Potential Trump testimony at center of his attorneys' strategy to gauge Mueller investigation status

Should Trump testify?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
The President's team has raised the idea of an interview with Trump to determine if they are close to an ending for the President's part in the Russia probe, according to one of the sources. Although most attorneys assume Mueller wants to speak with the President, his attorneys are trying to figure out a way to make that possibility work for their client.

In Trump, they have a client who is eager to get this done, and willing to testify -- although the attorneys are more skeptical about the benefits of talking to Mueller. But if the President knew some form of his limited testimony could signal an end, sources say, he'd obviously be very eager to do it.

Potential Trump testimony at center of his attorneys' strategy to gauge Mueller investigation status - CNNPolitics


I'm not actually sure testifying is in his best interest, since he is such a loose cannon. Using him to gauge investigation progress - surely they can find a better way.
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‘The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump's attorneys are using the interview as "leverage" to bring an end to the Russia investigation.’ ibid

Too bad – that’s not going to happen.

Just because Trump sycophants want to mitigate the ongoing political damage doesn’t justify ending the investigations and not learning the truth.

That most on the right want to save Trump at the expense of the truth comes as no surprise, of course.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.

You never talk to the cops, they are not your friends,
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.

You never talk to the cops, they are not your friends,
I’ve seen the vid, I am convinced to a point. But I will talk to cops if reporting a crime.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I've read indicates that Robert Mueller is a man of honor. What he is investigating is a huge corruption case - not just what happened with Russia and the election, but good lord. Just look at Paul Manafort, and all the illegalities he has literally been committing for decades. So no. This won't be over any time soon, and we couldn't ask for a better man to be doing the legwork.

What I'm not understanding is why so many conservatives want the investigation shut down. The government is corrupt, right? We all know it, yeah? So why don't you want a stellar career lawman who is REPUBLICAN in charge of making things right??

I don't get it.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.

Most of Congress are GOP so yes, most ARE his supporters. They didn't buck him once, no matter what he did or said, until he said "tariffs."
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.

Most of Congress are GOP so yes, most ARE his supporters. They didn't buck him once, no matter what he did or said, until he said "tariffs."
Oh, they will scatter like cockroaches when the lights are turned on if Impeachment seriously comes up. Trump is an outsider and many of the republicans would had rather had HRC as president.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.

Most of Congress are GOP so yes, most ARE his supporters. They didn't buck him once, no matter what he did or said, until he said "tariffs."
Oh, they will scatter like cockroaches when the lights are turned on if Impeachment’s seriously comes up. Trump is an outsider and many of the republicans would had rather had HRC as president.

I hope you're right, but only time will tell.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I've read indicates that Robert Mueller is a man of honor. What he is investigating is a huge corruption case - not just what happened with Russia and the election, but good lord. Just look at Paul Manafort, and all the illegalities he has literally been committing for decades. So no. This won't be over any time soon, and we couldn't ask for a better man to be doing the legwork.

What I'm not understanding is why so many conservatives want the investigation shut down. The government is corrupt, right? We all know it, yeah? So why don't you want a stellar career lawman who is REPUBLICAN in charge of making things right??

I don't get it.
What I'm not understanding is why so many conservatives want the investigation shut down.
That truly is the "$60K question."

The government is corrupt, right? We all know it, yeah?
The government itself isn't generally corrupt and most people employed in the federal government aren't generally corrupt. Corruption among government employees is overwhelmingly something perpetrated by a small circle of elected and appointed folks who sit at the top of it in the legislative and executive branches. It's that way because, among people of poor integrity, power corrupts. Most government employees haven't real power of note, and insofar as they aren't particularly wealthy, they have fleeting financial cushions, as it were, and need their jobs just like most everyone else. Thus they aren't tempted to be corrupt.

It's a very different set of circumstances among elected office holders and top ranking appointees. Few of them are of average or even slightly above average means, and their power and authority presents them with countless opportunities to dole out as many perqs as they can receive while at the same time refusing to say "okay, enough is enough; you don't get to have your cake and eat it too."

