President Trump Vetos Congress' Rebuke of Border Order

What say you?

  • His Border Emergency Order Should Stand. Most Americans don't like problems the open border caused.

  • His Border Emergency Order Should Not Stand.

  • Neither one. Explained Below

  • No opinion.

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Why did the Senate even vote on a bill they knew Trump would veto when they knew they didn't have to votes to override the veto? Were they bored and looking for something to waste taxpayer money on?

They wanted to put on paper which ones supported the Constitution and which ones supported the President.

Oh look you are trying to be clever again :icon_rolleyes:

you asked a question, I gave you the answer. Seems pretty simple

Your new name is Gomer Pile. :itsok:


Exactly :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, he is willing to shit on the constitution to keep people like you happy.

Well, since "people like me" fund the's all good.
The reality is; he's working within the scope of executive power but you Lefties can't see it that way.
This decision is simple for Trump...he either lets Congress fuck the American people over by continuing to allow wetbacks to flood in or he bully's Congress and goes to work for good, legit, REAL Americans. How would you like him to proceed? (this is a test)

It is not within the scope of the executive power to spend money in any way he damn well pleases. He is the president, not a king, not a dictator.

You are all happy about this power now, but when it is used by a different president for reasons you do not agree with, then you will be not so happy.
Congress always grumbles when the President declares a national emergency, but today's Democratic Party's fake opposition to the border fence has made idiots of all of you.

They do?

show me where congress grumbled about the levied sanctions against four criminal organizations—Los Zetas, the Brothers' Circle, the Yakuza, and the Camorra—including freezing assets, barring ownership of American real estate, and implementing travel bans.

or when they grumbled about the imposed economic sanctions on DRC government officials amidst widespread violence taking place during runoffs for Congo's first free election in decades.

or when they grumbled about Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers declared in response to Colombian drug cartels using American
companies to launder money.

or when they grumbled about the imposed sanctions due to the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar, specifically against general Maung Maung Soe.
They always grumble about the President bypassing Congress when, as is the case in nearly all declared emergencies, there is time to ask Congress for authorization regardless of the issue. Trump is ignoring the will of Congres, really of he Democrats in Congress, the same as every other president who has declared an emergency to avoid going to Congress. As I have pointed out to you the Democrats are not opposed to the border fence but are only opposed to the President keeping his promise to his supporters.

So, provide some examples of congress grumbling about these that I listed. I think you are full of shit.

I do not give a fuck what the Dems are opposed to, just as I did not care what the Repubs were opposed to when they said their top priority was to make Obama a one term president.

If this stands and Trump gets away with this, the next time a president does it, it will be even worse, a bigger run around the constitution.

none of you seem to realize that once a door is open, there is no shutting it again.
There is a statute authorizing Trump to declare national emergencies. Congress gave him that power by passing the statute. Now, they're just posturing. It's too bad Congress doesn't take the illegal immigration problem as seriously as Trump and the American people do.
You are determined to be even more stupid than usual today, aren't you? Only a few of the 58 times a President has declared a nation emergency under this Act have been emergencies is the usual sense of the word, so every time the President declares an emergency he is ignoring the will of Congress since he could have taken the time to ask Congress to authorize his proposed action. is the list...which of these were in reaction to something that has been going on for 30 plus years...List of national emergencies in the United States - Wikipedia
Are you really too stupid to be able to understand that under the law an emergency is anything the President says it is under the National Emergency Act?

No, that is not correct. The president is not a King, he is not a dictator. He cannot shit on the Constitution via declaring a national emergency. It is scary how much power you people want to give one person. Our founding fathers knew the dangers of one person having too much power, and you all are doing to best to ignore them.
Well, since "people like me" fund the's all good.
The reality is; he's working within the scope of executive power but you Lefties can't see it that way.
This decision is simple for Trump...he either lets Congress fuck the American people over by continuing to allow wetbacks to flood in or he bully's Congress and goes to work for good, legit, REAL Americans. How would you like him to proceed? (this is a test)

It is not within the scope of the executive power to spend money in any way he damn well pleases. He is the president, not a king, not a dictator.

You are all happy about this power now, but when it is used by a different president for reasons you do not agree with, then you will be not so happy.
Congress always grumbles when the President declares a national emergency, but today's Democratic Party's fake opposition to the border fence has made idiots of all of you.

They do?

show me where congress grumbled about the levied sanctions against four criminal organizations—Los Zetas, the Brothers' Circle, the Yakuza, and the Camorra—including freezing assets, barring ownership of American real estate, and implementing travel bans.

or when they grumbled about the imposed economic sanctions on DRC government officials amidst widespread violence taking place during runoffs for Congo's first free election in decades.

or when they grumbled about Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers declared in response to Colombian drug cartels using American
companies to launder money.

or when they grumbled about the imposed sanctions due to the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar, specifically against general Maung Maung Soe.
They always grumble about the President bypassing Congress when, as is the case in nearly all declared emergencies, there is time to ask Congress for authorization regardless of the issue. Trump is ignoring the will of Congres, really of he Democrats in Congress, the same as every other president who has declared an emergency to avoid going to Congress. As I have pointed out to you the Democrats are not opposed to the border fence but are only opposed to the President keeping his promise to his supporters.

