President Trump orders Army Corps of Engineers to open California dams and release the water

Hey guys, look. Trump took control of the crisis with a simple common-sense solution. If you aren't going to have decency enough to show gratitude, the very least you leftwingers can do admit "Hey. Our side messed up. Trump did the job".
What crisis did Shitler! take control of since the water isn't going to SoCal.
I read that. Why complain when you do the same thing? Notice the paper did not quote a single republican politician. It is a false flag. The pair of dams are helping citizens of CA who also own that water. But you want them to not get any.

What a stupid comment that is. You keep claiming that Democrats don’t want to help people.

All you’re doing is parroting the lies Trump tells you. None of it has any basis, in fact.
The smog was reduced because the people of CA moved left and elected a legislator that pushed republic governors to act.
What you are doing is proving Democrats are authoritarians. This has long been my claim since I spent years being a loyal Democrat.

Smog was hated by all of us. I am a native of CA and recall precisely what you are gabbing about. I mentioned the SF Bay. When i was a kid, that bay had turds floating all over it. I was born when Democrats were in power over much of the nation. That is why FDR kept being elected. He had powerful forces keeping him in office. FDR nor the State lifted a finger to stop smog or those turds I told you I smelled and saw as a young boy. I called it Jackie's perfume to tease a local girl at the time.

When you enjoy being a Left winger, keep in mind the Democrats have not stopped. They impose laws on citizens like we want them to. But when it came to Lincoln Riley, the girl murdered, that law they fought against like she was shit. They protect the illegals in the USA.
Trump's Tweet is a lie. He turned on the Federal Pumps AFTER they had been closed for maintenance,
We have reports that once Trump ordered the water to the South to help the fires being put out, that the dams released water on his orders. It is in their reports that Trump told them to.
The petty little troll claimed credit for something he had nothing to do with. Very typical of Trump.
He is the top Federal officer. And the dams report he opened them up.
What a stupid comment that is. You keep claiming that Democrats don’t want to help people.

All you’re doing is parroting the lies Trump tells you. None of it has any basis, in fact.
No, I speak like Reagan did or the new Republican Tulsi Gabbard does as well as thousands of converts from the Democratic party. We woke up. That is why the word woke is fair.
Democrats lie. They do not care about humans. They care about power and money. Biden for example has got tons of money though he did not earn it. It was for money more he and Obama rose to power. I used to also be indoctrinated as you now are.
The dams Trump opened in California are flooding farms in Central California, and have now been closed.
But now that he did that, LA reports the fires are now 100 percent contained. You don't flood farms from water from the DAMs. They never would do that. Farms must extract water and if the farmer floods his property, well he gets the blame.

People on this forum clearly are not farmers nor have they worked on farms. I have done that personally. Flooding happens due to heavy rains or heavy snow falls.
Trump stupidly ordered the release of over 2 billion gallons of water from reservoirs in California which hold water for agricultural use in the summer months.

It did nothing for water supply to fight fires in Los Angeles because only water in the California Aquaduct comes from Northern California to Los Angeles, it has to be pumped over the Tehachapi Mountains. It was a complete waste of this precious resource because it had to be released to drain the ocean ...additionally, there is no pipeline or canal bringing water from Oregon, Washington or British Columbia, Canada to California.

Ironically, the area served by the two reservoirs , Lake Kaweah and Lake Success in the southern Central Valley had exceedingly wet years in 2022 and '23, flooding crop land and refilling historic Lake Tulare. After two years the lake had finally dried out enough for some of the lost crop land to come under production again.

Trump literally ordered water released to the only place in California that IT COULD NOT BE USED!!!

Stupid is as stupid does
Trump literally ordered water released to the only place in California that IT COULD NOT BE USED!!!

Why then do Californians keep telling me they have no water crisis? No water is ever wasted, maybe that water went out to sea to help water those little fishes Gavin Nuisance keeps trying to save.

Bottom line is that was federally-owned water not California water and you don't get to use it no more.
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Why then do Californians keep telling me they have no water crisis? No water is ever wasted, maybe that water went out to sea to help water those little fishes Gavin Nuisance keeps trying to save.