A fine illustration of that is Trump's tax bill. Few economists of any political stripe are of the mind that tax cuts are a bad thing, but that same group of experts also have consistently noted that the cuts had to accompany the extinguishment of the overwhelming majority of deductions. The tax bill most recently passed included tax rate reductions, but nowhere near enough in the way of material deduction expiration. Thus passed a tax bill that will produce some $1.5T in deficits, and nobody is naive enough to think that we'll see a tax bill that does nothing but terminate one deduction after another.
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Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.
While I hope Trump gets impeached, what I want is for him to be convicted and removed from office. Impeachment is a nice gesture, but it's rather toothless without a conviction. Insofar as impeachment and conviction by the houses of Congress is a political thing and not a criminal thing, it's unlikely that both actions will happen.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.
While I hope Trump gets impeached, what I want is for him to be convicted and removed from office. Impeachment is a nice gesture, but it's rather toothless without a conviction. Insofar as impeachment and conviction by the houses of Congress is a political thing and not a criminal thing, it's unlikely that both actions will happen.

The NY AG investigation is another piece of the puzzle. I haven't heard anything lately, but should Trump somehow manage to wriggle his way out of all the impeachment/indictment/conviction possibilities, he's committed plenty of other crimes that he would be facing charges on.
Prudence advises that:
  • If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
  • If he did nothing illegal, he should testify.
Prudence, however, is not something Trump is keen to heed; thus one cannot credibly infer by Trump's testifying (or not) whether he did or didn't do something illegal.

As for the notion of offering Trump's testimony in return for accelerating the investigation's pace, well, from where Mueller stands, that's a non-starter. Were Mueller to do agree to that, he'd be derelicting his duty. Criminal investigations go where they go until there's no place left for them to go, at which point they're closed or prosecutors file charges based on the information obtained in the investigation. Besides, (1) Mueller doesn't have to make a deal, as it were; he can have the grand jury subpoena Trump if he wants to force Trump's appearance and corresponding testimony and (2) by the time Mueller wants Trump's testimony/input, he'll be pretty near the end of his investigation.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.
??? What?

Members of Congress aren't supposed to be supporters of Trump's or any other person who is POTUS. They're supposed to be supporters of the Presidency, the U.S. and it's laws and the order deriving from them. Supporting the Presidency and the supporting the person who happens to be POTUS are two very different things.
Who is Prudence?

If Trump did something illegal, he should not testify.
If Trump did nothing illegal (as far as he knows), he should not testify.

There are so many laws on the books that a special counsel could find a broken law investigating almost anyone.
The scope of Mueller's investigation and charge bringing authority is limited to felonious violations of federal law. He is not trying to "throw the book" of misdemeanors at anyone. I can only speak for myself, but I can very safely assert that I have committed no criminally prosecutable felonious acts. I would think that most people can quite sincerely and accurately make that same attestation, thus having no reason to demur from testifying before a grand jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t have some skeletons in his closet similar to Bill Clinton. Might get impeached because of lying about an incident involving a blue dress.

Nah, that won't happen. He was right about shooting people on 5th. His supporters honestly do not care. If he does it, it's not a problem.
Problem is Mueller and much/most of congress are not his supporters...especially if things get rough.

Most of Congress are GOP so yes, most ARE his supporters. They didn't buck him once, no matter what he did or said, until he said "tariffs."

You’re missing the big picture. Republicans in Congress don’t care about anything that is happening outside of their main objective. To completely end the entire social safety net for working and poor Americans. To completely end all regulations on corporations to allow them to get away with anything for maximum profits. To not have to pay taxes on any of it.

That is the Republican agenda and they need Trump in place as long as possible to get as much of it as they can before people catch on and vote them out of office.

And because the average American is a fool, they will get away with it again.
Trump should not testify to protect himself.

I hope he does testify.

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