Predictions for 2010

Anemic growth with mounting inflation towards the end of the year. Mildly improved job market mostly due to government hiring. Bankruptices by retailers in Jan/Feb who didnt have the Xmas season they thought they would.

Breakdown of talks with Iran. Calls by the EU for more talks.

Threats by N.Korea to launch new missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland, followed by dispatching Jimmy Carter to negotiate another deal.

New terrorist attacks on American targets, followed by condemnations by Pres Obama before he tees off with promises to bring the perps to justice.

Joe Biden will be discovered in hiding in Singapore.

Death of cap n trade in Senate.

And finally, sweep of both houses of Congress by the GOP and blocking any legislation by Obama until his miserable term is up.


Lets see how the Rabbi did..

1. Anemic growth with mounting inflation-- Rabbi's "Stagflation" never happened. Inflation has been non-existent

2. Breakdown of talks with Iran- Never were any talks to breakdown, Iran has been relatively quiet

3. Threats by N Korea to launch a missile against US- Never happened

4. New terrorist attacks on US- Obama stopped every one...perps were caught

5. Joe Biden in Singapore- Nope

6. Death of Cap and trade- Not yet

7. Sweep of both houses by GOP- Thanks to the Tea Baggers, looks like it didn't happen

Overall, Rabbi.....your predictions of gloom and doom look like a FAIL

Thanks for bringing this up. Let's see..
1. Sluggish growth with deflation the major threat. Check.
2. Iran calls for talks over UN nuclear deal - Middle East, World - The Independent 2009
Iran calls on G5+1 for "more interaction" on nuclear talks 2010
Looks like I was right there.
3.Threats by N - N. Korea Threatens '1,000-Fold' Increase in Weapons Check.
4. New terrorist attacks. UPS suspicious packages contained explosives meant for Chicago houses of worship: law enforcement CHeck.
5. Joe BIden. ANyone seen him recently? Check.
6. Death of cap n trade in Senate. Check.
7.Sweep of both houses. Check in the House, big gains in the Senate, half right.

So five and a half predictions right vs one right for you.
Who's da man?

Sure Rabbi...explain to us again how deflation is the same thing as deflation. Why not show some evidence we do have deflation?

Where is that big blowup you predicted with Iran........pretty quiet year

Haven't seen N Korea launch a missile at us...have you?

What happened to your sweep? You seem pretty confident in attacking my prediction of the Dems keeping both. Looks like we were both wrong

How about your prediction that the stock market would go negative for the year?
This is purely anecdotal but I do not think things are getting better at all despite all the government intervention and claims of success.

I am basing this on a simple measure: The number of bounced checks we are seeing.

Last year we maybe saw a bounced check every couple of months. The last few months we're averaging more than one a week.

Things ain't getting better.

Lets see how the Rabbi did..

1. Anemic growth with mounting inflation-- Rabbi's "Stagflation" never happened. Inflation has been non-existent

2. Breakdown of talks with Iran- Never were any talks to breakdown, Iran has been relatively quiet

3. Threats by N Korea to launch a missile against US- Never happened

4. New terrorist attacks on US- Obama stopped every one...perps were caught

5. Joe Biden in Singapore- Nope

6. Death of Cap and trade- Not yet

7. Sweep of both houses by GOP- Thanks to the Tea Baggers, looks like it didn't happen

Overall, Rabbi.....your predictions of gloom and doom look like a FAIL

Thanks for bringing this up. Let's see..
1. Sluggish growth with deflation the major threat. Check.
2. Iran calls for talks over UN nuclear deal - Middle East, World - The Independent 2009
Iran calls on G5+1 for "more interaction" on nuclear talks 2010
Looks like I was right there.
3.Threats by N - N. Korea Threatens '1,000-Fold' Increase in Weapons Check.
4. New terrorist attacks. UPS suspicious packages contained explosives meant for Chicago houses of worship: law enforcement CHeck.
5. Joe BIden. ANyone seen him recently? Check.
6. Death of cap n trade in Senate. Check.
7.Sweep of both houses. Check in the House, big gains in the Senate, half right.

So five and a half predictions right vs one right for you.
Who's da man?

Sure Rabbi...explain to us again how deflation is the same thing as deflation. Why not show some evidence we do have deflation?

Where is that big blowup you predicted with Iran........pretty quiet year

Haven't seen N Korea launch a missile at us...have you?

What happened to your sweep? You seem pretty confident in attacking my prediction of the Dems keeping both. Looks like we were both wrong

How about your prediction that the stock market would go negative for the year?

Sore loser.
You guys with your "Iran" going nuclear predictions. It's hilarious.

Iran is a "religious" state. Iran making nuclear weapons is about as likely as Republican scientists making a nuclear power plant. Science and religion don't mix. We all know you have to leave it to the liberals to do any "real" science.

If Iran detonates a "nuclear" weapon, it's because they "bought it" and didn't "develop it" and somebody misread the instructions. Oops!

You can go online and look at the weapons Iran owns. Every list shows sophisticated weapon after weapon. Then look at the "official video" that Iran actually released of their "weapons of doom". Wooden planes with single props and an old fashioned machine gun that jams. Their sophisticated "communications" is a "cell" phone, that, get this, "takes pictures".