So, provide some examples of congress grumbling about these that I listed. I think you are full of shit.

I do not give a fuck what the Dems are opposed to, just as I did not care what the Repubs were opposed to when they said their top priority was to make Obama a one term president.

If this stands and Trump gets away with this, the next time a president does it, it will be even worse, a bigger run around the constitution.

none of you seem to realize that once a door is open, there is no shutting it again.
lol Take a pill, asshole, the door opened in 1976 when the National Emergency Act was passed.
It is not within the scope of the executive power to spend money in any way he damn well pleases. He is the president, not a king, not a dictator.

You are all happy about this power now, but when it is used by a different president for reasons you do not agree with, then you will be not so happy.
Congress always grumbles when the President declares a national emergency, but today's Democratic Party's fake opposition to the border fence has made idiots of all of you.

They do?

show me where congress grumbled about the levied sanctions against four criminal organizations—Los Zetas, the Brothers' Circle, the Yakuza, and the Camorra—including freezing assets, barring ownership of American real estate, and implementing travel bans.

or when they grumbled about the imposed economic sanctions on DRC government officials amidst widespread violence taking place during runoffs for Congo's first free election in decades.

or when they grumbled about Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers declared in response to Colombian drug cartels using American
companies to launder money.

or when they grumbled about the imposed sanctions due to the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar, specifically against general Maung Maung Soe.
They always grumble about the President bypassing Congress when, as is the case in nearly all declared emergencies, there is time to ask Congress for authorization regardless of the issue. Trump is ignoring the will of Congres, really of he Democrats in Congress, the same as every other president who has declared an emergency to avoid going to Congress. As I have pointed out to you the Democrats are not opposed to the border fence but are only opposed to the President keeping his promise to his supporters.

So, provide some examples of congress grumbling about these that I listed. I think you are full of shit.

I do not give a fuck what the Dems are opposed to, just as I did not care what the Repubs were opposed to when they said their top priority was to make Obama a one term president.

If this stands and Trump gets away with this, the next time a president does it, it will be even worse, a bigger run around the constitution.

none of you seem to realize that once a door is open, there is no shutting it again.
lol Take a pill, asshole, the door opened in 1976 when the National Emergency Act was passed.

I will take a pill, and in the mean time, stick you head back up Trump's ass and wait for him to tell you what to think next.

you morons will not be happy when a POTUS from a different party is declaring healthcare a national emergency or climate change.
That is not what they are charted with, they are charged with supporting and defending the Constitution. They voted to support it, and the POTUS veoted that vote.

President Obama himself said that the President "bears no greater responsibility than ensuring the safety and security of the American People." No one questioned him at that time. But, I agree with you.....Preserving the Constitution is foremost. Tell me then, how is anyone preserving the Constitution by letting millions across our borders that know nothing about the Constitution? Sooner or later there will be no America and no Constitution.
I fully understand why there are those reluctant to endorse presidential authority of his right to declare a national emergency yet there are those whose only objective is to defeat the president, at any and all cost, regretfully it is at the expense of national security. Go figure.
You are determined to be even more stupid than usual today, aren't you? Only a few of the 58 times a President has declared a nation emergency under this Act have been emergencies is the usual sense of the word, so every time the President declares an emergency he is ignoring the will of Congress since he could have taken the time to ask Congress to authorize his proposed action. is the list...which of these were in reaction to something that has been going on for 30 plus years...List of national emergencies in the United States - Wikipedia
Are you really too stupid to be able to understand that under the law an emergency is anything the President says it is under the National Emergency Act?

No, that is not correct. The president is not a King, he is not a dictator. He cannot shit on the Constitution via declaring a national emergency. It is scary how much power you people want to give one person. Our founding fathers knew the dangers of one person having too much power, and you all are doing to best to ignore them.
You get more stupid with every post. Your rant only makes sense if you are claiming the National Emergency Act is unConstitutional, and no one is challenging the Constitutionality of the Act.
Congress always grumbles when the President declares a national emergency, but today's Democratic Party's fake opposition to the border fence has made idiots of all of you.

They do?

show me where congress grumbled about the levied sanctions against four criminal organizations—Los Zetas, the Brothers' Circle, the Yakuza, and the Camorra—including freezing assets, barring ownership of American real estate, and implementing travel bans.

or when they grumbled about the imposed economic sanctions on DRC government officials amidst widespread violence taking place during runoffs for Congo's first free election in decades.

or when they grumbled about Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers declared in response to Colombian drug cartels using American
companies to launder money.

or when they grumbled about the imposed sanctions due to the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar, specifically against general Maung Maung Soe.
They always grumble about the President bypassing Congress when, as is the case in nearly all declared emergencies, there is time to ask Congress for authorization regardless of the issue. Trump is ignoring the will of Congres, really of he Democrats in Congress, the same as every other president who has declared an emergency to avoid going to Congress. As I have pointed out to you the Democrats are not opposed to the border fence but are only opposed to the President keeping his promise to his supporters.

