President Proud of Mistake-Free First Three Years


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
A Sunday chuckle... sounds about like what the Dear Leader said, eh!!:lol:

By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

President Obama says he’s feeling pretty upbeat about his reelection chances despite the worst economy since the 1930s and polls showing that two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how he’s handled his job.

“On the surface things look bad,” Obama admitted. “But if voters dig deeper they’ll realize that I’ve really done a remarkable job. They’ll see that all the choices I’ve made have been the right ones.”

One of the right choices the President chose to mention was Obamacare, which he called “absolutely the right thing to do. Look, left to their own devices, too many people are neglecting to make the right decisions about their health. They’re eating poorly, not exercising enough, and aren’t going to the doctor when they should. This has to change and the legislation we passed is step one on the road to a healthier America.”

The president also defended his economic policies, insisting that “those who’re focusing on the unemployment rate are missing the big picture. Government can’t and shouldn’t try to ensure prosperity.

Booms and busts are just things that happen. No one can control them. What government can do, though, is try to ensure that everybody gets their fair share of the pie. Those who have more than their fair share must give back some so that others can enjoy a better life. My policy on this has been consistent.”

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and I’m confident that voters will appreciate what I’ve done for them,” Obama concluded.

In related news, radio host Tom Joyner urged African-Americans to get behind Obama’s reelection effort. “Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride—and loyalty. A defeat for President Obama would be a triumph for racism. It will be used to claim that his victory in 2008 was a mistake.”

Thanks goes to..
President Proud of Mistake-Free First Three Years « Arizona Sunlight
A Sunday chuckle... sounds about like what the Dear Leader said, eh!!:lol:

By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

President Obama says he’s feeling pretty upbeat about his reelection chances despite the worst economy since the 1930s and polls showing that two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how he’s handled his job.

“On the surface things look bad,” Obama admitted. “But if voters dig deeper they’ll realize that I’ve really done a remarkable job. They’ll see that all the choices I’ve made have been the right ones.”

One of the right choices the President chose to mention was Obamacare, which he called “absolutely the right thing to do. Look, left to their own devices, too many people are neglecting to make the right decisions about their health. They’re eating poorly, not exercising enough, and aren’t going to the doctor when they should. This has to change and the legislation we passed is step one on the road to a healthier America.”

The president also defended his economic policies, insisting that “those who’re focusing on the unemployment rate are missing the big picture. Government can’t and shouldn’t try to ensure prosperity.

Booms and busts are just things that happen. No one can control them. What government can do, though, is try to ensure that everybody gets their fair share of the pie. Those who have more than their fair share must give back some so that others can enjoy a better life. My policy on this has been consistent.”

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and I’m confident that voters will appreciate what I’ve done for them,” Obama concluded.

In related news, radio host Tom Joyner urged African-Americans to get behind Obama’s reelection effort. “Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride—and loyalty. A defeat for President Obama would be a triumph for racism. It will be used to claim that his victory in 2008 was a mistake.”

Thanks goes to..
President Proud of Mistake-Free First Three Years « Arizona Sunlight
lol, Stephanie, I was reading your link, when all of a sudden this reached out and grabbed me: “Let’s not even deal with the facts right now."

That's so like people Obama surrounds himself--like Nancy Pelosi, who urged congressmen not to read the ObamaCare bill, just pass it, before all the little blind hide-and-tuck goodies were fully known. The Democrats passed it, too, against all reason and the bill's unpopularity with the public at large with 54% of the American people being opposed to the bill.

It was worse later when those who had health care insurance rates had their deductibles go from $200 deductible per year to $2400 deductible per year on health care coverage. Two weeks ago, the company from which my husband retired sent him a letter that they could terminate the insurance any time they decided to do so. Good grief. You work 33 years, have the same health insurance, and after you retire, politicians screw you out of what little you had and replace it with something we will all be paying higher premiums than private health care was before Nancy Pelosi destroyed people's current benefits.

We're so screwed by Nancy Pelosi after a lifetime of working our butts off and paying high premiums for private health care.

The working public has been totally stiffed by this mindless, thoughtless, terrible interference into the private business sector in the Democrat party.

There has to be a better form of government than what the Democrats have foisted upon us all.

The new screwup system is: people who worked their butts off paying taxes and paying for health care insurance will have to continue on or else someone will cancel all your earnings in the twinkling of a very bad vote on a very bad bill that will zoom large higher costs for the health care we were getting for reasonable rates.

