Post Office failing - will so called Constitutionalists save it?

i dont care what it costs, my mail lady is hot, please dont stop sending her,

i'll pay taxes again someday i promise! More debt! Damn the teaparty!

“Labor costs account for 80 percent of USPS operating expenses. Yet because of union contracts that contain “no-layoff” clauses, thousands have less than a full day’s work, and some are even paid to sit in empty rooms.”

Hidden in Obama

Labor union strangling USPS like they did the US Auto industry
“Labor costs account for 80 percent of USPS operating expenses. Yet because of union contracts that contain “no-layoff” clauses, thousands have less than a full day’s work, and some are even paid to sit in empty rooms.”

Hidden in Obama

Labor union strangling USPS like they did the US Auto industry

The post office is failing because they haven't figured out what efficiency means.
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance
The Postal Service said it lost $5.7 billion during the nine-month period ended June 30, compared to $5.4 billion in the same period of 2010.

why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?

Two good first steps:

1. Close 40,000 post offices.
2. Reduce the delivery of mail to every other day with no delivery on Sundays.

With these two steps, the cost of the service would be cut in half.
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance
The Postal Service said it lost $5.7 billion during the nine-month period ended June 30, compared to $5.4 billion in the same period of 2010.
why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?

Why do you suddenly care about the enumerated powers?

That aside, Congress has the power to establish post offices, it does not have a duty to keep them going even when they are uneconomical.
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance

why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?

The Post Office - about as efficient as the DMV

Talk about fraud, waste and abuse

Another government run failure.

LOL!!! That's hilarious. I can send a letter to anywhere in the entire U.S. for less than 50 cents. Aint much you can get for less than 50 cents nowadays.

The USPS isn't designed to be as efficient as possible, BTW - its designed to provide mail service to every American. Many private businesses would consider the placement of one of their stores in bumfuck, alabama or nowhere oklahoma to be a waste - but these private businesses have no constitutional duty to fulfill like the USPS.

What is really hilarious is I can send an email to anywhere in the world for nothing, why would I spend 50 cents on a letter?
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance
The Postal Service said it lost $5.7 billion during the nine-month period ended June 30, compared to $5.4 billion in the same period of 2010.

why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?
Ok..Here's a fix....Get rid of all the dead wood employees. The middle and upper level management that spend their days shining a chair with their ass while trying to figure out how to keep their cushy jobs, throw those do-nothings out to the private sector as well.
Second. Get rid of the union that represents the workers, cut wages to realistic levels, put the workers on the Social Security system, remove their pensions and put them on 401k's, make them pay more into their health insurance costs.
These people think the country cannot survive without them. That's why they care not about customers or productivity. And that's why the USPS bleeds money.
BTW, ask around and see how many people actually use the Snail Mail system?...Bet it's less than half.
The Post Office - about as efficient as the DMV

Talk about fraud, waste and abuse

Another government run failure.

LOL!!! That's hilarious. I can send a letter to anywhere in the entire U.S. for less than 50 cents. Aint much you can get for less than 50 cents nowadays.

The USPS isn't designed to be as efficient as possible, BTW - its designed to provide mail service to every American. Many private businesses would consider the placement of one of their stores in bumfuck, alabama or nowhere oklahoma to be a waste - but these private businesses have no constitutional duty to fulfill like the USPS.

The only people getting mail these days are inbred white trash bigots, like you, delivered to their trailers. People pay all bills electronically now. Any packages that need to come in/go out are handled professionally by UPS or Fedex (Privately owned and operated). I don't see them "tanking" like the failed USPS.


here's a thought.

go fuck yourself

have a nice day, asshole.
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance
The Postal Service said it lost $5.7 billion during the nine-month period ended June 30, compared to $5.4 billion in the same period of 2010.

why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?

You are correct that the Post Office is constitutional. Its failure to run anywhere near efficient is merely proof how wise it is to keep as much control as possible from the central planners and big government. Nevertheless, the Federal government does have the responsibility to fund it. Tell ya what, let's overturn all the unconstitutional laws and programs and we'll have plenty of money for the Post Office. Deal?
USPS posts $3.1 billion loss in Q3, warns of default - Yahoo! Finance

why do I have a feeling that the teabaggers will be AGAINST doing anything to help the USPS balance its books? Despite the fact its an explicit enumerated power in Article I ?

The Post Office - about as efficient as the DMV

Talk about fraud, waste and abuse

Another government run failure.

LOL!!! That's hilarious. I can send a letter to anywhere in the entire U.S. for less than 50 cents. Aint much you can get for less than 50 cents nowadays.

The USPS isn't designed to be as efficient as possible, BTW - its designed to provide mail service to every American. Many private businesses would consider the placement of one of their stores in bumfuck, alabama or nowhere oklahoma to be a waste - but these private businesses have no constitutional duty to fulfill like the USPS.

What's hilarious is "The USPS is not designed to be as efficient as possible"...
OK genius.....WHY THE HELL NOT?!!!!!
Are we the taxpaying citizens supposed to just keep pumping money into failure?
Oh yes...We must. Those government union jobs MUST be saved. That's what this is all about anyway.
The USPS needs cut slash and cut some more.
Everybody should know by now that the federal government doesn't give a shit about efficiency or a profit margin. When they are involved in a service industry like the USPO they don't have to worry about it. All they have to do is stick their hand out for more money. That's OK because we need the Post Office but God forbid that the federal government takes over the health care industry. Wait a minute, they did that didn't they.
They are gradually getting to the right Constitutional interpretation. Article 1 does not require EXCLUSIVE monopoly of mailboxes on private property -- nor does it require every employee be a Federal employee.

Rural delivery could be handled by TEENAGERS who pick up the neighborhood mail at school and deliver it after class. Just like a newspaper route. Ain't that hard to imagine unique solutions to cutting costs. Would be great job training responsibility for them. Maybe in exchange for breaks on State college tuition..

PS Warrior: Even tho I'm a techie type -- I WON'T pay bills on line or with "automatic withdrawal".. I want a paper trail --- just like we should demand on our voting machines..
Actually electronic transactions are usually accompanied by a confirmation reply which one can print out at home.
Since they have the power to run it, you assume that means the Fed 'has' to.

well, times change and soon there will be no mail to be sent

Bullshit. There will always be mail.

Will you still insist on having the USPS or will you demand that government involve itself in our emails?
Government already involves itself in our emails. Much of the internet is presently and/or was previously publicly funded. The first web browser was created with public funds for crying out loud.
Don't say "always".
How does government involve itself in our emails?
How was/is the internet publicly funded?
If so, why does the government not charge for it's use. Government charges for the USPS.
The Postal Service is an important component of American life. It should not be allowed to fail even if a tax increase is needed to sustain it.

Privatization should be out of the question.
The Postal Service is an important component of American life. It should not be allowed to fail even if a tax increase is needed to sustain it.

Privatization should be out of the question.

We dont need mail delivery 6 days a week, that simple change would save billions alone.

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