Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins

She must be a member of Q right lefties?
How insane is it that she reports daily to those dumb enough to listen. Cynk from Turks said the same thing.

Are there any sane commentators on the left?

She tried that in 2016, then spent the next four years denying the election and fomenting insurrection. Maddow is a terrorist.
Maddow puts forth a good case.

You, you sound kind of stupid and crazy.

I get that your preaching to your fellow cult imbeciles, who lap this stuff up, but normal people just laugh at you.
A good case of what? Dembot propaganda? Haha she’s unhinged…her propaganda repeating the xiden lie that if you get the vaccine you won’t get sick is partly to blame for record Covid deaths under this admin…she should be charged with manslaughter for her part
One can only hope he would be President for life. Trump is the best president in modern history. All the good things he did was undone by the Democrats

Concerned by the news that Trump’s plan is to win the 2024 presidential election and then use the levers of power to make his myriad legal problems go away, Maddow warned that if he wins, it means he’s “probably president for life.”​

Maddow also connected all of that to the surge in right wing violence against racial minorities and members of the LGBTQ over the last few years, and urged people not to act “as if our politics exists in a vacuum somewhere outside the rest of our lives.”

Maddow....a no ratings dried up carpet muncher....is she still alive?

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