President Hillary?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Maybe she's paranoid from the 25 year republican witch hunt against her.

Well, all the more reason she's unfit to be president... I don't want some half-baked, paranoid nutter taking that 03:00 call...
She would be worse than Obama but better than Bush.

Not much of a recommendation, I know.
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Maybe she's paranoid from the 25 year republican witch hunt against her.

Maybe Nixon was paranoid from the 25 year witch hunt against him. Is that really your excuse?
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Maybe she's paranoid from the 25 year republican witch hunt against her.

Well, all the more reason she's unfit to be president... I don't want some half-baked, paranoid nutter taking that 03:00 call...
Then by your reasoning you disqualify every member of the republican party. According to them, ISIS, ebola, Jade Helm, and Emperor Obama should have killed us all by now.
I doubt if you'll get any serious answers out of the sycophant liberals on this thread.
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Maybe she's paranoid from the 25 year republican witch hunt against her.
That level of sleaze and incompetence cannot be explained away with conspiracy nonsense.
Then by your reasoning you disqualify every member of the republican party. According to them, ISIS, ebola, Jade Helm, and Emperor Obama should have killed us all by now.

Are you completely unable, or just unwilling, to answer the OP?
Then by your reasoning you disqualify every member of the republican party. According to them, ISIS, ebola, Jade Helm, and Emperor Obama should have killed us all by now.

Are you completely unable, or just unwilling, to answer the OP?
I don't care, even the slightest, tiniest bit, about Hillary's e-mails. And I'm certain nothing will come of this. The answer I gave is the best I feel you people deserve.
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Since you won't get answers from them...I'll answer. It wasn't all government business. She was arranging for the payoff's for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries.
Then by your reasoning you disqualify every member of the republican party. According to them, ISIS, ebola, Jade Helm, and Emperor Obama should have killed us all by now.

Are you completely unable, or just unwilling, to answer the OP?
I don't care, even the slightest, tiniest bit, about Hillary's e-mails. And I'm certain nothing will come of this. The answer I gave is the best I feel you people deserve.
While your concern and certainty is very impressive, I believe the investigation will carry on. While the worst is yet to come, the damage has obviously already been done.
Hillary is only one of MANY Obama administration officials to be caught using personal e-mails to conduct government business to avoid someone discovering what went on at Benghazi or finding out that you are passing TOP SECRET information on an un-classified system. The head of Obama's EPA, for example, was caught doing this.

There is a law that states all federal government agencies MUST keep copies of all e-mails in order to comply with FOIA Requests. Conducting govt business on personal computers allows govt criminals/workers like Hillary to claim the documents didn't / don't exist otherwise copies would have been kept by the government servers. Deniability. It's also criminal fraud - by-passing the rules / laws required to support the FOIA. It is all to HIDE what they are doing....which is the complete opposite of the 'Most Transparent govt eveuh' Obama promised.
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Since you won't get answers from them...I'll answer. It wasn't all government business. She was arranging for the payoff's for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries.
Oh yeah there we go that's it :rolleyes:
For those of you who support her candidacy, what is YOUR EXPLANATION for why she conducted official government business on her personal server and then deleted thousands of emails AFTER being asked for them?
Since you won't get answers from them...I'll answer. It wasn't all government business. She was arranging for the payoff's for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries.
That, and those steamy communications with Janet Reno.

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