Prepare to pay more at the pumps, thanks to trump's tafiffs

And the price of gas...has already gone up since he was inaugurated. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
A good start. :)
AAA Day of Tariffs 2-2-2025.png

Leave it to the man that clams to be the smartest human alive. He is just eat up with Common Sense. He does not have to listen to economist or scientist or doctors...cause he has common sense. Get ready to pay more at the pump and for a multitude of other items.
/—-/ Bidum screwed the pooch on oil. Trump will fix it.
True. But you are fine letting g nig out ship much of it away. Either you support the average working person or the oil oligarchs.
/—-/ Who the fu*k are you to say it’s one of the other? Why can’t it be both, the working person and the oligarchs who employ them?

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