So, provide some examples of congress grumbling about these that I listed. I think you are full of shit.

I do not give a fuck what the Dems are opposed to, just as I did not care what the Repubs were opposed to when they said their top priority was to make Obama a one term president.

If this stands and Trump gets away with this, the next time a president does it, it will be even worse, a bigger run around the constitution.

none of you seem to realize that once a door is open, there is no shutting it again.
lol Take a pill, asshole, the door opened in 1976 when the National Emergency Act was passed.

I will take a pill, and in the mean time, stick you head back up Trump's ass and wait for him to tell you what to think next.

you morons will not be happy when a POTUS from a different party is declaring healthcare a national emergency or climate change.
Give it up, no one is buying your bullshit about not being a Democrat anymore. In post after post after post, you regurgitate the exact talking points Nancy hands down to the faithful. You haven't gained any credibility by denying you are not a Democrat.
Assuming the Senate does not act to protect congressional power from an executive power grab what will Trump try to do next with his brand-new imperial power? There will be a next you can bet your ass.

Your godfather, Franklin Roosevelt, used the veto power 635 times, and he openly hated the Constitution.

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation.

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 65

Leftists seem to yearn for an imperial presidency....when the President is a Democrat.
/——-/ FDR - the bad Roosevelt- was an opportunist who was banging his cousin
Why did the Senate even vote on a bill they knew Trump would veto when they knew they didn't have to votes to override the veto? Were they bored and looking for something to waste taxpayer money on?

They wanted to put on paper which ones supported the Constitution and which ones supported the President.

Oh look you are trying to be clever again :icon_rolleyes:

you asked a question, I gave you the answer. Seems pretty simple

Your new name is Gomer Pile. :itsok:


No, the right response is Shazam!! Dumbass
Assuming the Senate does not act to protect congressional power from an executive power grab what will Trump try to do next with his brand-new imperial power? There will be a next you can bet your ass.
The AG said a President can declare an emergency and direct the cash to an emergency. Congress has already passed that law and are trying to renege. Stupid ass Democrats don't even remember the laws they passed. Better get AOC and Omar on it right away.
Why did the Senate even vote on a bill they knew Trump would veto when they knew they didn't have to votes to override the veto? Were they bored and looking for something to waste taxpayer money on?
They have their reasons, Blues. One of them is conscience, and the other is that it's difficult even for a very, very bright person trained in communications, to discern truth from myth. And a real human genius like King Solomon does not grace every generation, although in this one I put what little money I have on President Trump without the hundreds of wives King Solomon allegedly had in his harem. :71:
Flanked by law enforcement officials as well as the parents of children killed by people in the country illegally, Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term. Trump said: "It is a tremendous national emergency," adding, "our immigration system is stretched beyond the breaking point."

Trump issues first veto after rebuke of border order
Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term.

Nuff said

Do you doubt he'll be elected again?
Assuming the Senate does not act to protect congressional power from an executive power grab what will Trump try to do next with his brand-new imperial power? There will be a next you can bet your ass.
The AG said a President can declare an emergency and direct the cash to an emergency. Congress has already passed that law and are trying to renege. Stupid ass Democrats don't even remember the laws they passed. Better get AOC and Omar on it right away.

The AG said what his boss told him to say. Never in any previous declared national emergency were fund diverted to pay for something that Congress specifically refused to pay for.
Flanked by law enforcement officials as well as the parents of children killed by people in the country illegally, Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term. Trump said: "It is a tremendous national emergency," adding, "our immigration system is stretched beyond the breaking point."

Trump issues first veto after rebuke of border order
Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term.

Nuff said

Do you doubt he'll be elected again?
I cited the pertinent part of the op.
It seems that trump doubts it. That's why this kabuki shit show is happening.
Flanked by law enforcement officials as well as the parents of children killed by people in the country illegally, Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term. Trump said: "It is a tremendous national emergency," adding, "our immigration system is stretched beyond the breaking point."

Trump issues first veto after rebuke of border order
Trump maintained that he is not through fighting for his signature campaign promise, which stands largely unfulfilled 18 months before voters decide whether to grant him another term.

Nuff said
You have to give Ms. Pelosi credit for throwing up road blocks to President Trump so next time she can get some more AOCs and Tlaibs shoved ever so hard down America's gullet. :whipg:
Assuming the Senate does not act to protect congressional power from an executive power grab what will Trump try to do next with his brand-new imperial power? There will be a next you can bet your ass.
The AG said a President can declare an emergency and direct the cash to an emergency. Congress has already passed that law and are trying to renege. Stupid ass Democrats don't even remember the laws they passed. Better get AOC and Omar on it right away.

The AG said what his boss told him to say. Never in any previous declared national emergency were fund diverted to pay for something that Congress specifically refused to pay for.
Then you're going to witness history in the making, you lucky dog.

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