President Trump Revokes Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Dictate

The whole thing is very silly, no one chooses their sex. DNA does that…

I absolutely agree, and I think trans is silly. That's a far cry from banning people that identify as trans from using the bathroom they want. It's also silly that you authoritarian trolls want to control everyone and everything.
Genetics decides sex, not a fairy's whim at a given moment.

You are not going to convince trans folk otherwise. It doesn't fucking matter to me if crazy people use the wrong bathroom, so why does it matter so much to you authoritarian *****? Clearly you trolls have never been into a city public bathroom.
The left go along with every mental illness, the Democrat party is just one big mentally ill club.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
The loons will demand litter boxes to accomadate the fruitcake
They should use the bathroom provided for their sex. If they don't like their sex, take it up with a surgeon and move to Candya.

They probably should. And the state should not make laws forcing your opinion on others. You guys obviously hate freedom and love authority, and in your ideal utopia you could project all the hate and resentment you want on those that did nothing to wrong you.
The whole thing is very silly, no one chooses their sex. DNA does that…

I absolutely agree, and I think trans is silly. That's a far cry from banning people that identify as trans from using the bathroom they want. It's also silly that you authoritarian trolls want to control everyone and everything.
I get to hang out in the girls potty!
The whole thing is very silly, no one chooses their sex. DNA does that…

I absolutely agree, and I think trans is silly. That's a far cry from banning people that identify as trans from using the bathroom they want. It's also silly that you authoritarian trolls want to control everyone and everything.
I agree I think it's a states issue... choosing ones sex is fairytale material. Political correctness is the most fucked up thing ever...
Maybe there should be a safe room for every transgender whack job?
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They should use the bathroom provided for their sex. If they don't like their sex, take it up with a surgeon and move to Candya.

They probably should. And the state should not make laws forcing your guys opinion on others. You guys obviously hate freedom and love authority, and in your ideal utopia you could project all the hate and resentment you want on people that did nothing to wrong you.
8 years of Obama and the left are even confused on which bathroom to use.
There are people who think they are cats, dogs and reptiles… When do they get their bathroom?
The whole thing is very silly, no one chooses their sex. DNA does that…

I absolutely agree, and I think trans is silly. That's a far cry from banning people that identify as trans from using the bathroom they want. It's also silly that you authoritarian trolls want to control everyone and everything.

You are the ones attempting control - special rules for special people. WE are treating all the same. You use the bathroom of the sex your DNA produced. Simple.

Now, if you're a faggot dressed in heels and a skirt and want to use the Mens Room at a biker bar...that is your choice, too.
The people that want to micro-manage our lives can't figure out which restroom to use. Nothing illustrates liberalism better for me than that.
You are the ones attempting control - special rules for special people.

False. I am not asking for any special rules. I am demanding that there should be no restrictions (rules) on who uses what bathroom.

You freedom-hating authoritarian ***** believe otherwise, which is typical considering you are freedom-hating authoritarian *****.
Last night the transgender qu33rs on MSNBC said this took away the civil rights of children. :p
There needs to be at least 58 bathrooms to accomodate every gender "identity" so that no ones feelings are hurt and social "justice" is achieved....


And 58 investigations into wage discrimination amongst "genders"........ lol
You are the ones attempting control - special rules for special people.

False. I am not asking for any special rules. I am demanding that there should be no restrictions (rules) on who uses what bathroom.

So its OK with you if some pedo puts on a dress and waltzes into any restroom where young children may be present? Really?
Having a men's room, and a women's room… It's not broken why fix it?
So nice to see Trump has his priorities in order.

Where's that 35% tariff he promised, that got him elected?

You are the ones attempting control - special rules for special people.

False. I am not asking for any special rules. I am demanding that there should be no restrictions (rules) on who uses what bathroom.

So its OK with you if some pedo puts on a dress and waltzes into any restroom where young children may be present? Really?

Since most pedos molest boys, how would that work?
Weak...but nice attempt. Thousands of girls are molested by pedos. You didnt really think that was going to work did you Dumb Deer?

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