Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian POC Woman Who Saved Republican Lives


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian POC Woman Who Saved Republican Lives
Last edited Thu Jun 15, 2017, 05:42 PM
Both Griner and Bailey are minorities. Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. In 2015, Griner married Tiffany Dyar in Baltimore.

It’s not that people should be defined by their skin color, gender, or who they love. But in this case, these details are important enough to focus on for a moment.

Capitol Police special agents Crystal Griner and David Bailey are widely credited with saving Republican lawmakers and staff during the horrific shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that left Representative Steve Scalise in the hospital in critical condition.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said of them during a House floor speech, “We are, as ever, awed by the tremendous bravery of the Capitol Police.”

Both Griner and Bailey were wounded.

Both Griner and Bailey are POCs.

Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. Griner married Tiffany Dyar in 2015.

As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:


more in link:
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian Minority Woman Who Saved Republican Lives

Well, saved his life...
As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:

Oh the irony..............
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian POC Woman Who Saved Republican Lives
Last edited Thu Jun 15, 2017, 05:42 PM
Both Griner and Bailey are minorities. Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. In 2015, Griner married Tiffany Dyar in Baltimore.

It’s not that people should be defined by their skin color, gender, or who they love. But in this case, these details are important enough to focus on for a moment.

Capitol Police special agents Crystal Griner and David Bailey are widely credited with saving Republican lawmakers and staff during the horrific shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that left Representative Steve Scalise in the hospital in critical condition.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said of them during a House floor speech, “We are, as ever, awed by the tremendous bravery of the Capitol Police.”

Both Griner and Bailey were wounded.

Both Griner and Bailey are POCs.

Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. Griner married Tiffany Dyar in 2015.

As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:


more in link:
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian Minority Woman Who Saved Republican Lives

Well, saved his life...

I thought you were leaving?
As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:

Oh the irony..............

She did her job, and did it well. I doubt she would be one to make this political, that's up to hacks like you.

I'm sure she knew his positions. I wonder if people like you are even capable of shedding your politics like she did.
As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:

Oh the irony..............

She did her job, and did it well. I doubt she would be one to make this political, that's up to hacks like you.

I'm sure she knew his positions. I wonder if people like you are even capable of shedding your politics like she did.

Will Scalise thank Griner and her spouse?
or only Griner?

Think of it...

Just as Scalise's spouse was horrified at the shooting, Griner's spouse went through the same thing
A spouse Scalise does not recognize
As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:

Oh the irony..............

She did her job, and did it well. I doubt she would be one to make this political, that's up to hacks like you.

I'm sure she knew his positions. I wonder if people like you are even capable of shedding your politics like she did.

Will Scalise thank Griner and her spouse?
or only Griner?

Only hacks like you think of things like this.

Why would he thank both? Are you as concerned about the spouse (if any) of the other officer?
Ironic isn't it.
No. Not at all. Telling, how you think it is. Is shows that you know very little about those you choose to make your enemies. That's a dangerous level of laziness....

She saved someone who has a spoken to a white supremacist group and said he is David Duke without the baggage, (what does that mean-http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/31/report-scalises-pitch-20-years-ago-im-david-duke-without-the-baggage/, is anti SSM, and got a A rating from the NRA.

Yes very ironic.
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As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:

Oh the irony..............

She did her job, and did it well. I doubt she would be one to make this political, that's up to hacks like you.

I'm sure she knew his positions. I wonder if people like you are even capable of shedding your politics like she did.

Will Scalise thank Griner and her spouse?
or only Griner?

Only hacks like you think of things like this.

Why would he thank both? Are you as concerned about the spouse (if any) of the other officer?

I tend to see spouses invited to these recognition ceremonies for police officers. Scalise does not even recognize her spouse

Griners spouse was as concerned about the shooting as Scalise's, that is what spouses do .....yet Scalise does not recognize their marriage
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We need to get past congratulating people for being lesbians, minorities or whatever, and simply recognizing them for their deeds.

No one anywhere would suggest that a straight-white male cop or fireman saved lives, even if those were the lives of a "progressive protected group".

Btw, what happened to the goodbye-cruel world whine Matt?
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian POC Woman Who Saved Republican Lives
Last edited Thu Jun 15, 2017, 05:42 PM
Both Griner and Bailey are minorities. Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. In 2015, Griner married Tiffany Dyar in Baltimore.

It’s not that people should be defined by their skin color, gender, or who they love. But in this case, these details are important enough to focus on for a moment.

Capitol Police special agents Crystal Griner and David Bailey are widely credited with saving Republican lawmakers and staff during the horrific shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that left Representative Steve Scalise in the hospital in critical condition.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said of them during a House floor speech, “We are, as ever, awed by the tremendous bravery of the Capitol Police.”

Both Griner and Bailey were wounded.

Both Griner and Bailey are POCs.

Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. Griner married Tiffany Dyar in 2015.

As ESPN’s LZ Granderson pointed out, Griner saved the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposed to same-sex marriage:


more in link:
Portrait of an American Hero: The Lesbian Minority Woman Who Saved Republican Lives

Well, saved his life...
Interesting how most of America sees a heroic cop...Yet you lefties are seeing a black, lesbian... The left's prejudice shines through yet again! Didn't take long either... I've never understood why y'all consider your brand of "ism" to be morally superior...
"Both Griner and Bailey are minorities. Crystal Griner is a female minority, who just so happens to be married to a woman. In 2015, Griner married Tiffany Dyar in Baltimore.

It’s not that people should be defined by their skin color, gender, or who they love. But in this case, these details are important enough to focus on for a moment."

The article defines both cops by their minority status, and then states that people should not be defined by their minority status.

Liberals: All the self awarness of a turnip.
Ironic isn't it.
No. Not at all. Telling, how you think it is. Is shows that you know very little about those you choose to make your enemies. That's a dangerous level of laziness....

She saved someone who has a history of being white supremacist, is anti SSM, and got a A rating from the NRA.

Yes very ironic.

Care to back up the white supremacist thing?

Most you MIGHT get, is a list of programs that he thinks is "anti black" because, he disagrees with them.

And you probably won't even get that much.
Until people stop qualifying, well everything, equality will never be attained.

That she is gay, not white, married is not important ... unless it is.

Phony leftists are phony.
Ironic isn't it.
No. Not at all. Telling, how you think it is. Is shows that you know very little about those you choose to make your enemies. That's a dangerous level of laziness....

She saved someone who has a history of being white supremacist, is anti SSM, and got a A rating from the NRA.

Yes very ironic.

Care to back up the white supremacist thing?

I'm sure you have google, they took it off his wiki article , so don't check there, they took it off when they put his shooting on it.

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