President Trump Demonstrates Again He Is A Dangerous Fool!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump's public statement today about Pakistan demonstrates crystal clearly that he is not only a fool but an extremely dangerous fool! The Pakistan government has been for decades upon decades a good ally of ours and President Trump's twitter comments today and other similar comments risk ruining that relationship and could cause much worse problems for America from Islamic terrorists. The alarming thing about President Trump's comments is that he does not know what he is talking about he is acting like a complete idiot on this issue. The Pakistani government could not defeat the Taliban in the mountain regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan if they put 110% effort into it, the terrain is too tough to wage a war, the Taliban there are too able a fighting force and the Pakistan army is not strong enough to win such a war. The Pakistani Army has lost way more soldiers fighting the Taliban than the U.S. Army over the past seventeen years, America needs to appreciate this. In 2009, the Taliban controlled Swat Valley, approximately eighty-five miles from Islamabad Pakistan's capital, the Pakistan Army fought a brutal battle there and was victorious. Those events highlight that the Taliban pose an ongoing existential threat to the country of Pakistan, a nuclear armed country and the American people and especially the American President need to appreciate the gravity of this danger!

Yes, currently the Pakistan government and army aren't totally reliable there is a lot of Taliban sympathizes and Islamic extremists that hate the West sympathizes in these government entities. Nevertheless, the Pakistan government and army helps us a lot and there is a lot of good people in Pakistan. One example of the helpfulness of the Pakistan government is they acquiesce in our drone strikes in Pakistan that have killed a lot of Taliban leaders over the years which has been very helpful.

Yes, it would be good if the U.S. through friendly means, meaning don't threaten to or shut off any foreign aid could help facilitate the Pakistan government and army wresting the entire country from the Taliban; but honestly that would involve a terribly bloody and costly war. The U.S. government would be more prudent if they focused their security efforts on the Haqqani militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan pull out all the stops to kill the leadership of this organization until this group permanently agrees to peace this is an evil group which wisdom calls for unleashing America's full might on the Haqqani leadership and turning it into rubble!
Discontinue ALL foriegn aid, bring all our military personnel home, and mind our own business. What a novel idea.

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