Presidential Election: FEC Commissioner Warns There’s A ‘Substantial Chance’ Winner Isn’t Called On Election Night

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Extra care will need to be taken amid added challenge of COVID-19 to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts,” said FEC head Ellen Weintraub.

The head of the Federal Election Commission warned Monday that there’s a “substantial chance” a winner won’t be declared in the presidential race on election night because of expected challenges at polling stations and with mail-in ballots amid the COVID-19 crisis.

But FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub (D) urged voters to be patient while extra care is taken to tally all the votes “accurately” in order to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts.”

“We’re all going to need to take a deep breath and be patient this year because there’s a substantial chance we are not going to know on election night what the results are — possibly for the presidency, but maybe for many other races that are important to people,” Weintraub said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Weintraub said that states will have far more mail-in ballots to tally and polling stations will be more difficult to staff because of fears of spreading COVID-19.

Mail-in voting is “absolutely” reliable, said Weintraub, and said that a quarter of all votes in the 2016 presidential election were mail-in ballots (which can also be dropped off at polling stations or in drop boxes, she pointed out).

This should not be a surprise to anyone. However, it's good to hear the FEC Commissioner give the warning.
Thank the criminal Demonrat Party.
View attachment 373573

Extra care will need to be taken amid added challenge of COVID-19 to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts,” said FEC head Ellen Weintraub.

The head of the Federal Election Commission warned Monday that there’s a “substantial chance” a winner won’t be declared in the presidential race on election night because of expected challenges at polling stations and with mail-in ballots amid the COVID-19 crisis.

But FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub (D) urged voters to be patient while extra care is taken to tally all the votes “accurately” in order to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts.”

“We’re all going to need to take a deep breath and be patient this year because there’s a substantial chance we are not going to know on election night what the results are — possibly for the presidency, but maybe for many other races that are important to people,” Weintraub said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Weintraub said that states will have far more mail-in ballots to tally and polling stations will be more difficult to staff because of fears of spreading COVID-19.

Mail-in voting is “absolutely” reliable, said Weintraub, and said that a quarter of all votes in the 2016 presidential election were mail-in ballots (which can also be dropped off at polling stations or in drop boxes, she pointed out).

This should not be a surprise to anyone. However, it's good to hear the FEC Commissioner give the warning.
Thank the criminal Demonrat Party.

How so? Please provide "credible" proof that it's thanks to "criminal" Democrats.
View attachment 373573

Extra care will need to be taken amid added challenge of COVID-19 to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts,” said FEC head Ellen Weintraub.

The head of the Federal Election Commission warned Monday that there’s a “substantial chance” a winner won’t be declared in the presidential race on election night because of expected challenges at polling stations and with mail-in ballots amid the COVID-19 crisis.

But FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub (D) urged voters to be patient while extra care is taken to tally all the votes “accurately” in order to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts.”

“We’re all going to need to take a deep breath and be patient this year because there’s a substantial chance we are not going to know on election night what the results are — possibly for the presidency, but maybe for many other races that are important to people,” Weintraub said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Weintraub said that states will have far more mail-in ballots to tally and polling stations will be more difficult to staff because of fears of spreading COVID-19.

Mail-in voting is “absolutely” reliable, said Weintraub, and said that a quarter of all votes in the 2016 presidential election were mail-in ballots (which can also be dropped off at polling stations or in drop boxes, she pointed out).

This should not be a surprise to anyone. However, it's good to hear the FEC Commissioner give the warning.

But isn't that what the Democrats wanted?

Ain't that the motive for the Fauci covid19 hoax?

TimCast lost me on this one with his first sentence. I have never heard trump say there will be foreign interference in our election. He denied it to hell and back when he was elected in 2016 and even sided with the denial of the russian leader that directed it on international television from a foreign country.
And as we all know... If one thing is incorrect in a statement, that invalidates everything else. Nothing else can be true, if you believe that one thing is false in a 10 minute video.

