President Trump rescinded $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism and Neo Nazi's.

Good, it should have been rescinded to combat nihilistic domestic terrorist groups such as blm and antifa.
And I suppose that you think that this shit is OK? We should allow this to continue. What kind of country do you want??!!

Exclusive: New Report Offers Proof Of US Hate Crime Rise In The Trump Era | HuffPost

There are likely multiple explanations for 2016’s rise in hate crimes, Levin said, including “particularly sharp and widespread bigotry against particular communities like transgendered and Muslims” and the “emboldenment and mainstreaming of white nationalism.”

President Donald Trump’s election campaign was rife with rhetoric targeting or scapegoating minorities, and he often was slow to condemn ― and in some cases appeared to signal his support for ― white supremacists.

A white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month — the biggest such gathering in well over a decade, according to the Anti-Defamation League — saw many white supremacists holding pro-Trump signs, chanting pro-Trump slogans or wearing his signature “Make America Great Again” hat.
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
He and you think that it is the governments job to fund censorship?
Would you call shouting fire in a crowded theater "free speech"?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
He and you think that it is the governments job to fund censorship?
Is this fighting this sort of thing what you call censorship??


Arson destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, in January. Police later arrested 25-year-old Marq Vincent Perez, who has been charged with a hate crime.
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
Good. That's the kind of wasteful spending that the taxpayers are sick of. It's just insulting when a politician tells me I should pay more taxes when they are wasting tax dollars on bullshit like this. What the hell do they need $400,000 for?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
He and you think that it is the governments job to fund censorship?
Is this fighting this sort of thing what you call censorship??


Arson destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, in January. Police later arrested 25-year-old Marq Vincent Perez, who has been charged with a hate crime.

Are you trying to say this mexican is a white supremacist? You didn't think that through did you?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
Good. That's the kind of wasteful spending that the taxpayers are sick of. It's just insulting when a politician tells me I should pay more taxes when they are wasting tax dollars on bullshit like this. What the hell do they need $400,000 for?
What do they need it for, dipshit ?? This is what...

Life After Hate, Inc., a 501(c)(3) U.S. nonprofit, was created in 2011 by former members of the American violent far-right extremist movement. Through powerful stories of transformation and unique insight gleaned from decades of experience, we serve to inspire, educate, guide, and counsel.

Whether working with individuals who wish to leave a life of hate and violence or helping organizations (community, educational, civic, government, etc.) grappling with the causes of intolerance and racism, Life After Hate works to counter the seeds of hate we once planted.
Through personal experience and highly unique skill sets, we have developed a sophisticated understanding about what draws individuals to extremist groups and, equally important, why they leave. Compassion is the opposite of judgment and we understand the roles compassion and empathy play in healing individuals and communities. Life After Hate: HOME

Are you really this fucking stupid? $400K is chump change. The orange Ogre spends that much in taxpayers money every fucking time to travels to a golf club
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
He and you think that it is the governments job to fund censorship?
Is this fighting this sort of thing what you call censorship??


Arson destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, in January. Police later arrested 25-year-old Marq Vincent Perez, who has been charged with a hate crime.

Are you trying to say this mexican is a white supremacist? You didn't think that through did you?
Stupid fucking question!! The point was about hate crimes in general , but you knew that already, right?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
Smart man that Trump is! Antifa are the violent ones who are about to declared domestic terrorists due to over 100 thousand plus signatures that hit the White House last night. One thing about White Nationalists, they are patriotic and love their country.

Groups aren't declared terror groups by citizens signing a petition.
We need to be fighting the hate of the Alt Left.

For instance,recently twice as many people were killed by an Alt Left in Kissimmee than in Charlottesville.

The Alt Left are the ones that are assassinating police, burning down neighborhoods, rioting, looting, destroying statutes of our historical heroes, curtailing free speech, shooting Congressmen and pretty well being the major threat to the country now.

There is no such thing as the "alt-left".
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
It's not the government's job to target any organization for merely exercising the guaranteed right to free speech is it?
Nearly a half million dollars to fight an imaginary enemy. Sounds like Obama.
That man was a professional at wasting our money
Nearly a half million dollars to fight an imaginary enemy. Sounds like Obama.
That man was a professional at wasting our money

They weren't fighting anything. They were helping those that wanted to leave the life of hate. Do any of you ever actually bother to read linked material?
We need to be fighting the hate of the Alt Left.

