President blocked by court.

Checks and balance says that they president does not have the right to do everything he wants so Obama breaking the law with his executive order to keep a criminal in America

I am not sure President Obama was breaking the law ...
As much as using his powers to circumvent and undermine legislation that was already law (and had been).

Much like Eric Holder did as Attorney General.
He instructed law enforcement not to weigh drugs confiscated during drug busts where minorities were involved.
In not weighing the drugs ... Weight limits associated with mandatory sentencing requirement established in legislation passed by Congress would not apply.

He had the power to do what he did.
Doing so would be considered gross negligence in performing his duty to enforce the law.
Where that may not be illegal ... It is a sign of a piss poor crooked job for political reasons that could be considered suspect.

In any case ...
If you trust anyone in Washington DC and don't suspect they are piss poor crooked tyrants ...
Then you might want to leave the rock you live under and look for better real-estate .

You're right and what you're saying but harboring fugitives is against the law in America
You're right and what you're saying but harboring fugitives is against the law in America

The law is the law ... But means nothing if no one enforces it. ... And people wonder why others don't trust the FBI and DOJ ... :puhleeze:
Attorney General Sessions issued a memo for federal attorneys to consider prosecuting anyone harboring an illegal immigrant ... On April 11, 2017.
I think the Democrats cater to illegal immigrants just for the votes from legal immigrants
I think the Democrats cater to illegal immigrants just for the votes from legal immigrants

I think it is way deeper than that ... But that would be handled better in another thread somewhere else in the forums.
I never short-change Progressives ... They are more patient than most people think and they will play the long game.

The long game doesn't have the same landscape we have today.
We got where we are today because they started taking over the schools in the 60's.

Wait until you see how fucked up it is in another 50 years ... :thup:

I think the Democrats cater to illegal immigrants just for the votes from legal immigrants

I think it is way deeper than that ... But that would be handled better in another thread somewhere else in the forums.
I never short-change Progressives ... They are more patient than most people think and they will play the long game.

The long game doesn't have the same landscape we have today.
We got where we are today because they started taking over the schools in the 60's.

Wait until you see how fucked up it is in another 50 years ... :thup:

Start the thread and let's see where it goes.
If the courts are going to take control of the presidency why are we paying for a President and all that goes with one?

2nd Federal Court Blocks Trump From Rescinding DACA

the courts ARE the control on the presidency.

or do you think the orange sociopath is a dictator:?
Jill Surely you wouldn't talk about our president. Lol

heck yeah

After all he's trying to do for you
The courts are the check on the executive and legislative branches.

The case will works its way through the courts.

DACA is not a law ... Nor is it associated with a law passed by Congress.
It would be kind of hard for the courts to rule on the elimination of what isn't a law to start with..
The federal judiciary is also a check on the executive, as I wrote above.
So Daca should not exist at all since they knew it was illegal to begin with
They did not know that to begin with, unless you can substantiate that. You can't.
Let me get this straight? .... :cool:

Obama signs an illegal executive order into law.

Trump wants to 86 it.

But a federal judge upholds the illegal executive order.

Now the President is forced to keep it as the law.

Am I missing something here?? ..... :dunno:
Take it slowly.
Trump issued an illegal EO.

So following the law is illegal in your world?
You are proving you don't understand the legal system. I will wait until you catch up. EOs and EAs are different than the legislative action. You do know that, yes? If you don't, converse privately with Black Sand.
The courts are the check on the executive and legislative branches.

The case will works its way through the courts.

DACA is not a law ... Nor is it associated with a law passed by Congress.
It would be kind of hard for the courts to rule on the elimination of what isn't a law to start with..
The federal judiciary is also a check on the executive, as I wrote above.
So Daca should not exist at all since they knew it was illegal to begin with
They did not know that to begin with, unless you can substantiate that. You can't.
They knew all 800,000 of them were here illegal.
Start the thread and let's see where it goes.

Pfft ... :21:

In the long run ... It really serves no purpose for me.
It's not that I am simply complacent ... It's that I don't feel the need to fight someone else's fight.
I spent my time in the service ... Serving this country ... Fighting other peoples' battles.

And there is nothing I want that the federal government, Progressives nor a politician could provide ... :dunno:

Start the thread and let's see where it goes.

Pfft ... :21:

In the long run ... It really serves no purpose for me.
It's not that I am simply complacent ... It's that I don't feel the need to fight someone else's fight.
I spent my time in the service ... Serving this country ... Fighting other peoples' battles.

And there is nothing I want that the federal government, Progressives nor a politician could provide ... :dunno:

Four years was enough for me.That would probably be the best thing if people would quit depending on the government and get back to helping their self

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