And... You obviously don't follow the news very well, or only see one side of it. Enjoy your bubble, or get out of it. Up to you.
My brother in law says he has heard him say it. Maybe trump just thinks Putin and the Russians do and did not interfere and sitting with Putin overseas was the best time to side with Putin against us? I didn't like it and don't like it and am not going to like it.
Dude, wtf is that; Second hand hearsay? Pffffft!
Make no mistake, I am not claiming trump ever said the was or will be foreign interference. Like I said I never heard it but only heard him deny that Russia interfered. My brother in law is another retired military officer, I have known for over 20 years. He would not lie to me. Never even crossed my mind to try to prove him incorrect.
I thought you were a trump supporter. Why do you object, if trump did admit there was foreign interference and their would be in the future. As trump supporter, don't you want him to get foreign help to win in domestic politics, if that is what it takes to avoid losing power?
TimCast lost me on this one with his first sentence. I have never heard trump say there will be foreign interference in our election. He denied it to hell and back when he was elected in 2016 and even sided with the denial of the russian leader that directed it on international television from a foreign country.
And as we all know... If one thing is incorrect in a statement, that invalidates everything else. Nothing else can be true, if you believe that one thing is false in a 10 minute video.

And... You obviously don't follow the news very well, or only see one side of it. Enjoy your bubble, or get out of it. Up to you.
My brother in law says he has heard him say it. Maybe trump just thinks Putin and the Russians do and did not interfere and sitting with Putin overseas was the best time to side with Putin against us? I didn't like it and don't like it and am not going to like it.
Dude, wtf is that; Second hand hearsay? Pffffft!
Make no mistake, I am not claiming trump ever said the was or will be foreign interference. Like I said I never heard it but only heard him deny that Russia interfered. My brother in law is another retired military officer, I have known for over 20 years. He would not lie to me. Never even crossed my mind to try to prove him incorrect.
I thought you were a trump supporter. Why do you object, if trump did admit there was foreign interference and their would be in the future. As trump supporter, don't you want him to get foreign help to win in domestic politics, if that is what it takes to avoid losing power?
No, moron.

TimCast lost me on this one with his first sentence. I have never heard trump say there will be foreign interference in our election. He denied it to hell and back when he was elected in 2016 and even sided with the denial of the russian leader that directed it on international television from a foreign country.

Thanks for posting that. I figured there really was a large seizure of fake foreign made licenses/IDs. I just flipped off the TimCast report over the trump statement, I could not believe as I had never heard it before.
TimCast lost me on this one with his first sentence. I have never heard trump say there will be foreign interference in our election. He denied it to hell and back when he was elected in 2016 and even sided with the denial of the russian leader that directed it on international television from a foreign country.
And as we all know... If one thing is incorrect in a statement, that invalidates everything else. Nothing else can be true, if you believe that one thing is false in a 10 minute video.

And... You obviously don't follow the news very well, or only see one side of it. Enjoy your bubble, or get out of it. Up to you.
My brother in law says he has heard him say it. Maybe trump just thinks Putin and the Russians do and did not interfere and sitting with Putin overseas was the best time to side with Putin against us? I didn't like it and don't like it and am not going to like it.
Dude, wtf is that; Second hand hearsay? Pffffft!
Make no mistake, I am not claiming trump ever said the was or will be foreign interference. Like I said I never heard it but only heard him deny that Russia interfered. My brother in law is another retired military officer, I have known for over 20 years. He would not lie to me. Never even crossed my mind to try to prove him incorrect.
I thought you were a trump supporter. Why do you object, if trump did admit there was foreign interference and their would be in the future. As trump supporter, don't you want him to get foreign help to win in domestic politics, if that is what it takes to avoid losing power?
No, moron.
Are you saying he never said it or that you are not a trump supporter or you would not want him to use foreign influence or take advantage of it to win if that is what it took? Been call names before, at least you could specify what you disagree with.
The Commie DemNazis have been planning to disrupt our Elections and Subvert Democracy since their COUP failed and Robert Mueller lost his Mullet.

