Prediction with 100% Confidence


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.

I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.

Does it bother you that we aren't planning manned missions, or unmanned missions?
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.
One of the FEW things that "general welfare" could be contributed to and you shit on it lol. How quaint.
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.
One of the FEW things that "general welfare" could be contributed to and you shit on it lol. How quaint.

Mea culpa, I believed most people, knowing my beliefs, would understand the sarcasm in my post.
I don't know about 100% confidence in finding life on all 4 moons, but I'd say there's a high possibility that at least one of them will have some form of life even if it's no more than microbial. Could be some forms of life in other places in our solar system, perhaps on Mars below the surface. I would say though that I am 100% confident that life does exist somewhere out there.

To be honest, right now I think we should be directing our resources to cleaning up this planet and protecting it from the next big asteroid hit. It's gonna happen sooner or later. I don't see the urgency to get out there right away, it ain't going anywhere.
I don't know about 100% confidence in finding life on all 4 moons, but I'd say there's a high possibility that at least one of them will have some form of life even if it's no more than microbial. Could be some forms of life in other places in our solar system, perhaps on Mars below the surface. I would say though that I am 100% confident that life does exist somewhere out there.

To be honest, right now I think we should be directing our resources to cleaning up this planet and protecting it from the next big asteroid hit. It's gonna happen sooner or later. I don't see the urgency to get out there right away, it ain't going anywhere.
I would bet my life there is other forms of life out there. Intelligent life? Perhaps.
What if this planet is the first to support it?
Ugh it seriously pisses me off knowing i probably wont know the answer to any of it :/
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.

Does it bother you that we aren't planning manned missions, or unmanned missions?

Unmanned. I'd like to send a probe to Europa that can core through the ice and report back whatever they see in the oceans.
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.

Space X can do it, fine with me
I don't know about 100% confidence in finding life on all 4 moons, but I'd say there's a high possibility that at least one of them will have some form of life even if it's no more than microbial. Could be some forms of life in other places in our solar system, perhaps on Mars below the surface. I would say though that I am 100% confident that life does exist somewhere out there.

To be honest, right now I think we should be directing our resources to cleaning up this planet and protecting it from the next big asteroid hit. It's gonna happen sooner or later. I don't see the urgency to get out there right away, it ain't going anywhere.
I would bet my life there is other forms of life out there. Intelligent life? Perhaps.
What if this planet is the first to support it?
Ugh it seriously pisses me off knowing i probably wont know the answer to any of it :/

Hard to believe after approx 14 billion years of this universe's existence that our planet is the only one with intelligent life on it, such as it is. It could be a very long time before we find them, you and I will long gone by then. It could be that they'll find us a lot sooner, maybe they already have. There are thousands of UFO reports spanning centuries and some of them are by very reputable people.
I don't know about 100% confidence in finding life on all 4 moons, but I'd say there's a high possibility that at least one of them will have some form of life even if it's no more than microbial. Could be some forms of life in other places in our solar system, perhaps on Mars below the surface. I would say though that I am 100% confident that life does exist somewhere out there.

To be honest, right now I think we should be directing our resources to cleaning up this planet and protecting it from the next big asteroid hit. It's gonna happen sooner or later. I don't see the urgency to get out there right away, it ain't going anywhere.
I would bet my life there is other forms of life out there. Intelligent life? Perhaps.
What if this planet is the first to support it?
Ugh it seriously pisses me off knowing i probably wont know the answer to any of it :/

Hard to believe after approx 14 billion years of this universe's existence that our planet is the only one with intelligent life on it, such as it is. It could be a very long time before we find them, you and I will long gone by then. It could be that they'll find us a lot sooner, maybe they already have. There are thousands of UFO reports spanning centuries and some of them are by very reputable people.
Possibly for millennia. I'm not the crazy guy from the history channel but some things seem like that is a possible conclusion.
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.

Space X can do it, fine with me

Cool, then we can expect all discoveries to be privately owned, space on Mars and the moon leased out to Russian, Chinese or whatever nation, friend or foe - willing to pay the price.
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.

Space X can do it, fine with me

Cool, then we can expect all discoveries to be privately owned, space on Mars and the moon leased out to Russian, Chinese or whatever nation, friend or foe - willing to pay the price.

Have at it!
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.

Space X can do it, fine with me

Cool, then we can expect all discoveries to be privately owned, space on Mars and the moon leased out to Russian, Chinese or whatever nation, friend or foe - willing to pay the price.

Have at it! this a well thought out comment, like "bring it on!". Have you (ever) considered the consequences of your opinions?
I probably won't be around to see it, but I am saying here now, with 100% absolute confidence that we will find Jellyfish and coral type creatures in the oceans of the following Moons: Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede and Europa.

They arrived on those Moons the same way they arrived on Earth, on a meteor or comet.

It bothers me to no end that we are not currently planning additional trips there.


But Frank, where in COTUS is the Federal Government given the power to fly to the moon(s)? Maybe you're not the kook I believed you to be?

Let's let Alabama or Florida explore the Cosmos; clearly the 10th Amendment speaks to that issue. Or maybe Space X can explore space and establish private sector ownership of the moon and other celestial objects, for profit, and of course along with tax payer subsidizes.

Space X can do it, fine with me

Cool, then we can expect all discoveries to be privately owned, space on Mars and the moon leased out to Russian, Chinese or whatever nation, friend or foe - willing to pay the price.

Have at it! this a well thought out comment, like "bring it on!". Have you (ever) considered the consequences of your opinions?

I have. If it's a Progressive government that establishes the colony or operation, they'll will be broke in 2 years and we can buy the facility for cents on the dollar.

In all seriousness, it's dangerous and extremely expensive. If our government did decide to do it, I can see the CIA running an operation like that and is that really what we want?

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