Porsche is replacing gasoline with air and water

Despite some governments hurting their own competitiveness by pigeon-holing vital energy technology directions and mandates, a German company is working of their own solution, not just saying "electric is the future!"

Adapt or perish. The Free Market at work as it always should have been. Instead, governments have been putting their thumbs of the scale, interfering and socially engineering and rewarding companies who will become lazy due to the free tax handouts.

Porsche is replacing gasoline with air and water​

Porsches race like the wind and will soon be running on it in a roundabout way.

The automaker has filled up a 911 for the first time with a new synthetic fuel created out of thin air … and water.

The eFuel was developed by a company called Highly Innovative Fuels that the automaker has invested in as a hedge against being forded to go all-electric in the zero carbon future.

The company makes the fuel at a wind-powered plant in Punta Arenas, Chile, near the tip of South America, where the wind blows an average of 270 days per year
Porsche is replacing gasoline with air and water
This has to be better than EVs.

Prolly Teslas are the best EVs. If you own one, then would your next car be another Tesla?

I'm glad I got a hybrid and can still use gasoline. I still charge the car at home and at regular chargers, but it takes too long (even to get to 80%. Have yet to try the Tesla Supercharger with an adapter.
EV's can't replace gasoline 1 for 1 and it's most likely that a variety of different solutions can't either.
Why is it taking so long to understand that mass transit is the only way for the future.
And of course that has to include less long commutes that can't be either walked or biked.
Hydrogen seems like the only logical alternative to gasoline, but government are pushing battery powered cars
Hydrogen seems like the only logical alternative to gasoline, but government are pushing battery powered cars
Dream on.

EVs are already being mass produced and today it's a matter of who has the best charging system. Tesla Supercharging looks to be the new standard with its connector and number of chargers, but like with gas stations, there should be other connector "standards."

The question is how long will gas vehicles be produced? It may not go away for a long time even if EVs catch on fire.

I doubt EVs will be a LOT more greener than gas as 23% of electricity comes from coal-fired plants, with a 54 kilowatt-hour (kWh) battery and a cathode made of nickel, cobalt and aluminum, among other variables.
Dream on.

EVs are already being mass produced and today it's a matter of who has the best charging system. Tesla Supercharging looks to be the new standard with its connector and number of chargers, but like with gas stations, there should be other connector "standards."

The question is how long will gas vehicles be produced? It may not go away for a long time even if EVs catch on fire.

I doubt EVs will be a LOT more greener than gas as 23% of electricity comes from coal-fired plants, with a 54 kilowatt-hour (kWh) battery and a cathode made of nickel, cobalt and aluminum, among other variables.
Battery powered cars are too impractical and an environmental nightmare. Government wants it. Right now we don't have the infrastructure to support it, and we never will. This is what happens when government tries to force the not so free market on the masses
The best way to encourage innovation is to leave it to private industry without Government intervention. The space sector is the perfect example of companies stepping up. Nothing in history was ever made better by Government sticking it's bloated bureaucratic nose into it.
Well, except when run by Republicans, the U.S. Military cannot be matched by private industry.
Despite some governments hurting their own competitiveness by pigeon-holing vital energy technology directions and mandates, a German company is working of their own solution, not just saying "electric is the future!"

Adapt or perish. The Free Market at work as it always should have been. Instead, governments have been putting their thumbs of the scale, interfering and socially engineering and rewarding companies who will become lazy due to the free tax handouts.

Porsche is replacing gasoline with air and water​

Porsches race like the wind and will soon be running on it in a roundabout way.

The automaker has filled up a 911 for the first time with a new synthetic fuel created out of thin air … and water.

The eFuel was developed by a company called Highly Innovative Fuels that the automaker has invested in as a hedge against being forded to go all-electric in the zero carbon future.

The company makes the fuel at a wind-powered plant in Punta Arenas, Chile, near the tip of South America, where the wind blows an average of 270 days per year
I wonder how much energy goes into the production of that fuel per gallon.

And what is the source of that energy? I suspect it isn’t water and air.

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