President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

It's clear that Obama doesn't believe in applying the same rules to himself everyone else does. Is there any wonder there is such a lack of confidence in government these days. And yet he dares to say that Congress, and dare I say, Republicans, do not have the best interests of the people in mind.

Wonder if anyone noticed that the appointment cost us $500 million. Obama appointed the guy to a brand new position. Yet more bureaucracy that we have to pay for.

Btw, does anyone know when the last time Obama called together his cabinet?

The truth is Obama's cabinet has very little to do with running the government. They're just moderates he nominated to soothe Congressional fears while the radicals he calls czars are doing the real damage.

This is the problem with electing lawyers as President. They find every single nebulous flaw in the law they can possibly use to their advantage and thus muddy the waters.

I say let the prick get everything he wants......then watch the devastation he causes. Fighting him is useless because no Repug has the balls to stand up to him and the media will just eat them for breakfast.

Venezuela in a nut-shell.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Republicans don't make a big deal of this much beyond Mitch McConnell's hissyfit. Can't imagine they'd wanna have to actually justify why they've been blocking this guy to begin with.

I wouldn't bet on that since it's clear that the Republicans have an almost irrational desire to want to block as much of Obama's agenda as they can. Additionally, it doesn't seem to matter to them what it is that they block. If Obama is for it, they want to block it, even if they were once advocates for the same idea. What's more, it doesn't appear that they much care how they manage to make that happen. So, if President Obama actually has the temerity to do an end run around them (especially if it's successful), it wouldn't surprise me if they wouldn't relish a constitutional show down.

After all, don't you remember what happened when Obama wanted the debt ceiling raised just like several presidents before him. Republicans showed frightening willingness to play 'chicken' with the US credit rating.
This may come as a shock to you, but Republicans are under no obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's wishes.

They don't work for him.

I'll give you a few moments to come to terms with that inconvenient truth.
Nice going Mr. President. :cool: Cordray is > qualified by being a former Attorney General. You also DO have the political capital: | National News | Pensacola News Journal
The president also was expected to announce other recess appointments on Wednesday.

Until now, he has made 28. Bush made more than 170 during his presidency. Bill Clinton made almost 140.

Obama's decision to make a recess appointment is certain to cause an uproar from Capitol Hill to Wall Street. He is essentially declaring the Senate's short off-and-on legislative sessions a sham intended to block his appointments.
The above would be true. Also, makes Wall Street banksters & Senate Repubs mad? :( Must be the right thing to do :2up:

warren never got a vote, why? because reid could not get it past the dems either hello. history doesn't start when its convenient for you.

you do realize that that Consumer affairs bureau is written so as to be completely know that, right? does it matter to you?

do know that just 18 months ago obama fought for a 3 day benchmark as to the senate having to be out of session before a recess appt. could be, whats changed?

and, ried in years past has used the pro forma session to block bush from making appointments and bush didn't.

any comments to those points? or is your hackaggae so deep and wide it doesn't matter?
You have to make allowances for Dottie. He believes Obama can do no wrong.

Maybe Obama could put Republicans in camps.

Democrat Presidents seem to like putting people in camps.

I hope so. Can he gas them too?
Before or after he commits suicide?
Was she ever nominated for the post?

*shrugs*matters not, there was no secret, she set up the bureau from the git go.

obama had her set up the bureau, awaiting the nose counting which reid could not make happen. reid and obama wanted her,( geithner actually advised against her btw too) so sppt. was lukewarm, his own caucus told him, her A&C vote if nominated would be problematic, he let her dangle till july. oh and you don't even need to be nominated to get a recess appt. either.

What do you mean, "it matters not"?

If she was never nominated, there was never an issue of a confirmation hearing, let alone a recess appointment.

a) you don't need to be nominated to be given a recess appointment, b) why didn't they nominate her then? she appeared before a comm. in july....and?
*shrugs*matters not, there was no secret, she set up the bureau from the git go.

obama had her set up the bureau, awaiting the nose counting which reid could not make happen. reid and obama wanted her,( geithner actually advised against her btw too) so sppt. was lukewarm, his own caucus told him, her A&C vote if nominated would be problematic, he let her dangle till july. oh and you don't even need to be nominated to get a recess appt. either.

What do you mean, "it matters not"?

If she was never nominated, there was never an issue of a confirmation hearing, let alone a recess appointment.

a) you don't need to be nominated to be given a recess appointment, b) why didn't they nominate her then? she appeared before a comm. in july....and?

Maybe by then they decided there's something else she can do. Like, say, run for Senate.
Every time Obama sticks it to congress his approval ratings go up, about time he takes advantage of that. They can file those lawsuits, make threats of legislative budgetary sabotage, fall to the ground and hold their breath, it does not matter. He is going to do everything he can to save what's left of the economy in spite of their obstructionist asses.

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