Bottom line is that was federally-owned water not California water and you don't get to use it no more.
Blaming Trump for the routine fires in California and their mismanagement by state officials makes me think this topic was not researched very well before it was posted.
Blaming Trump for the routine fires in California and their mismanagement by state officials makes me think this topic was not researched very well before it was posted.

What I don't get is the climate change argument. I mean, Ca has been burning forever, so has it all been due to climate change all that time? I spent a lot of time in California back in the 1980s long before climate change, the whole time I was there (between LA and SF), it never rained once. Shit was bone dry. Worse, when we headed inland (Merced, etc.) it was as hot as a furnace. Everything was brown. Even at the Golden Gate bridge in August, the air was so dry in August that it wicked the moisture right off your body.

My point is that how dry is dry? Once something is dry enough to burn, it can't get any drier and no amount of climate can change that or make it worse. Whatever problems Ca has, they have had it long long before Trump or climate change.
What I don't get is the climate change argument. I mean, Ca has been burning forever, so has it all been due to climate change all that time? I spent a lot of time in California back in the 1980s long before climate change, the whole time I was there (between LA and SF), it never rained once. Shit was bone dry. Worse, when we headed inland (Merced, etc.) it was as hot as a furnace. Everything was brown. Even at the Golden Gate bridge in August, the air was so dry in August that it wicked the moisture right off your body.

My point is that how dry is dry? Once something is dry enough to burn, it can't get any drier and no amount of climate can change that or make it worse. Whatever problems Ca has, they have had it long long before Trump or climate change.
And now the illegal igniters to help things along.
Trump stupidly ordered the release of over 2 billion gallons of water from reservoirs in California which hold water for agricultural use in the summer months.

It did nothing for water supply to fight fires in Los Angeles because only water in the California Aquaduct comes from Northern California to Los Angeles, it has to be pumped over the Tehachapi Mountains. It was a complete waste of this precious resource because it had to be released to drain the ocean ...additionally, there is no pipeline or canal bringing water from Oregon, Washington or British Columbia, Canada to California.

Ironically, the area served by the two reservoirs , Lake Kaweah and Lake Success in the southern Central Valley had exceedingly wet years in 2022 and '23, flooding crop land and refilling historic Lake Tulare. After two years the lake had finally dried out enough for some of the lost crop land to come under production again.

Trump literally ordered water released to the only place in California that IT COULD NOT BE USED!!!

Stupid is as stupid does
Yeah, but the showbiz element was top notch, and the flock swooned for their great hero!

Where are your priorities!
Why then do Californians keep telling me they have no water crisis? No water is ever wasted, maybe that water went out to sea to help water those little fishes Gavin Nuisance keeps trying to save.

Bottom line is that was federally-owned water not California water and you don't get to use it no more.
What is that, government by psychopathy?
Trump stupidly ordered the release of over 2 billion gallons of water from reservoirs in California which hold water for agricultural use in the summer months.

It did nothing for water supply to fight fires in Los Angeles because only water in the California Aquaduct comes from Northern California to Los Angeles, it has to be pumped over the Tehachapi Mountains. It was a complete waste of this precious resource because it had to be released to drain the ocean ...additionally, there is no pipeline or canal bringing water from Oregon, Washington or British Columbia, Canada to California.

Ironically, the area served by the two reservoirs , Lake Kaweah and Lake Success in the southern Central Valley had exceedingly wet years in 2022 and '23, flooding crop land and refilling historic Lake Tulare. After two years the lake had finally dried out enough for some of the lost crop land to come under production again.

Trump literally ordered water released to the only place in California that IT COULD NOT BE USED!!!

Stupid is as stupid does
Trump is known to be a human scumbag, his only goal is to enrich himself - and therefore he is out to destroy everything that stands in his way - (especially Democrats and states/counties/institutions that behold Democrats), furthermore he couldn't be bothered that his actions also destroy the USA and cause havoc across the globe.

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