President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

Great post, TD...but it does not matter to snowflakes like the OP.

Like Pavlov's dog, ring the right 'bell' and most go into auto-response, calling anyone and everyone who does not agree with them a 'racist'.

i agree with Trump on the wall, i agree with Trump on the travel ban. i agree with Trump on most things, actually.
i agree with Trump on the wall, i agree with Trump on the travel ban. i agree with Trump on most things, actually.
Congratulations. That still doesn't make this thread / you are titles accusation any less stupid.

why didn't Trump tell Texas or Florida: "we can't keep FEMA there forever"

why didn't Trump tell Texas or Florida: "we can't keep FEMA there forever"


Probably because Texas and Florida did not ask FEMA to stay for a prolonged period of time and do all the work.

Nice childish rant at the End by the way.

Obviously you have forgotten that it was the Democratic party whose personal emails were hacked and released, exposing them to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic.

If you ever want to know what Democrats are doing or who they truly are just listen to what they are saying about others. They always accuse others of doing what they are doing and of being who they are
All of PR is going to move to Florida and vote Donald Trump out in 2020 and I'm gonna laugh.
Hate to say it to you because I love most of your posts....PR is white and if you go to the DoD they are rocking considering the devastation in PR.

Combine that with the reality that a LOT of people living in Houston are brown skinned but no one is whining about them, and the whole 'racist' crap goes flying out the window.

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Combine that with the reality that a LOT of people living in Houston are brown skinned but no one is whining about them, and the whole 'racist' crap goes flying out the window.

Funny that a little water hits Houston, and Trump donates $1 million to the cause.

A major hurricane hits PR and all Trump does is throw OUT the towels.
Combine that with the reality that a LOT of people living in Houston are brown skinned but no one is whining about them, and the whole 'racist' crap goes flying out the window.

Funny that a little water hits Houston, and Trump donates $1 million to the cause.

A major hurricane hits PR and all Trump does is throw OUT the towels.

Irrelevant. The 'racist' nonsense is just that, nonsense.

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you can sense the power of Trump’s underlying fear that he is worthless and weak by how intensely he resists and retaliated against any criticism

No matter how minor, he can’t let anything go

We’re actually suffering from his narcissistic personality...He has no empathy. You can feel it, the way he spoke about the San Juan mayor… She has PTSD and Trump mistreats her. She is re-victimized. That is a narcissist
President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



The USNS comfort is ALREADY in Puerto Rico!!
Day 26 Puerto Rico: just 13.7% have electricity, 72% drinking water. A humanitarian crisis and Trump is failing
Day 26 Puerto Rico: just 13.7% have electricity, 72% drinking water. A humanitarian crisis and Trump is failing

What would you do differently? Start with the fact that we have two states that got slammed hard by hurricanes about the same time. It's easy to whine about a president failing when you have no idea what can and can't be done easily.
FBI investigating complaints of alleged misappropriation of FEMA supplies for Puerto Rico: “Mayors of local municipalities, or people associated with their offices, are giving their political supporters special treatment, goods they’re not giving to other people who need them.”
FEMA have admitted they don't have the generators they need to provide to hospitals, so hospitals are still running on inappropriate generators, even though FEMA mentioned that the generators would be in PR.

FEMA have also admitted that they really haven't been able to canvass 2 percent of the people who have lost the roofs in their homes

Deplorable Donald is living in a fantasy world givin himself an A on Puerto Rico!
The Founding Fathers designed impeachment for someone exactly like Donald Trump

It Is Time To Talk Impeaching Trump

1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.

Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachable offence

Dump is a pathological liar and that is NOT what we want as our President.
We, the citizens of this great Nation must act NOW
What say you, fellow Americans-?

Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1][2] It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1] Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth

Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office.

Presidential Impeachment Process

Presidential Impeachment is a two stage Constitutional process. The full power of Impeachment and the removal of a sitting President resides within Congress. The actual impeachment of a President is the sole power of the House of Representatives. Once a President is impeached, the power of removing the President shifts to the U.S. Senate.

The House of Representatives starts the impeachment process by publicly investigating the charges and holding hearings. If the House of Representatives votes against impeachment the process is over and the President is not Impeached.

If the House of Representatives votes for Impeachment of the President, the process moves forward with the drawing up of the Articles of Impeachment (The official criminal charges for removal from office). The President has now been officially impeached per the United States Constitution. Once the Impeachment process is final, trials are then held in the U.S. Senate to convict or acquit the President of the Articles of Impeachment drawn against him.

It Is Time To Talk Impeachment

Trump could also be charged with obstruction of justice

b.t.w. 30 days in jail would bring him back down to earth as well

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