President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

Ahh that awesome 'Hope & Change'...Recess Appointments,Patriot Act,GITMO,NDAA,SOPA,Raising Debt Limits,Rampant Cronyism,War,Wide open Borders,and so on and so on...Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

You talking about Bush or Obama?

You might want to tone down on those Meds. ;)

The president acted just a day after the Senate held a session — breaking with at least three different precedents that said the Senate must be in recess for at least three days for the president to exercise his appointment power. Mr. Obama himself was part of two of those precedents, both during his time in the Senate and again in 2010 when one of his administration’s top constitutional lawyers made the argument for the three-day waiting period to the Supreme Court.

Mr. Obama tapped former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head the CFPB, and named three others to the labor board — all of which had been stymied by congressional Republicans who said Mr. Obama is accruing too much power to himself through those two agencies.

Obama defies Congress with 'recess' picks - Washington Times
whoa...even from Politico


Obama recess appointment power is murky
Barack Obama’s recess appointments face a hiccup: The Senate isn’t technically in recess. | AP Photo

By MANU RAJU and SCOTT WONG | 1/4/12 5:54 PM EST
What happens when the president makes a recess appointment when the Senate is not technically on recess?

Nobody knows.

But President Barack Obama’s decision to jam the Senate and install three labor nominees and a consumer watchdog without a confirmation vote raises unsettled legal questions that could have a long-lasting impact past his presidency.

“This is not a nice, clear-cut area at all,” said Robert Dove, a former Senate parliamentarian, when asked about the implications of the president’s move.

Legal experts said Wednesday that there was no precedent for such recess appointments and that it would likely be put to the test in the courts by industry groups seeking to challenge regulations issued by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, whose new head, Richard Cordray, received an appointment even though the chamber was technically in session every few days.

Obama, they said, had effectively reasserted the power of the executive branch in the ongoing confirmation battles over the president’s nominees that have been dominated by the Senate during the past half decade.

But in concluding he had broad authority to install his appointments, Obama risks seeing other nominees bottled up by Senate Republicans who are privately vowing to retaliate against what they believe is a brazen power grab by the Obama administration. And if Republicans regain control of the Senate in the 2012 elections, it may be even harder for the president to win confirmation of controversial nominees if Obama wins a second term.

“What the president did today sets a terrible precedent that could allow any future president to completely cut the Senate out of the confirmation process, appointing his nominees immediately after sending their names up to Congress,” Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said.

The gridlock was already bad in the Senate, but Obama’s moves could lead to a nuclear winter in a chamber where one senator could bottle up virtually any presidential nomination anytime in the future.

“It certainly will exacerbate the already bad relations between Republicans in Congress and President Obama, and I think this is a mistake,” former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said in an interview. “I do think this will wind up creating ill will and end up in legal actions.”

the rest and LOTS of comments
Read more: Obama recess appointment power is murky - Manu Raju and Scott Wong -
Funny how the turtle is happy to lie about the rules about President Obama who has had, what? 29 appointees while Bush and other pubs had hundreds.

Sorry to disappoint but this is a tempest in a teapot, Obama is well within the rules and the turtle is lying.

Good for you Mr. President. The Party of No Way No How No Jobs and Let Them Eat Cake are actually in recess and left behind only one lying hypocrite to watch over the GObP/pub gold while the rest of them are enjoying a long LONG vacation.
Funny how the turtle is happy to lie about the rules about President Obama who has had, what? 29 appointees while Bush and other pubs had hundreds.

Sorry to disappoint but this is a tempest in a teapot, Obama is well within the rules and the turtle is lying.

Good for you Mr. President. The Party of No Way No How No Jobs and Let Them Eat Cake are actually in recess and left behind only one lying hypocrite to watch over the GObP/pub gold while the rest of them are enjoying a long LONG vacation.

bury head in problem
Ask yourself...afterall you're mine.

PS: You're not're posting on a message board while you blame President Obama for your failing business.

Obviously you are the cause of your own considerable, numerous, and abject failures.

I haven't mentioned my business in a while. Funny thing is my failing business was awarded the Super Service Award a couple weeks ago from Angieslist.

You, however continue to be a bitch daily.

And as your business fails, you helplessly post messages on an internet message board....

As for being a would seem as though your former competitors (you're apparently no longer competitive:badgrin:) have made you theirs.

Be careful when you drop your welfare check...they may want to take another pass at you, Grumps.

