President Trump's delivers clear public message

Whatever Trump said today he will say something different tomorrow.
We finally have a president promoting world peace. A president who understands the importance of power, strength, and leadership. :2up:
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A president who is finally looking out for the best interest of Americans, while considering other countries.
Trump couldn't give a credible foreign policy speech if he tried... bombast and junior-high banter don't count...

To be taken seriously, you have to be consistent from one second to the next, and you have to be seen as someone who gets things done...

Given The Creature's track record since January 20, 2017, that's gonna take some work...
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We now have a president other world leaders can only respect. :)
If Drumpf ever comes to a quick stop, yer gonna have a smelly, gooey brown stain on your nose...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancin'-Christ-on-a-Crutch... TrumpBots are every bit as bad as ObamaBots...
That was the first time I watched his speech. It was incredibly powerful!

I honestly didn’t think Trump could be that powerful on the world stage when I voted for him. I’m now incredibly happy!
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After 8 years of obama, I can finally feel good about the direction of this country. :)
trump made it crystal clear that he's no-class imbecile second to none.

Of course, everyone on the planet, except for a few die-hard trump boot-lickers already knew that.
I think this Asian trip will be a clear plus for trade agreements and how America is seen in the world. President Trump is doing a great job.

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