Pope / Vatican Tells 'Devout Catholic' Biden Not To Attend Funeral - 1st Catholic President in 60 Years Not To Attend Pope's Funeral

There are many different interpretations of the holy word and the holy works of our lord.

To be fair to your point Catholic leaders and individuals of history were about stealing money, corruption and greed. Yet other Catholics of history stood for the message of Jesus. …. men like Robin Hood and Richard the Lionheart and so many more heroes of Catholic history. To serve the poor to stand up for what is right to be a knight of the church. It’s always been fascinating that during the middle ages you know the so-called time that has been around to see your fridge was the dark ages that you had all of the stories of valor and heroics that were produced by Catholics stories which taught us the difference between right and wrong. Stories that taught us how to stand up to bullies. Think of the “swan knight “

The point is undeniably crystal clear even if somebody criticizes the Catholic Church there have been billions of Catholics throughout history who have served the poor, they build hospitals they build schools because that is the message of our Lord and Savior Jesus. To this day Catholic charities is the largest organized charity group in the world. catholic churches exist all around the world and Catholic schools play a huge role in bringing health and education services to impoverished communities.

Look at the knights hospitaller, founded by the Blessed brother Gérard… all glory to God all glory to these people. Even in combat these knights would give medical assistance to their Muslim and other non-Christian enemies. This order of knighthood has lasted 1000 years and will last as God wills it. If you are into ninjas in samurai you have every reason to admire the Catholic Church. If you are into Buddhist warrior culture you have every single reason to admire Catholicism. You choose to view Catholics with history as being into corruption and money but you can also choose to read the plethora of books, short stories diaries written during the middle ages showing you that Catholics of the middle ages deeply cared about helping the poor and they would tell stories to their children about donating money to charity and fighting for what is right. So it’s up to you

Christians don’t believe in evil … people are capable of evil that’s a massive difference brother….. With Christianity it’s about helping the poor, being strong, being healthy, being physically fit, being a nice person to others. And I’ve seen in response people talk about decadence corruption money that is an issue that affects all of humanity. Otoh Jesus brought us a message of love of glory.

Catholic popes, catholic layman and priests have differed throughout the years in how they approach worldly matters my friend. Some have lived up to the message of Jesus others not so much.
Hi there, I am not a deep religious scholar, I was a Jewish boy raised as a Catholic by parents who hid my Jewish heritage from me as a boy! However I am a very well educated adult who knows exactly how to read, and at the invitation of a friend of mine, a Christian(real one)I popped the pages on several different translations of the bible, and I read them. I was surprised so to speak to discover that neither God, nor Jesus Christ told anyone that the way to salvation was via the demon Astarte, Ashtaroth, or Baal/Tammuz, indeed its stated in no uncertain terms by Jesus that the only way to salvation is strictly through him, he is the one and only intercessor on behalf of man, period!

How many hail Mary's have you said in life, especially as a child??? That women you pray to, she is not the mother of Christ, she is the Sumerian demon Ashtaroth/Astarte, in Babylon she was Semiramis, and her son Tammuz, the latter of whom was torn to pieces by wild animals, provoking Semiramis into gathering up his dismembered body into a basket, placing that basket upon the banks of a river and then mourning him for forty days and forty nights, resulting in Tammuz miraculously rising from dead on day forty, does this sound familiar at all to you? It should, because that is precisely what the Roman Church translated into what is called "Lent," and I can absolutely guarantee you that you will find no such instructions to worship at the feet of Astarte and her son baal by Jesus Christ in order to secure access to him and salvation!

Have you heard the term, "whore of Babylon," I once considered such to be metaphor, not after reading those several bibles though, I now consider that to be a reference to an actual being, and we need not look far to find that being, she is the Mary image all Catholics pray to, and she is not, repeat NOT who they have all been trained to believe she is, and that means in no uncertain terms that all who kneel to that demon are against God, whether they know such or not! Did you know that the popes of Rome utterly forbade the reading of the bible by "uhh" rank & file Catholics for some four hundred years, that they burned you at the stake if you read the bible, did you know about that?

Why might that be??? Read it my friend so that the truth may set you free....

BTW, regarding your position declaring all the good works of Catholics, such while decent to your fellow man, does absolutely nothing, literally nothing to save you, that is not me saying that either, there are dozens of other such statements attesting to the failure of human endeavors to get you across the finish line.....

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."
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"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral

I'll ignore it. If he wants to play politics, I will too.
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral

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What a burn..

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