For instance,recently twice as many people were killed by an Alt Left in Kissimmee than in Charlottesville.

The Alt Left are the ones that are assassinating police, burning down neighborhoods, rioting, looting, destroying statutes of our historical heroes, curtailing free speech, shooting Congressmen and pretty well being the major threat to the country now.

There is no such thing as the "alt-left".

Yes there is. You aren't looking hard enough. They are the filthy ass Left Wing hate organizations like ANTIFA, BLM, Pink Pussy Hat Wearing Snowflake Butt Hurt Moon Bats, demented anti free speech college idiots, history destroying assholes and all the other shitheads that make up the Left in America nowadays. You know, the scum of America.

They are just as deserving of the moniker "Alt Left" as the people that are wanting to make this country great again are deserving of the label of Alt Right.

Besides, Trump coined the term so the Moon Bats can't run away from it now.
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
Good. That's the kind of wasteful spending that the taxpayers are sick of. It's just insulting when a politician tells me I should pay more taxes when they are wasting tax dollars on bullshit like this. What the hell do they need $400,000 for?
What do they need it for, dipshit ?? This is what...

Life After Hate, Inc., a 501(c)(3) U.S. nonprofit, was created in 2011 by former members of the American violent far-right extremist movement. Through powerful stories of transformation and unique insight gleaned from decades of experience, we serve to inspire, educate, guide, and counsel.

Whether working with individuals who wish to leave a life of hate and violence or helping organizations (community, educational, civic, government, etc.) grappling with the causes of intolerance and racism, Life After Hate works to counter the seeds of hate we once planted.
Through personal experience and highly unique skill sets, we have developed a sophisticated understanding about what draws individuals to extremist groups and, equally important, why they leave. Compassion is the opposite of judgment and we understand the roles compassion and empathy play in healing individuals and communities. Life After Hate: HOME

Are you really this fucking stupid? $400K is chump change. The orange Ogre spends that much in taxpayers money every fucking time to travels to a golf club
They don't need $400,000 to tell people that Nazis are bad, m'kay. They can do that for free.

Who pockets does the money end up lining?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!

We need to be fighting the hate of the Alt Left.

For instance,recently twice as many people were killed by an Alt Left in Kissimmee than in Charlottesville.

The Alt Left are the ones that are assassinating police, burning down neighborhoods, rioting, looting, destroying statutes of our historical heroes, curtailing free speech, shooting Congressmen and pretty well being the major threat to the country now.

There is no such thing as the "alt-left".

Yes there is. You aren't looking hard enough. They are the filthy ass Left Wing hate organizations like ANTIFA, BLM, Pink Pussy Hat Wearing Snowflake Butt Hurt Moon Bats, demented anti free speech college idiots, history destroying assholes and all the other shitheads that make up the Left in America nowadays. You know, the scum of America.

They are just as deserving of the moniker "Alt Left" as the people that are wanting to make this country great again are deserving of the label of Alt Right.

Besides, Trump coined the term so the Moon Bats can't run away from it now.

There isn't. The alt-right gave themselves that name. I guess there was too much baggage with the term, white supremacists. There is no equivalent on the left.
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
You are a typical liberal idiot. Don't you recognize hogwash when you see it? Some guy says, hey, give me $400,000 and that will make other people not be Nazis. Haha, and you think he's legitimate, you clueless twit?
Ex-neo Nazi says Trump revoked Obama-era grant for group

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.

“Everybody at Life After Hate is a former extremist, so we understand the (motivations) of why people join," Picciolini said. “But, more importantly, we understand what it takes to get out of these groups.”


Of course. Why would a pro Nazi administration support an Anti Neo Nazi organization. Trump wants more not fewer. Duh!
He and you think that it is the governments job to fund censorship?
Would you call shouting fire in a crowded theater "free speech"?
Would you call shouting fire in a crowded theater "free speech"

Yes. Not only that, you have a duty to shout fire as soon as you see the fire.

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