President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

Mavs owner Crazy Mark Cuban loaned the team plane to J.J Barea so he could bring supplies to his family in Puerto Rico. bravo!
Just his family?

you have a point. good point.
Thanks. It just kind of hit me that a multi billionaire and his multimillionaire employee decided to fly a Gulf Stream private jet down there just to deliver a few boxes of food to his family. Why didn't they rent a cargo plane and send a whole lot of food down there.
FYI, since according to polls most Americans don't know: PUERTO RICO IS PART OF THE US! & PEURTO RICANS ARE AMERICANS!

learn, americans, learn!
They're a territory. Yes citizens but with some huge differences some of which are of their own making.
President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



For your information butthole, FEMA has had people on the ground since LONG BEFORE Maria. Airplanes are filled with supplies and only waiting for USAF forces to make landing fields safe. Harbors are in ruins and helicopters from US naval ships are doing what they can. The main problem is power and that is something that is going to take months. The entire infrastructure of the island has to be rebuilt and that is nothing something that can be done overnight.

Perhaps you have suggestions as to what can be done better?
Send money? There's no place to spend it.
Send food? There's no place to store it.
Send medicines? The hospitals and clinics literally don't exist anymore.
And on and on.
President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



Shit stain, no one is ignoring Puerto Rico....since he did so well with the other you have to resort to lying about this one .....fuck tard.
Hillary's husband's "Clinton Foundation" had a high profile stance a couple of years ago during the Haiti earthquake. When Hillary lost the election the Clinton Foundation wasn't able to sell influence. Did it dry up? President Trump did an astounding job during the Texas and Florida disasters and crazy lefties find time to call him a racist three or four days after Puerto Rico was hit by a hurricane. No surprises here.

While pino trump is racist, more to the point is that it took him days to finally acknowledge the horror that PR is experiencing right now.

Meanwhile, Cuba is being ignored.

cuz, you know, the US is a christian nation and all that shit.
No one is stopping you. Send them your money. Leave our government out of your braying self-righteousness. One of the many ways in which leftists exhibit the shallowness of their thinking is they think of the US government as some sort of benevolent genie. All you have to do is let some whiff of sentimentality drift past the typical leftist and they grab the bottle and start rubbing. Ooooo, twinkle twinkle, make all the bad stuff go away, genie.

Here is some hard-headed conservative reality, Twinkles. The US government exists for the benefit of the American people. Period.
Hillary's husband's "Clinton Foundation" had a high profile stance a couple of years ago during the Haiti earthquake. When Hillary lost the election the Clinton Foundation wasn't able to sell influence. Did it dry up? President Trump did an astounding job during the Texas and Florida disasters and crazy lefties find time to call him a racist three or four days after Puerto Rico was hit by a hurricane. No surprises here.

Amazing what can happen when you think you'll get votes out of it in 4 years time, amazing what you won't do when you know there aren't any votes.

Did Trump do an amazing job? Well, just as amazing as Obama, right? But much better than Dubya.
President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



With all due respect FEMA is rocking. As well as other agencies. I'm not understanding this shit that no one is helping Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. Are you not reading about it?

And how the hell is this racist. Puerto Rico is 75% freaking white.

You can track the progress right at the FEMA website.

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
Release date:
September 24, 2017
Release Number:
WASHINGTON – In the wake of Hurricane Maria, life, personal safety, and access to safe shelters for disaster survivors remain a priority of local responders, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the entire federal family.

To aid in life sustaining missions, six FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) task forces are deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and are working in tandem with numerous federal partners to rescue and render aid to distressed survivors in the region. Additional FEMA US&R task forces are arriving today to expand operations, as areas become accessible. FEMA US&R task forces currently conducting operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands include Virginia Task Forces 1 and 2, Florida Task Forces 1 and 2, and California Task Forces 6 and 7. Components of New York Task Force 1 and Massachusetts Task Force 1 are on the ground providing logistics support.

Federal partners assisting with Search and Rescue (SAR) missions include the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the U.S. Department of the Interior / National Park Service.

Collectively, these federal agencies have rescued 180 individuals and searched more than 45 structures in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

More at link:

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands |
It looks the same.

Obviously, you've never been there or you would not say something so idiotic.

Or maybe you're just another RWNJ - those fools will lie about anything.

I've been there, and yes, actually much of it does look the same.

And, PR should make up its mind whether it wants to be a state and pay taxes, or remain a protectorate and just mooch. Since it prefers the latter, it can wait in line behind our own states' problems for aid.
Hillary's husband's "Clinton Foundation" had a high profile stance a couple of years ago during the Haiti earthquake. When Hillary lost the election the Clinton Foundation wasn't able to sell influence. Did it dry up? President Trump did an astounding job during the Texas and Florida disasters and crazy lefties find time to call him a racist three or four days after Puerto Rico was hit by a hurricane. No surprises here.

While pino trump is racist, more to the point is that it took him days to finally acknowledge the horror that PR is experiencing right now.

Meanwhile, Cuba is being ignored.

cuz, you know, the US is a christian nation and all that shit.

What? The left wing has all these big giant foundations and 'activists' such as yourself, so why isn't there a Big Giant Rainbow Armada hitting the beaches of PR right now? Oh yeah, their money goes for pot and meth and porn, so it's Trump's problem ...
Still waiting for the clintons to turn loose on some of that foundation money they're hoarding, Puerto Rico could use some of it. C'mon hillary, you're making lots on those speeches to wall street and this latest book on how to be a loser and still rake in millions. Act like the liberal you've always pretended to be and turn loose with a tithe to your brown brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico.
Our President is more concerned with Puerto Rico paying back its debt to his Wall Street banker buddies than the suffering of 3.4 million people

But Trump tweeted on: "Much of the island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with."
Trump says industry opposes Jones Act waiver. Stranded Puerto Ricans are begging it. One more step toward his possible Katrina moment.

More Americans live in Puerto Rico than 21 states

this is America
Famous rapper Pitbull, who is Puerto Rican, is helping out tremendously!
thanks to the pressure of my thread, Trump is taking action. help is on the way, Puerto Rico!






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