Practitioners of the religion of peace, stoned girl to death for joining Facebook \


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
While you were busy liking someone's post or uploading that cute photograph of your puppy, a young Syrian girl was reportedly being stoned to death in Syria.

Her crime? She had opened a Facebook account.

The incident took place in the Syrian city of Rakka. The girl, Fatoum Al-Jassem, was sentenced to death by stoning by Al-Reqqa religious court after ISIL militants took her to the court.

The court ruled that having a Facebook account was tantamount to adultery and thus sentenced her to death.

The court also described the opening of her Facebook account as an act of great wickedness that merited severe punishment.

Read more at: Syrian girl stoned to death for joining Facebook : Mad Mad World, News - India Today
Problem here isn't Facebook or Islam, but how Islam frequently defines adultery. In the Bible, adultery is indeed a death-penalty offense.

347) No adultery with a married woman

Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
Death penalty
Brief description:
For a man not to have intercourse with a married woman. Theocratic Law forbids a woman from having multiple husbands, and therefore any relations between a married woman and another man are forbidden under this commandment. Both adulterers, the man and the woman, would face capital punishment.

Since a man is permitted by the basic Torah Law to have multiple wives (unless prohibited by additional government laws), extra-marital relations between a single woman and a married man would not be adultery, and neither person would face prosecution in the theocratic courts; nevertheless, it would be a violation of the prohibition on relations outside marriage (see commandment -355), and would bring punishment from Heaven.

29. This is the law of jealousies when a woman goes astray to someone other than her husband and is defiled,
30. or if a spirit of jealousy comes over a man, and he is jealous of his wife, and he presents the woman before the Lord, and the kohen shall do to her all of this law,
31. the man shall be absolved of iniquity, and the woman shall bear her iniquity.
- Numbers 5

20. You shall not lie carnally with your neighbor's wife, to become defiled by her.
- Leviticus 18

13. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- Exodus 20

And what Qur'an says about adultery:
Muttaqun OnLine - Adultery: According to Quran and Sunnah

Adoption of Torah's laws for adultery and its punishment at the bottom (interestingly.)

" Torah Punishment for Adultery
is Stoning to Death

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 6.79, Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar"

That Islam adopts Torah's punishment for adultery isn't actually surprising. What's unusal is that they then created definitions not found or upheld by Torah or Judaism. Namely the potential of adultery which is more akin to Christianity (where merely gazing longingly at someone is sinful.) Judaism doesn't punish thoughts, only actions. So this Syrian girl according to Jewish law commited no crime. If she was guilty of something it was only according to Christianity and/or Islam.
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Problem here isn't Facebook or Islam, but how Islam frequently defines adultery. In the Bible, adultery is indeed a death-penalty offense.

347) No adultery with a married woman

Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
Death penalty
Brief description:
For a man not to have intercourse with a married woman. Theocratic Law forbids a woman from having multiple husbands, and therefore any relations between a married woman and another man are forbidden under this commandment. Both adulterers, the man and the woman, would face capital punishment.

Since a man is permitted by the basic Torah Law to have multiple wives (unless prohibited by additional government laws), extra-marital relations between a single woman and a married man would not be adultery, and neither person would face prosecution in the theocratic courts; nevertheless, it would be a violation of the prohibition on relations outside marriage (see commandment -355), and would bring punishment from Heaven.

29. This is the law of jealousies when a woman goes astray to someone other than her husband and is defiled,
30. or if a spirit of jealousy comes over a man, and he is jealous of his wife, and he presents the woman before the Lord, and the kohen shall do to her all of this law,
31. the man shall be absolved of iniquity, and the woman shall bear her iniquity.
- Numbers 5

20. You shall not lie carnally with your neighbor's wife, to become defiled by her.
- Leviticus 18

13. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- Exodus 20

And what Qur'an says about adultery:
Muttaqun OnLine - Adultery: According to Quran and Sunnah

Adoption of Torah's laws for adultery and its punishment at the bottom (interestingly.)

" Torah Punishment for Adultery
is Stoning to Death

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 6.79, Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar"

That Islam adopts Torah's punishment for adultery isn't actually surprising. What's unusal is that they then created definitions not found or upheld by Torah or Judaism. Namely the potential of adultery which is more akin to Christianity (where merely gazing longingly at someone is sinful.) Judaism doesn't punish thoughts, only actions. So this Syrian girl according to Jewish law commited no crime. If she was guilty of something it was only according to Christianity and/or Islam.

There you have it. Equating Christianity to the muslims. Cause somewhere, according to this, Christianity has determined that opening a Facebook page is and should be punishable by death.

A lot of words in there to put Islam and Christianity together in regards to this specific story.

Liberals folks. Liberals.
Unfortunately for you, I'm not a liberal. Being liberal is not the same as being a liberal (unless mentally challenged.)
Unfortunately for you, I'm not a liberal. Being liberal is not the same as being a liberal (unless mentally challenged.)

You could not just comment on this specific situation. You had to do your little dance twisted dance and twisted logic, and bring this back to Christianity being as wicked as Islam.

Cause liberals never do that.

I have read many of your posts, and nearly all of them are wrought with liberal rhetoric.

So, in your world, something that walks and talks like a duck, could in fact be a buffalo.
Made the point that how Islam defines adultery isn't consistent with Jewish law, but more akin to Christianity. Sorry if that's inconvenient for you. But launching an ad hominem rebuttal hoping no one noticed was perhaps hoping for too much.
As to the 'your posts frequent use liberal rhetoric...' which would those be? The 'abortion is murder,' or 'let's expand what earns the death penalty?'
Made the point that how Islam defines adultery isn't consistent with Jewish law, but more akin to Christianity. Sorry if that's inconvenient for you. But launching an ad hominem rebuttal hoping no one noticed was perhaps hoping for too much.

Oh trust me. I saw what you did.

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