President Ebola: In 2010 Obama Administration Scrapped Cdc Quarantine Regulations Aimed At Ebola


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
PRESIDENT EBOLA In 2010 Obama Administration Scrapped CDC Quarantine Regulations Aimed At Ebola Wochit - Yahoo Screen

Hell he had guns to ban and illegals to let in the country. priorities baby.

In October 2014, the first patient on American soil infected with the Ebola virus sits in isolation in a Texas hospital, prompting calls for travel restrictions between the United States and Ebola-stricken countries. Meanwhile, four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States.
And that's that. If there is an outbreak in America, all the lives that are lost will rest on his shoulders.
It doesn't surprise me at all! ..The indifference and incompetence of Hussein Obama is staggering.

Golf being the exception, naturally.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.
Liberia - Top 100 Golf Courses

Great Golf courses in Liberia.......Perhaps someone should play golf there.........FORE!

Book mark that.


You're like the 10th person who has responded to a post of mine suggesting that I go to Africa.

I really don't know what that's supposed to mean. Could you explain?
Don't worry, he only scrapped the part that would allow someone to appeal being detained. If you look on the CDC website you will find that the CDC can detain you if it is suspected you have an infectious disease.

Rejoice, big government cons.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

My main point on Ebola from the onset of expanded fight against it was to contain it and make take all measures possible to prevent it leaving the hot zone.

And that main point is to ban travel there, with exception to essential personnel...........

To your point again, do you believe in check points for drunk drivers........Or should we not take any precautions at all?

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

Post the address of the Ebola isolation ward you're most likely to be in, so we can send flowers a year from now.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.
Liberia - Top 100 Golf Courses

Great Golf courses in Liberia.......Perhaps someone should play golf there.........FORE!

Book mark that.


You're like the 10th person who has responded to a post of mine suggesting that I go to Africa.

I really don't know what that's supposed to mean. Could you explain?

I was suggesting the current Golfer N Chief that they have some good Golf courses in Liberia......If you want to join him then that's your business.........Perhaps he should also go see the troops there, shake hands and do a photo op saying We Have This Under Control.

Just saying.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

My main point on Ebola from the onset of expanded fight against it was to contain it and make take all measures possible to prevent it leaving the hot zone.

And that main point is to ban travel there, with exception to essential personnel...........

To your point again, do you believe in check points for drunk drivers........Or should we not take any precautions at all?

What you call "precautions", I tend to call "civil rights violations".

It's funny, Cons always seem to play that card, when it fits their argument. Aren't you the ones who flip out about the TSA all the time?

Now you want the TSA to test for ebola.

I doubt I could make this shit up.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

My main point on Ebola from the onset of expanded fight against it was to contain it and make take all measures possible to prevent it leaving the hot zone.

And that main point is to ban travel there, with exception to essential personnel...........

To your point again, do you believe in check points for drunk drivers........Or should we not take any precautions at all?

What you call "precautions", I tend to call "civil rights violations".

It's funny, Cons always seem to play that card, when it fits their argument. Aren't you the ones who flip out about the TSA all the time?

Now you want the TSA to test for ebola.

I doubt I could make this shit up.

Are your civil Rights violated by U.S. Customs officials at the airport when they check your baggage for any contraband......How are your rights violated by using a simple hand held thermal scanner to look for elevated temps.............

How are violating Civil Rights by travel bans to an area where thousands have died of a disease with no cure............

These people should have to be tested before returning to ISOLATE a deadly disease.
Has anyone else ever been to Liberia? I was there in 1975. It's an even worse shithole than Uganda or Chad. I can't imagine Ebola being that big a deal there since the place is in a state of almost perpetual civil war.

I'm going to keep these threads bookmarked for a year or so for the next time one of you tries to play the "liberties" card.

Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

There isn't much liberty when you're dead, of a preventable disease because of improper containment protocols. Are we being unfair to the fire for putting it out instead of letting it burn wild? Ebola is like a fire, the more you let it burn, the more people will become infected; then you have an inferno on your hands and that pale of water just won't cut it anymore.
OUR Federal Governments SOLE PORPUSE to be there to protect the citizens of this country.

Instead they spend more on welfare then our military, borders, and was just FLYING in people from all around the world dumping them in your cities. but we shouldn't be upset over it all.

This is absolutely Obama and his administrations FAULT and should be laid right at his feet
so? what's his excuse today. oh that's right right its the red states fault? VIDEO at the site

Flashback: Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic
posted at 2:41 pm on October 2, 2014 by Ed Morrissey
A nice catch from our friends at Grabien, who got it from Ace [update] and who had to go all the way back to 2005 to find this nugget and the contemporaneous coverage at the NYT. At the time, the US prepared for a predicted epidemic of the avian flu, also known as H5N1, of global proportions. The virus had been identified for 18 years by that time, but by the end of 2004 had only resulted in 36 deaths and 50 known cases over the prior two years, according to WHO data. In 2005, the number of cases would jump to 98 and deaths to 43, and the prevention of a pandemic became a high priority. At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House:

all of it here:
Flashback Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic Hot Air
Next thing you know, you guys will demanding random checkpoints on the road, testing drivers for ebola.

Are there any tests to detect Ebola beforehand? I mean, something fast that you could do without thorough laboratory analyses? What am I asking, they can create some. They have the Ebola strain patent.

You know, at some point, I start asking myself, if my grandma still has an atomic bombshelter that were so popular in the 50s... They might turn to be useful...

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