I hate what Nancy Pelosi and her communist friends did to American health care.

I'm sick of politicians who carry Communist Party cards, then hide it.

I'm tired of politicians lying about how transparent their administration is, and then obscuring their administration's activities of the first three years so the public cannot debate what evil things they did to make them deserve the pink slip they have coming.

I'm tired of all this junk.

Yeah, right - Let's not deal with the facts right now. Obama could lose the election if we did that!!!!!!
A Sunday chuckle... sounds about like what the Dear Leader said, eh!!:lol:

By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

President Obama says he’s feeling pretty upbeat about his reelection chances despite the worst economy since the 1930s and polls showing that two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how he’s handled his job.

“On the surface things look bad,” Obama admitted. “But if voters dig deeper they’ll realize that I’ve really done a remarkable job. They’ll see that all the choices I’ve made have been the right ones.”

One of the right choices the President chose to mention was Obamacare, which he called “absolutely the right thing to do. Look, left to their own devices, too many people are neglecting to make the right decisions about their health. They’re eating poorly, not exercising enough, and aren’t going to the doctor when they should. This has to change and the legislation we passed is step one on the road to a healthier America.”

The president also defended his economic policies, insisting that “those who’re focusing on the unemployment rate are missing the big picture. Government can’t and shouldn’t try to ensure prosperity.

Booms and busts are just things that happen. No one can control them. What government can do, though, is try to ensure that everybody gets their fair share of the pie. Those who have more than their fair share must give back some so that others can enjoy a better life. My policy on this has been consistent.”

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and I’m confident that voters will appreciate what I’ve done for them,” Obama concluded.

In related news, radio host Tom Joyner urged African-Americans to get behind Obama’s reelection effort. “Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride—and loyalty. A defeat for President Obama would be a triumph for racism. It will be used to claim that his victory in 2008 was a mistake.”

Thanks goes to..
President Proud of Mistake-Free First Three Years « Arizona Sunlight

Did Obama really say what I bolded? That is scary stuff.
Gee, Joyner plays the race card. Blackness and pride, yeah that makes a lot of sense to the many dimwits in black society.
"Look, left to their own devices, too many people are neglecting to make the right decisions about their health. They’re eating poorly, not exercising enough, and aren’t going to the doctor when they should. This has to change and the legislation we passed is step one on the road to a healthier America.” -- Barack I'm a Neo-Nazi Obama

How you say, "I'm a Neo-Nazi" in 2011
[ame=]Congressman John Dingell: Control The People - YouTube[/ame]
A Sunday chuckle... sounds about like what the Dear Leader said, eh!!:lol:

By John Semmens: Semi-News — A Satirical Look at Recent News

President Obama says he’s feeling pretty upbeat about his reelection chances despite the worst economy since the 1930s and polls showing that two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how he’s handled his job.

“On the surface things look bad,” Obama admitted. “But if voters dig deeper they’ll realize that I’ve really done a remarkable job. They’ll see that all the choices I’ve made have been the right ones.”

One of the right choices the President chose to mention was Obamacare, which he called “absolutely the right thing to do. Look, left to their own devices, too many people are neglecting to make the right decisions about their health. They’re eating poorly, not exercising enough, and aren’t going to the doctor when they should. This has to change and the legislation we passed is step one on the road to a healthier America.”

The president also defended his economic policies, insisting that “those who’re focusing on the unemployment rate are missing the big picture. Government can’t and shouldn’t try to ensure prosperity.

Booms and busts are just things that happen. No one can control them. What government can do, though, is try to ensure that everybody gets their fair share of the pie. Those who have more than their fair share must give back some so that others can enjoy a better life. My policy on this has been consistent.”

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and I’m confident that voters will appreciate what I’ve done for them,” Obama concluded.

In related news, radio host Tom Joyner urged African-Americans to get behind Obama’s reelection effort. “Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride—and loyalty. A defeat for President Obama would be a triumph for racism. It will be used to claim that his victory in 2008 was a mistake.”

Thanks goes to..
President Proud of Mistake-Free First Three Years « Arizona Sunlight

Did Obama really say what I bolded? That is scary stuff.

I missed it too. I never listen or read any of Dear Leaders speeches.

What a fucking Nazi the guy is, total Progressive

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