Pres. Obama vowed retaliation as evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts

There were no solid evidence until there were a couple of them. My question is, "Is there any proof(s) to the hacking?" Well, we have them. Russians use a lot of spear-phishing attacks because the term spear-phishing is not a sport, but it is a term meaning to steal information faster. They also use a dropper, or a beacon, to send some frequent materials back to Moscow, Russia. It is not big, but is a small-sized software, meaning to pull all the information back to your hometown. This keyboard also has a rushed signature being written in Moscow's Time Zone, experts say.

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Obama plans to let his MOUNTING butthurt cloud his judgment.

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner
Obama Vows Retaliation as Evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts
He first has to prove it. Obutthurt has proven he is no one to take seriously.
Obama's many independent intelligence agencies provided solid evidence.You proved that no one should take you seriously.
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
Why don't you ask the US intel agencies to supply you their classified information so you can pass it on to your papa Putin?
LO L :). :)
Obama Vows Retaliation as Evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts
He first has to prove it. Obutthurt has proven he is no one to take seriously.
Obama's many independent intelligence agencies provided solid evidence.You proved that no one should take you seriously.
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
Why don't you ask the US intel agencies to supply you their classified information so you can pass it on to your papa Putin?
LO L :). :)
I will tell them

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Well he has just over a month to exact his revenge, after that he will be a civilian. Let's see what he does......
I predict that he'll head straight for the hoops back in the hood, forget to tie the laces on his Keds, trip over them and bash his noggin on the curb. By the time the ambulance arrives he'll be in a semi-state of unconsciousness & mumbling passages from the Koran. And once he's given a shot of morphine he'll "come clean" and admit that he was born in some rondavel in the Kenyan bush while his mamma was turning tricks for the wealthy Kenyatta family in Nairobi.

Well sure, that's the most likely scenario.

Oh yes, yes. I agree with you 100%! The mighty OBYSMAL has promised RETALIATION! Well, he also promised if I like my doctor, I can keep my doctor, a 2500.00 drop in my healthcare costs, along with the MOST transparent administration ever, lol!

I have a question for ya BOSEPHUS! What did the UK press say about what Obysmal tried to do? Hey, what did they say about Obysmal trying to interject his INCOMPETENCE into Brexit, lol!

You leftists are really in trouble! Why? Because there is no more mercy, we are going to run you over, and good luck to you!
Might be time for another obama "red line" like those which have stricken fear into the hearts of so many despots!
Pres. Obama vowed retaliation as evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts
That would be like retaliating against the Jews for gathering evidence about the existence of the death camps in Nazi Germany. "Don't you worry Adolf, we're gonna' make them Jews pay for snitching on you!"

We already know that six million people were deceased in the holocaust camps, and we know that right now there are a little more than a million Jews out there in Germany.

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And the fact that there are a little more than a million Jews in Germany is the "mounting evidence" that Putin exposed your Hillary's life of crime? You are bonkers!
Are you kidding me?

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
No, you are bonkers.
Obama Vows Retaliation as Evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts
He first has to prove it. Obutthurt has proven he is no one to take seriously.
Obama's many independent intelligence agencies provided solid evidence.You proved that no one should take you seriously.
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
There is none.
Pres. Obama vowed retaliation as evidence of Russian Hacking Mounts
That would be like retaliating against the Jews for gathering evidence about the existence of the death camps in Nazi Germany. "Don't you worry Adolf, we're gonna' make them Jews pay for snitching on you!"

We already know that six million people were deceased in the holocaust camps, and we know that right now there are a little more than a million Jews out there in Germany.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
And the fact that there are a little more than a million Jews in Germany is the "mounting evidence" that Putin exposed your Hillary's life of crime? You are bonkers!
Are you kidding me?

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
No, you are bonkers.
I am not bonkers.

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Shocking revelations earlier this week as US intelligence officials confirmed with “high confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “PERSONALLY INVOLVED” in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee....The high level, anonymous and completely trustworthy sources also told a major US news agency that PUTIN HIMSELF PILOTED A specially designed RUSSIAN SPY-PLANE across the Atlantic to personally direct the still-ongoing hacking operations from the air... ...Satellite images seen by a separate anonymous NASA whistleblower are believed to show Putin in the cockpit of the spy plane alongside his co-pilot Boris, A LIFELIKE ROBOTIC BEAR which has been under secret development...
That would be like retaliating against the Jews for gathering evidence about the existence of the death camps in Nazi Germany. "Don't you worry Adolf, we're gonna' make them Jews pay for snitching on you!"

