Present minimal Christmas...2012.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Name the presents you received for Christmas 2010. Now name the presents you bought two years ago too. Can't remember?
Last year we bought a lot less presents, and instead focused on spending time with each other instead of spending several thousand dollars buying gifts that you can't even remember buying or getting.
The weekend before Christmas we some family over and we splurged big time on a great meal. High quality prime rib that cost over $100, homemade pies etc. etc. We played cards, drank some wine and was great.
This year we are minimizing the gifts even more. Instead of blowing dough on gifts that you hope the other person wants, we are again focusing on what everyone wants - great meals, good beer - good times,
I also bought tickets for the Chicago Trailer Park Boys Christmas tour...looking forward to this big time.
I can't wait for Christmas time this year. Instead of going through hell at crowded malls...we will be laughing with friends and family.

Merry Christmas.
I usually buy my wife jewelry for Christmas.

Last year my wife got me a new chef's knife

This year we are buying a hot tub. I can't wait for mimosas in the tub on Christmas morning.

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