They have been trying to enrich uranium for 20 years and so far, they can almost make an "X-ray".

The US set back their entire program even more with a simple computer virus that infected every computer they own. That's what they get for not buying "McAfee".

The reason the right is so "panicked" is because they really and truly believed the "black" president in the "WHITE" House took a trip that cost 200 million dollars a day and I suspect the majority still believe it. The right will believe anything. As long as it's ridiculous and extreme. Normal stuff they ignore.
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Lets see...

In reviewing every other prediction on this thread it is time to declare victory. I was the only poster to predict economic growth, a drop in the unemployment rate, passing of healthcare and a victory by the Dems in the Senate

All you wingnuts are free to point to a prediction on this thread from last year that was more accurate than mine..

Rabbi you can go first

Let's see: You didnt get a single prediction right, except healthcare. So now you declare victory. I guess like Nancy Pelosi you want to make sure your policies of incoherence, incorrectness, and incompetence are continued.
Sir, I salute your lack of attachment to reality.
his healthcare was pretty vague
and its not likely to survive judicial review

Seeing that it is making it up the chain of courts would portend that. They still have yet to decide upon a theme of whether The Commerce Clause or Congressional authority to tax applies.

The Obama administration has used both, and when one fails they come back with the other. Which is it?
Heck this is for 2010 I can make a bunch of predictions that have already happened :)

The witch and Nazi will lose.
Nutwinger's Predictions:

Predictions for 2010

1. Unemployment drops to 7%

2. Dow Jones hits 12000

3. Healthcare passes

4. Republicans pick up seats in the House and Senate but are still a minority

5. Sarah Palin implodes because of a quote she can't take back

6. Kim Jung Il and Castro die. Clinton forges new US relationships with restructured Communist regimes

Rabbi's Predictions:
nemic growth with mounting inflation towards the end of the year. Mildly improved job market mostly due to government hiring. Bankruptices by retailers in Jan/Feb who didnt have the Xmas season they thought they would.

Breakdown of talks with Iran. Calls by the EU for more talks.

Threats by N.Korea to launch new missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland, followed by dispatching Jimmy Carter to negotiate another deal.

New terrorist attacks on American targets, followed by condemnations by Pres Obama before he tees off with promises to bring the perps to justice.

Joe Biden will be discovered in hiding in Singapore.

Death of cap n trade in Senate.

And finally, sweep of both houses of Congress by the GOP and blocking any legislation by Obama until his miserable term is up.
One right by Nutwinger, 7 and a half right by Rabbi.
Game, set, match.

ANyone want to start a thread on predicitons for 2011?
I have to mention Boedicca did better than anyone else in her predictions.
Nutwinger's Predictions:

Predictions for 2010

1. Unemployment drops to 7%

2. Dow Jones hits 12000

3. Healthcare passes

4. Republicans pick up seats in the House and Senate but are still a minority

5. Sarah Palin implodes because of a quote she can't take back

6. Kim Jung Il and Castro die. Clinton forges new US relationships with restructured Communist regimes

Rabbi's Predictions:
nemic growth with mounting inflation towards the end of the year. Mildly improved job market mostly due to government hiring. Bankruptices by retailers in Jan/Feb who didnt have the Xmas season they thought they would.

Breakdown of talks with Iran. Calls by the EU for more talks.

Threats by N.Korea to launch new missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland, followed by dispatching Jimmy Carter to negotiate another deal.

New terrorist attacks on American targets, followed by condemnations by Pres Obama before he tees off with promises to bring the perps to justice.

Joe Biden will be discovered in hiding in Singapore.

Death of cap n trade in Senate.

And finally, sweep of both houses of Congress by the GOP and blocking any legislation by Obama until his miserable term is up.
One right by Nutwinger, 7 and a half right by Rabbi.
Game, set, match.

ANyone want to start a thread on predicitons for 2011?
I have to mention Boedicca did better than anyone else in her predictions.



One and a half right by Rabbi

Still waiting for "Stagflation" :lol:
Keep telling yourself you got it right and I got it wrong, Nutwinger. Your lack of attachment to reality is what makes you so amusing.
Care to try again for 2011 on the other thread?
Keep telling yourself you got it right and I got it wrong, Nutwinger. Your lack of attachment to reality is what makes you so amusing.
Care to try again for 2011 on the other thread?

Falling Stock Market?
Rise in unemployment?
Terrorist attack?

You got it all wrong Rabbi
1) Double dip recession


2) Unemployment hits 14%


3) Credit Bubble pops


4) Iran tests 1st nuclear weapon


5) Obama's favorable rating hits 19


6) Democrats lose House & Senate


7) Gasoline hits $ 7.00 a gallon


Damn, what an absolutely astounding example of accurate Conservative prognostication.
1) Double dip recession


2) Unemployment hits 14%


3) Credit Bubble pops


4) Iran tests 1st nuclear weapon


5) Obama's favorable rating hits 19


6) Democrats lose House & Senate


7) Gasoline hits $ 7.00 a gallon


Damn, what an absolutely astounding example of accurate Conservative prognostication.

Obviously the country did not want Obama to fail bad enough!

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