It is their plan to use mail in ballots to cheat in the election and barring a lying stealing cheating win to tie up the election in the courts so long that they will have no chance but to install Pelosi as Fascist Emperor.

I have been telling people they were going to try this since Nancy Pelosi started reminding people that she was the 3rd most powerful person in the world.
The Commie DemNazis have been planning to disrupt our Elections and Subvert Democracy since their COUP failed and Robert Mueller lost his Mullet.

It is their plan to use mail in ballots to cheat in the election and barring a lying stealing cheating win to tie up the election in the courts so long that they will have no chance but to install Pelosi as Fascist Emperor.

I have been telling people they were going to try this since Nancy Pelosi started reminding people that she was the 3rd most powerful person in the world.

Would the Military Side with Leftist Tyranny or with America?

The Democrats are wargaming how to steal the 2020 election, and after Grandpa Badfinger selected Lady Mac (Willie) Brown, their last best hope seems to be the military marching in and removing Donald Trump from the White House after he wins and they refuse to accept the election results. But will the military actually do the bidding of the coterie of Marxist Muppet masters with their fingers, ironically, up inside Joe Biden like he is a crusty, senile Kermit?


I respectfully submit that they are using their covid19 coup d' etat option.

Ye be the judge
I thought you were a trump supporter. Why do you object, if trump did admit there was foreign interference and their would be in the future. As trump supporter, don't you want him to get foreign help to win in domestic politics, if that is what it takes to avoid losing power?
I wouldn't support him if I thought he actively tried to get foreign help illegally.
I thought you were a trump supporter. Why do you object, if trump did admit there was foreign interference and their would be in the future. As trump supporter, don't you want him to get foreign help to win in domestic politics, if that is what it takes to avoid losing power?
I wouldn't support him if I thought he actively tried to get foreign help illegally.
You do seem like the type. What part of Russia are you from originally and how long have you been a citizen?
You do seem like the type. What part of Russia are you from originally and how long have you been a citizen?
You seem to have a habit of saying stupid shit.
No more than you inability to comprehend. You think the voters are not tired of his crap? We will see in November, Uri.
Liberals don’t want their defeat tabulated in the same year
We know that and won’t allow it
President Trump will be reelected and the Republicans will control Congress so it wont matter

How does your troll video relate to this thread?

It explains why a decision won't happen on election night if you commies get your way. Perhaps you should have actually watched it, instead of you making a fool of yourself. BTW, in 2016 the decision wasn't final till early the day after the election. I find it funny that Trump hired 1500 election workers, and Biden hired 600 lawyers. What does that tell ya?


TimCast lost me on this one with his first sentence. I have never heard trump say there will be foreign interference in our election. He denied it to hell and back when he was elected in 2016 and even sided with the denial of the russian leader that directed it on international television from a foreign country.

Thanks for posting that. I figured there really was a large seizure of fake foreign made licenses/IDs. I just flipped off the TimCast report over the trump statement, I could not believe as I had never heard it before.

Facebook and twitter have closed more than a million fake Chinese accounts. China is for quid pro joe, big time. If you see a video with a robotic sounding voice, it's probably Chinese.

The Commie DemNazis have been planning to disrupt our Elections and Subvert Democracy since their COUP failed and Robert Mueller lost his Mullet.

It is their plan to use mail in ballots to cheat in the election and barring a lying stealing cheating win to tie up the election in the courts so long that they will have no chance but to install Pelosi as Fascist Emperor.

I have been telling people they were going to try this since Nancy Pelosi started reminding people that she was the 3rd most powerful person in the world.

Not only that but the commies are trying to sneak no signature verification on mail in ballots, no voter ID and illegal ballot harvesting into the stimulus bill. Why would they be interfering in how states run their elections if it wouldn't give them an advantage?

The winner should be called the election night, that's how it has been called for a Century!

Do the DemonRats need more time to cheat this way around?

It's not going to work for you, Rats! :mad-61:

My! what scum the Rats are!

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