President Trump: Making America Normal Again

Yes , trump has virtually castrated them all. Which brings up an interesting ing question , is it possible to castrate a woman. He has a few of those representatives in his cult too.
Trump has given them balls ..... It doesn't take balls to do an establishment neocon like the people with TDS...the Liz Cheney' types
Trump has given them balls ..... It doesn't take balls to do an establishment neocon like the people with TDS...the Liz Cheney' types
You don't give anyone anything when you threaten them , you only take away their dignity and self respect if they kowtow to your demands.
Bull..... Leaders don't kowtow they lead, you don't massage egos
Too bad he didn't leave him with some sense of decency and morality.
Sure he has more decency than you do morality you got Pelosi making hundreds of millions of dollars off of inside of trading we got scumbag child molester Biden in his drug addicted son laundering influence peddled money and you worry about Trump's morality?...please 🙄... Selective outrage doesn't impress... Trump arrangement syndrome and decency or oxymorons
Sure he has more decency than you do morality you got Pelosi making hundreds of millions of dollars off of inside of trading we got scumbag child molester Biden in his drug addicted son laundering influence peddled money and you worry about Trump's morality?...please 🙄... Selective outrage doesn't impress... Trump arrangement syndrome and decency or oxymorons
trump said it himself , he was a better person that I am. trump knows who and what he is. Sorry you have no idea who he is and since you attempted to attack me , you know nothing about me either. It's obvious you have very poor judgment.
trump said it himself , he was a better person that I am. trump knows who and what he is. Sorry you have no idea who he is and since you attempted to attack me , you know nothing about me either. It's obvious you have very poor judgment

I judge actions while in office , not some stupid media inspired TDS , those actions include , peace deals between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East no new wars , none this immoral transgender agenda b******* low interest rates ,low gas prices, low energy prices, low food prices, border under control ECT... He did all this in spite of the immoral TDS fed bullshit soaked up by the weak minded who buy into that bull crap ...when you have a personal hatred for a person you don't even know there's something wrong with you I judge a president by their actions.
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I judge actions while in office , not some stupid media inspired TDS , those actions include , peace deals between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East no new wars , none this immoral transgender agenda b******* low interest rates ,low gas prices, low energy prices, low food prices, border under control ECT... He did all this in spite of the immoral TDS fed bullshit soaked up by the weak minded who buy into that bull crap ...when you have a personal hatred for a person you don't even know there's something wrong with you I judge a president by their actions.
I judge a person's character by what they do in their lives. trump married , cheated on her, divorced and remarried , cheated on that wife and remarried. Finally while wife three was pregnant , he cheated on her with a porn star , who he tried to pay off to keep her quite. We all know how that worked out. Plus he cheated his nephew , who was disabled , out of his inheritance. He stole money from his own charity. Need I really go on. He's a total scumbag and anybody with half a brain knows that. He makes small time carnies look good. That's difficult to do. Try to have a good night I plan on it.
I judge a person's character by what they do in their lives. trump married , cheated on her, divorced and remarried , cheated on that wife and remarried. Finally while wife three was pregnant , he cheated on her with a porn star , who he tried to pay off to keep her quite. We all know how that worked out. Plus he cheated his nephew , who was disabled , out of his inheritance. He stole money from his own charity. Need I really go on. He's a total scumbag and anybody with half a brain knows that. He makes small time carnies look good. That's difficult to do. Try to have a good night I plan on it.
Fake news, pushed by the fake news media i give a s*** who Trump sleeps with 30 years ago his wife supports him and I judge him by this his accomplishments as president that's you a judge a president, by not the b******* you just listed.. Trump's arrangement syndrome is strong in you ,you must proud 💪🏼 I could care less about his private life 30 years ago but I do care about 200 billion dollars being sent over to Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of people dead because of an incompetent president have a good night 👍🏼
Fake news, pushed by the fake news media i give a s*** who Trump sleeps with 30 years ago his wife supports him and I judge him by this his accomplishments as president that's you a judge a president, by not the b******* you just listed.. Trump's arrangement syndrome is strong in you ,you must proud 💪🏼 I could care less about his private life 30 years ago but I do care about 200 billion dollars being sent over to Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of people dead because of an incompetent president have a good night 👍🏼
LOL , he's the FAKE , everything he stands for is Fraudulent. He's one big lie after another. And you fools put your faith in that liar.
LOL , he's the FAKE , everything he stands for is Fraudulent. He's one big lie after another. And you fools put your faith in that liar.
Get some help for your psychosis..... Irrational hatred may be treatable
Get some help for your psychosis..... Irrational hatred may be treatable
trump is the one who's psychotic and you're playing along with him like nothing's wrong.
trump is the one who's psychotic and you're playing along with him like nothing's wrong.
Move on man , you got nothing to add to the conversation, your mind is ravaged with Trump's arrangement syndrome you can't think clearly... I prefer to have all control over our borders no wars etc you prefer to sit in your basement thinking about how much you hate Donald Trump seek psychological help
Get some help for your psychosis..... Irrational hatred may be treatable
It's not hatred , it's common sense. You lost yours when you started supporting this crazy criminal.
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Move on man , you got nothing to add to the conversation, your mind is ravaged with Trump's arrangement syndrome you can't think clearly... I prefer to have all control over our borders no wars etc you prefer to sit in your basement thinking about how much you hate Donald Trump seek psychological help
You need to come to your senses.
I support policies , youre consumed with a child
That would be trump. Do you throw tantrums too ? Then it would be both of you. Try to grow up and have a good day. I plan on it.
America has been a social experiment whereby whites have been socially engineered to succeed.
Is this Barack Obama or Al Sharptons burner account?

How about the American black community takes a little responsibility and accountability? Black immigrants come over here and do way better than native blacks who are indoctrinated with your poisonous mindset. You’re just a race pimp simpleton.
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