Pragmatic policymaking is in short supply, but GOP Rep Buddy Carter's school safety legislation "The Protect Act" is a breath of fresh air, my friends


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Carter is introducing a bill to examine steps taken by the federal government toward ensuring school safety

The Providing Reports on the Efforts Combating Threats in Schools Act, shortened as the PROTECTS Act, will require Biden to submit a report to congressional committees on the actions his administration has taken to improve security in public schools.

Pragmatic policymaking is in short supply, but Carter’s legislation is a breath of fresh air for our lawmakers. Some members of Congress may disagree philosophically with Republican proposals for school safety reform. That is their prerogative. Objecting to the non-ideological and nonpartisan PROTECTS Act, on the other hand, is not only an abdication of responsibility but a step backward for government transparency when it is needed most.


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