President Trump To Be Crowned Emperor For Life!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Due to the Hysteria over The Coronovirus and The Commie DemNazi Cancel Culture being given full reign, and running around on Steroids cancelling anything Masculine or threatening to themselves, a State of National Emergency Exists and The Election is canceled.

That and the fact that it appears that both Sanders and Biden are too ill to continue campaigning, The President will have to be Crowned Emperor for Life.

Thank you Democrats for Turning The Republic of Rome over to Caesar.

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I think it's irresponsible to even think about a transition of Presidential power until Coronavirus is as eradicated as smallpox, right?

Right, Progs?
President Trump To Be Crowned Emperor For Life!
Why not? At least it would be honest to admit it doesn't matter who's President as long as the duopoly reigns.
If the poles show Biden losing to Trump the fucking DEMs will be drafting bills in Congress to postpone the general election until 2023. By then the DEMs will have dragged some poor sucker out of the DNC cloakroom only to get his/her ass royally kicked by Trump. The fucking DEMs truly are the party of six year olds being raised by a single mother with six brats on welfare all with terminal cases of emotional hemophilia who get their 'news' from watching the View and Rachel Madcow.
I think it's irresponsible to even think about a transition of Presidential power until Coronavirus is as eradicated as smallpox, right?

Right, Progs?
Totally Irresponsible to think about Changing Presidents in the middle of such a GRAVE THREAT TO THE REPUBLIC!

Trump must be named Emperor for Life!

The Election must be cancelled.
Banana Republicans are in a panic. They see their grip on power is slipping as fast as Trumpybears grip on reality.

"But we’re very, very ready for this, for anything — whether it’s going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we’re — you know, we’re at that very low level, and we want to keep it that way.

So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck."
Banana Republicans are in a panic. They see their grip on power is slipping as fast as Trumpybears grip on reality.

"But we’re very, very ready for this, for anything — whether it’s going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we’re — you know, we’re at that very low level, and we want to keep it that way.

So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck."
I thought you wanted a Banana Republic with Two Communists (Sanders-Biden) Running For President.
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I think it's irresponsible to even think about a transition of Presidential power until Coronavirus is as eradicated as smallpox, right?

Right, Progs?
Democrats could die if they leave their houses to vote.
Actually, older voters would be more at risk from the virus than younger ones and Dems tend to be younger than GOP voters. This could be a visible case of natural selection, finally proving the theory of evolution as the GOP races to extinction.
You're going to suddenly see republicans care about voter turnout, when they realize that older folks might stay home on election day.

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