that lists Pat Buchanan as a contributor.

Because having Buchanan is not diverse?
Leftists are in favor of diversity. Everything from Maoism to Stalinism.

If the Catholic Church gives up it properties and all it's riches and starts redistributing them I'll repent, go back to school and stop doing......

OK, let us suppose for the moment that not only the Catholic Church, but ALL the millionaires and billionaires and politicians gave up and redistributed their wealth, so total equality, total justice and total fairness is achieved, at last.

Dollars to doughnut that within ten years all those who had been poor prior to this redistribution, would be just as poor as they were before and those who were rich, would be just as rich again.

If you have any illusions about the kind of fairness and justice and equality you advocate, move to this far away land, called Utopia.

The reason why Jesus commanded rich people to give up their riches to the poor was to allow them into the Utopia of the Kingdom of God, the ultimate Utopia.

I'll take you on any day.

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