"President Trump has announced America is dropping out of the UN migrant program"

If true, I think this is a very smart move.

We go into the mid-east, ostensibly to "liberate" the "people". We proceed to carpet bomb the ever-loving fuck out of them. Killing innocent men, women and children. Destroying entire towns and villages. The entire time we are devastating them we act like we are doing them a favor!!!

These people HATE us. Wouldn't you?

Then we import them here? Why?
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I have not seen a single news report on this

the US Mission to the UN put out a statement about it on their twitter.


US Mission to the UN on Twitter
Well, the UN Global Compact on Migration is in their own words, a "voluntary initiative".

So fuck 'em. I'm not volunteering to have my country overrun with Muslim refugees, like those European countries.
From a post by the OP:
Ambassador Nikki Haley: “America is proud of our immigrant heritage and our long-standing moral leadership in providing support to migrant and refugee populations across the globe...But our decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone."

This is CAPITAL. One of the best ideas I've heard coming out of any administration in nearly 30 years. The idea of us bowing before laws made by bodies outside the U.S., has always been a bad policy. A few groups have made some sensible laws, such as the Geneva Convention, but most simply cater to the interests of countries OUTSIDE our borders. Interests which should stay outside our borders.
They just come here and complain anyways

You nailed it.
My two favorite complaints:
"The U.S. sucks...I wish it was more like the shithole I fled."
"The U.S. sucks...we don't get enough free shit...we need $15 per hour."
Then...we get the wetbacks that we send EBT cards to waving the Mexico flags in our faces.
I hope this is so true. Trump is the best, the greatest president since Washington.

God Bless President Trump.

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