President Trump has higher approval rating than Obama or Reagan at same point in presidency

So, we're only going to trust polls that tell us what we want to hear? FOX News and especially Rasmussen have steered further right than all polls on average.

It's best to look at multiple sources and for that we have RCP's poll averaging which has Trump currently at 42.2%. Feel free to keep lying to yourself though.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Keep lying to yourself snowflake. Fact is Rasmussen was the ONLY poll that got both Obama's reelection AND President Trumps election RIGHT...all others were way off and wrong. So keep cherry picking IDC.

True, Rasmussen did have Clinton leading by 2% and Clinton won by 2.1%, however this brings up an important point. Are you saying that illegal aliens didn't put Clinton over the top in the popular vote? I sure hope you haven't made that argument in the past.

As for Rasmussen's overall accuracy, they simply aren't the best, they are mediocre at best. rates them as a C+ based on passed performance. Rasmussen predicted Romney would win. For the 2008 election, while Rasmussen was close they were ranked 9th most accurate.

Now, I'm not like you and completely ignore all pollsters. For example the RCP Trump approval average of 42.2% includes both the FOX and Rasmussen polls. You on the other hand just want to throw everything out just because they say things you don't like. Kind of makes you weak.
538 LOL....had Clinton with like a 80% chance of winning...LMAO...not credible.

Once again you are confusing polls with prediction models. 538 tracks the accuracy of polling outfits, you don't.

Anyway, the difference between you and I is I look at all valid polls, even those that don't say what I want to hear, you on the other hand only rely on conservative polling. It's a big reason why you think millions of illegal aliens voted in the last presidential election.
TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

That's with 90% bad media and lies and fake news so more than likely its in the high 50's or low 60's. Funny thing is Reagan won in a landslide reelection and Obama pretty much crushed Romney in the swing states in 2012.

The OP naturally forgets that both Reagan and Obama came into office with large recessions they inherited(Reagan back-to-back recessions, Obama the largest recession since the Great Depression) that usually take at least a couple of years or more. depending on the size of the recession. to correct. Where as Trump inherited a fast growing economy.
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Can we stick to historical facts, instead of partisan talking points, Thank you.
TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

That's with 90% bad media and lies and fake news so more than likely its in the high 50's or low 60's. Funny thing is Reagan won in a landslide reelection and Obama pretty much crushed Romney in the swing states in 2012.
Get the fuck out of here. You’re using a Fox poll? The same station that gives him daily blow jobs?
What a joke you are!
Well it does no good to respond...but anyways..yes I use REAL NEWS not FAKE NEWS like CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS etc.

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