Spoken like a true whore who has experience getting bent over.
How funny...A Republican is considered a "moderate" only when they agree with the Democrats..

Scott Brown should switch parties

Liberal Dictionary:
moderate - liberal
independent - liberal
true conservative - liberal
Funny how the turtle is happy to lie about the rules about President Obama who has had, what? 29 appointees while Bush and other pubs had hundreds.

Sorry to disappoint but this is a tempest in a teapot, Obama is well within the rules and the turtle is lying.

Good for you Mr. President. The Party of No Way No How No Jobs and Let Them Eat Cake are actually in recess and left behind only one lying hypocrite to watch over the GObP/pub gold while the rest of them are enjoying a long LONG vacation.

bury head in problem

Another Federal Bureaucracy to feed, shelter, and clothe. No problem. The Executive Branch running Oversight over the Credit Reporting Agencies. No problem. We don't Ever need oversight for the Executive Branch, because it is Special. ;) Can people be that stupid? Don't bother answering. :D
You guys think this is bad there are more recess appointments in the pipeline, The NLRB has three vacant seats that will soon be filled in spite of their partisan obstruction. Don't like it? Tell your congressman to make a BIG deal about it when congress comes back. Tell them to make numerous floor speeches to make the case exactly why these appointments have been held up because up until now they have not had much to say other than Obama is a socialist and such.

Apparently you don't like the Constitution. You're a perfect little boot licking drone. Modern day liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. They're even anti-Semites like the Nazis were.
Funny how the turtle is happy to lie about the rules about President Obama who has had, what? 29 appointees while Bush and other pubs had hundreds.

Sorry to disappoint but this is a tempest in a teapot, Obama is well within the rules and the turtle is lying.

Good for you Mr. President. The Party of No Way No How No Jobs and Let Them Eat Cake are actually in recess and left behind only one lying hypocrite to watch over the GObP/pub gold while the rest of them are enjoying a long LONG vacation.

bury head in problem

Another Federal Bureaucracy to feed, shelter, and clothe. No problem. The Executive Branch running Oversight over the Credit Reporting Agencies. No problem. We don't Ever need oversight for the Executive Branch, because it is Special. ;) Can people be that stupid? Don't bother answering. :D

yep, and people cheer the fact us WORKING citizens have to pay for another worthless agency...I wonder what this greedy ass Government is going to do when they run out of worker bees paying their Federal income taxes.
You support recess appointments when Republicans do it, not Democrats. I've already made my stance on appointments pretty clear in this thread.

Congress hasn't recessed, dipstick

They can't argue that point, so they fail to address it. Do we have record of a Single Bush Appointment, or Anyone else, who made a Recess Appointment while the Senate was still Officially in Secession???
You guys think this is bad there are more recess appointments in the pipeline, The NLRB has three vacant seats that will soon be filled in spite of their partisan obstruction. Don't like it? Tell your congressman to make a BIG deal about it when congress comes back. Tell them to make numerous floor speeches to make the case exactly why these appointments have been held up because up until now they have not had much to say other than Obama is a socialist and such.

Apparently you don't like the Constitution. You're a perfect little boot licking drone. Modern day liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. They're even anti-Semites like the Nazis were.

And we want to see white conservatives burning in the ovens of Obama's concentration camps.

by "tell them where to go" you mean "ignore the Constitution," right?

The people you believe to be our "greatest presidents" did routinely ignore the Constitution. They wiped their asses on it.

And that's what libturds like you admire.
You guys think this is bad there are more recess appointments in the pipeline, The NLRB has three vacant seats that will soon be filled in spite of their partisan obstruction. Don't like it? Tell your congressman to make a BIG deal about it when congress comes back. Tell them to make numerous floor speeches to make the case exactly why these appointments have been held up because up until now they have not had much to say other than Obama is a socialist and such.

Apparently you don't like the Constitution. You're a perfect little boot licking drone. Modern day liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. They're even anti-Semites like the Nazis were.

It's only Partisan obstruction when Republicans do it. When Democrats do it I guess somehow it is Patriotic. They are eating their own shit sandwiches again I guess.
You support recess appointments when Republicans do it, not Democrats. I've already made my stance on appointments pretty clear in this thread.

Congress hasn't recessed, dipstick

They can't argue that point, so they fail to address it. Do we have record of a Single Bush Appointment, or Anyone else, who made a Recess Appointment while the Senate was still Officially in Secession???

P.S. The republicans won't be able to stop Obama.

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