We already know that six million people were deceased in the holocaust camps, and we know that right now there are a little more than a million Jews out there in Germany.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
And the fact that there are a little more than a million Jews in Germany is the "mounting evidence" that Putin exposed your Hillary's life of crime? You are bonkers!
Are you kidding me?

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
No, you are bonkers.
I am not bonkers.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
Yeah, you are.
We already know that six million people were deceased in the holocaust camps, and we know that right now there are a little more than a million Jews out there in Germany.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
And the fact that there are a little more than a million Jews in Germany is the "mounting evidence" that Putin exposed your Hillary's life of crime? You are bonkers!
Are you kidding me?

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
No, you are bonkers.
I am not bonkers.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
Yeah, you are.
Why am I bonkers?

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
Why don't you ask the US intel agencies to supply you their classified information so you can pass it on to your papa Putin?
LO L .
Standard procedure, is it? Go to war based upon secret/classified poppycock. Yeah, that makes sense ..... not.

OBAMA: "Hello! Vladmir?"
PUTIN: "Yeah, who's calling?"
OBAMA: "The President of these here United States."
PUTIN: "What do you want this time Barry?"
OBAMA: "We're gonna' attack you at a time of our choosing."
PUTIN: "Do you have a reason this time?"
OBAMA: "You bet your sweet bippy I do!"
PUTIN: "And what might that be?"
OBAMA: "Wouldn't you like to know!"
PUTIN: "Uhhhhh ..... yes."
OBAMA: "Well, you can just think about it for a while!"
PUTIN: "Can you give me a hint?"
OBAMA: "Nice try! You think I'm gonna' reveal my strategy?"
PUTIN: "No, you can keep your strategy to yourself but it might be a good idea to tell me why you have decided to attack my country."
OBAMA: "It's classified information!"
PUTIN: "It just seems to me that if you're going to send over your tax-paying countrymen - to face our guns and die - it would make sense to say what they will be dying for and to see that their taxes are being spent wisely, that will offer a nice return per dollar."
OBAMA: "I don't need to give my countrymen a good reason. Didn't you see 'The Gulf War: Part II'?"
PUTIN: "Yes, I did. But it was heavily censored and no plausible reason was given for you to lie about WMD's, illegally invade the country, occupy it, rape, torture, and murder a million innocent men, women and children."
OBAMA: "That's the whole point!"
PUTIN: "What is?"
OBAMA: "That I don't need to give a plausible reason."
PUTIN: "That doesn't sound Democratic to me. Don't you need to give some sort of reason?"
OBAMA: "Sure ........... your country is too close to my NATO bases, which is a clear and present danger to the United States' national security!"
Last edited:
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
Why don't you ask the US intel agencies to supply you their classified information so you can pass it on to your papa Putin?
LO L .
Standard procedure, is it? Go to war based upon secret/classified poppycock. Yeah, that makes sense ..... not.

OBAMA: "Hello! Vladmir?"
PUTIN: "Yeah, who's calling?"
PUTIN: "Can you give me a hint?"
OBAMA: "Nice try! You think I'm gonna' reveal my strategy?"
Do you fantasize being a Hollywood scriptwriter for comedy shows?
BTW, it's Trump who is now famous for the retort "You think I'm gonna' reveal my strategy?" when asked about plans he does not have.
So give us some examples of this "solid evidence" that Obomba's intelligence agencies have provided.
Why don't you ask the US intel agencies to supply you their classified information so you can pass it on to your papa Putin?
LO L .
Standard procedure, is it? Go to war based upon secret/classified poppycock. Yeah, that makes sense ..... not.

OBAMA: "Hello! Vladmir?"
PUTIN: "Yeah, who's calling?"
PUTIN: "Can you give me a hint?"
OBAMA: "Nice try! You think I'm gonna' reveal my strategy?"
Do you fantasize being a Hollywood scriptwriter for comedy shows?
BTW, it's Trump who is now famous for the retort "You think I'm gonna' reveal my strategy?" when asked about plans he does not have.
I think so because the only alternate is the SNL version of Obama attacking Putin.

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