President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

Every time Obama sticks it to congress his approval ratings go up, about time he takes advantage of that. They can file those lawsuits, make threats of legislative budgetary sabotage, fall to the ground and hold their breath, it does not matter. He is going to do everything he can to save what's left of the economy in spite of their obstructionist asses.
Obama didn't "stick it" to anyone. He bumbled his way around the law, and it has and will come back to punch him smack dab in the middle of in his cricket countenance.

I have no problem with this president pushing through policies that directly and demonstrably benefit the working people of our nation, I do have a big problem with congress using the machinery of our government to protect the 1% and further their future financial industry lobbyist careers.

well you would love living somewhere else perhaps..try Venezuela..
You'll send somebody.

What a little bitch. Too much a pussy to do it yourself.

Have I told you lately what a little bitch you are?

Do you perform your own prostate exams?
Pssst! I'm not the one offering to send somebody else to kick someone's ass, bitch.

You really are a sissy bedwetter.

"Kick someone's ass"? I was going to send someone to cart you off to one of Obama's concentration camps for conservatives and then to the ovens.
Every time Obama sticks it to congress his approval ratings go up, about time he takes advantage of that. They can file those lawsuits, make threats of legislative budgetary sabotage, fall to the ground and hold their breath, it does not matter. He is going to do everything he can to save what's left of the economy in spite of their obstructionist asses.
Obama didn't "stick it" to anyone. He bumbled his way around the law, and it has and will come back to punch him smack dab in the middle of in his cricket countenance.

I have no problem with this president pushing through policies that directly and demonstrably benefit the working people of our nation, I do have a big problem with congress using the machinery of our government to protect the 1% and further their future financial industry lobbyist careers.

That's a falsehood perped by lying Democraps.

They're just as much in bed with the 1% as those they accuse of the crime.

Now, let's hear some more about the GOP being the party of Dirty air and Dirty water, shall we???
This may come as a shock to you, but Republicans are under no obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's wishes.

They don't work for him.

I'll give you a few moments to come to terms with that inconvenient truth.

Wow, ya don't say!

You retards need to quit acting like opposing the President is treason.

Remember when dissent used to be patriotic? Funny how that stopped in January of 2009.

You numbnuts.

This may come as a shock to you, but Republicans are under no obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's wishes.

They don't work for him.

I'll give you a few moments to come to terms with that inconvenient truth.

Wow, ya don't say!

You retards need to quit acting like opposing the President is treason.

Remember when dissent used to be patriotic? Funny how that stopped in January of 2009.

eh... maybe if rightwingnut, obama-deranged nutters weren't so full of fauxrage when the

president does things that have been done by every president. *shrug*


RPC avg still has him beating the GOP field

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

so it looks like most people don't find the obama deranged credible. this will only help with voters who felt he wasn't putting up a fight with the nutbars.

there is nothing patriotic about obama derangement syndrome.
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Let me see if I accurately understand conservatives' outrage.

Bush made 170 recess appoints.

This is Obama's 28th recess appointment.

And conservatives are outraged because Obama is circumventing the Congressional confirmation hearings process?

This reminds me of the moment in "Terminator 2" when the terminator (Ahnold) was introduced to John Connor's Mexican friend, Enrique, as 'Uncle Bob.' His reaction?

MY Outrage has to do with THERE IS NO RECESS, he has no authority to make an appointment.
Let me see if I accurately understand conservatives' outrage.

Bush made 170 recess appoints.

This is Obama's 28th recess appointment.

And conservatives are outraged because Obama is circumventing the Congressional confirmation hearings process?

This reminds me of the moment in "Terminator 2" when the terminator (Ahnold) was introduced to John Connor's Mexican friend, Enrique, as 'Uncle Bob.' His reaction?

MY Outrage has to do with THERE IS NO RECESS, he has no authority to make an appointment.

That's the beauty of it! :lol:

He sure looked good at the podium kicking a little butt too.
So? that's the new standard for a President today..

acting like a thug and kicking butt.
Let me see if I accurately understand conservatives' outrage.

Bush made 170 recess appoints.

This is Obama's 28th recess appointment.

And conservatives are outraged because Obama is circumventing the Congressional confirmation hearings process?

This reminds me of the moment in "Terminator 2" when the terminator (Ahnold) was introduced to John Connor's Mexican friend, Enrique, as 'Uncle Bob.' His reaction?

MY Outrage has to do with THERE IS NO RECESS, he has no authority to make an appointment.

That's the beauty of it! :lol:

He sure looked good at the podium kicking a little butt too.

Yes useful idiots always praise corruption from their party.

Wow, ya don't say!

You retards need to quit acting like opposing the President is treason.

Remember when dissent used to be patriotic? Funny how that stopped in January of 2009.

eh... maybe if rightwingnut, obama-deranged nutters weren't so full of fauxrage when the

president does things that have been done by every president. *shrug*


RPC avg still has him beating the GOP field

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

so it looks like most people don't find the obama deranged credible. this will only help with voters who felt he wasn't putting up a fight with the nutbars.

there is nothing patriotic about obama derangement syndrome.

so, when Dems bitched and moaned about W's recess appointments, something you just said (and proved) most other Presidents have done... that was ok. But now that the GOP is bitching about Obama's, that's Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Double standard much?

Personally, I think recess appointments suck regardless of your party affiliation.

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