Poppy shaming

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Tory MP should 'resign' after complaining about having to buy Remembrance Sunday wreaths for UK war-dead | Evolve Politics

Kicks off early this year as a Tory MP tries to wriggle out of supporting his extrange wife and their two kids.

On Remembrance Sunday I buy five wreaths for the five main services, I will attend three and I will read the names at all of them.
It is now de rigeur that MPs can’t put in claims for wreaths or travel. £175 on wreaths it will cost me, £200 [including travel] to be the MP of North West Leicestershire on that Remembrance Sunday.
Something I do gladly but which is not appreciated by the general public.

I am normally against poppy shaming bt this arse has just set a new low.
Oh I thought is was about a flower. Papaver Somniferum. Never mind.
What started as a way to raise funds for veterans has now turned into a feeding frenzy for the easily offended.

Last weekend, Irish footballer James McClean maintained his refusal to wear the poppy. In his eyes, wearing the poppy would disrespect the people who died on Bloody Sunday. Indeed, the 2010 Saville Report itself concluded that British paratroopers shot and killed fleeing unarmed civilians.
So, was McClean respected for his well-reasoned opinion? What do you think? A Twitter-storm soon ensued as the player was branded as “scum of the highest order”, “a terrorist sympathiser” and it was recommended that he should be put in a “hole full of rats”. Basically, lovely comments from the ever-understanding British public, all good-hearted people who just want to do something nice for our fallen heroes.

What these stupid fucks dont realise is that it has no meaning if it has to be enforced. So from October to the 11th of November you will see every news reader wearing a poppy handed to them by a producer before they go on air. Every politician will also be handed one by an aide. Its a farce.

Even worse. The symbol has been hijacked by Tillys friends in Britain First.
Britain First hijacking the poppy is a vile insult to veterans like

These scumbags also piggy back on the poppy sales but their funds go to fund hate rather than help ex squaddies.

Its a sad state of affairs for something that did genuine good and brought the nation together.

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