Democrats Are Already Telling Americans To Expect Delayed Election Results This Fall

Democrats aren't just playing with fire. They are juggling torches in a gunpowder warehouse.

These episodes of untrustable elections often seem to come down to an elected party-affiliated Secretary of State (State official who runs elections). That job should not be one elected official. It should be a committee of citizens chosen from voter rolls as are grand juries.
Of course, they will do anything to salvage the Senate.

Republicans winning the day after Election Day but we are told there are many uncounted ballots and mostly from Democrat strongholds, and day after day they keep finding more Democrat votes. As they did in NJ in the 2021 Gubernatorial race.

Democrats throughout the political and corporate media spheres are attempting to normalize delayed election results in highly contested states ahead of Election Day, forecasting that final vote totals might not be fully known until well after Nov. 8.​
During a Zoom call with reporters last week, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, said that Americans should not be surprised if the state doesn’t have final election results on election night this November, with the Pennsylvania Democrat blaming any potential delays in vote tabulations on a state law that says election workers can’t begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day.​
“Official results will be available within a few days,” Chapman said. “This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening. It simply means that the process is working as it is designed to work in Pennsylvania and that election officials are doing their job to count every vote.”​
Pennsylvania is among nine states and the District of Columbia that permit election officials to begin processing absentee and mail-in ballots prior to the polls closing, but not before Election Day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. As of Oct. 19, more than a million Pennsylvania voters had applied to vote by mail, with Chapman telling reporters the “overwhelming majority” of mail-in ballot requests have come from Democrats.​
Delayed election results are not a new phenomenon for Pennsylvania; back in late May, the state took over a week to finalize the results of its Republican Senate primary that saw Mehmet Oz locked in a close contest with Dave McCormick. Voters in the state also experienced similar delays during the 2020 presidential election, where it took several days for the state to be called for then-candidate Joe Biden.​
Most recently, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a lower court ruling that had allowed undated mail-in ballots to be counted, which is a violation of Pennsylvania law. Despite such statutory obligations and the high court’s ruling, Chapman decided to take matters into her own hands and flat-out told counties in the commonwealth that they didn’t need to comply with the ruling. The statement from Chapman has since prompted a lawsuit from the Republican National Committee and other GOP groups.​

Democrats’ 2022 Playbook​

In predictable fashion, left-wing media outlets are attempting to downplay concerns over delayed election results and regularize incompetent election administration. In the write-up of Chapman’s remarks, for instance, ABC News went out of its way to run interference for the Pennsylvania Democrat and titled the article, “Why Pennsylvania may not have election night results and why that’s OK.”​
Other notable outlets pushing the same narrative include Politico, which on Sept. 19 ran an article headlined, “Why we may not know who won the Senate on Election Day,” that detailed how it “took five days after Election Day 2020 to tally enough votes for media organizations to call the presidential race for Joe Biden” and warned that the “same thing could happen in some of the country’s most important midterm elections this year.”​
“Many of the same factors in the same battleground states are at play in 2022, starting with races that could have very slim margins,” state politics reporter Zach Montellaro wrote. “Add in the continued popularity of mail voting and state laws in Pennsylvania and elsewhere that can delay processing of those ballots, and the chance of another waiting game is distinct — possibly with control of the Senate up in the air.”​
Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, the left-wing “fact checker” Politifact ran a similar piece on Oct. 3 titled, “Not all results will be known on election night 2022. That’s normal.” Citing several political journalists and “election experts,” the article’s authors argue that while there are “a few reasons to hope that the 2022 midterm elections will produce a faster count than 2020 did,” a “big lesson of 2020 voting — being patient — will be important this year, too.”​
“Americans may not know on election night which party will control the House or Senate in 2023, if the results are close in multiple states with hot congressional races,” the Politifact report reads. “It might take days, or longer, to count enough ballots to know with reasonable certainty the outcome of key races.”​
“People shouldn’t think of ‘election night’ anymore, rather ‘election week,'” it added.​

So, the Federalist is already claiming election fraud. Putin must be very happy.
Biden already got the ball rolling on this a while back.

When he won in 2020 he said it was a fair election that was bullet proof and everything about it was awesome. Well soon as his parties side started getting bad press and everything started to go bad suddenly it's "unless we make the changes I want the next election might be illegitimate despite nothing having changed when I won and I said the elections were legitimate".
Biden already got the ball rolling on this a while back.

When he won in 2020 he said it was a fair election that was bullet proof and everything about it was awesome. Well soon as his parties side started getting bad press and everything started to go bad suddenly it's "unless we make the changes I want the next election might be illegitimate despite nothing having changed when I won and I said the elections were legitimate".

There are a lot more registered voters.

Future Democratic stars at risk of getting wiped out in the midterms​

Trump came along and started supporting true American Patriots, and conservatives started weeding out the RINOS (we have made a few mistakes). Now, conservatives have a deep bench and the Democrats have communists. Choose your future carefully.
Here is hoping the great butt wiping of 2022 truly puts future Democrats in the place where they belong, their political careers flushed and gone.
Of course, they will do anything to salvage the Senate.

Republicans winning the day after Election Day but we are told there are many uncounted ballots and mostly from Democrat strongholds, and day after day they keep finding more Democrat votes. As they did in NJ in the 2021 Gubernatorial race.

Democrats throughout the political and corporate media spheres are attempting to normalize delayed election results in highly contested states ahead of Election Day, forecasting that final vote totals might not be fully known until well after Nov. 8.​
During a Zoom call with reporters last week, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, said that Americans should not be surprised if the state doesn’t have final election results on election night this November, with the Pennsylvania Democrat blaming any potential delays in vote tabulations on a state law that says election workers can’t begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day.​
“Official results will be available within a few days,” Chapman said. “This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening. It simply means that the process is working as it is designed to work in Pennsylvania and that election officials are doing their job to count every vote.”​

anyone who believes a dimrat at this point

deserves to get a dimrat elected. But the majority don't like demonrats. No, we shouldn't think delayed results are nefarious even though they are.. Who do you believe, we lying demonrats or your own lying eyes?

Future Democratic stars at risk of getting wiped out in the midterms​

Trump came along and started supporting true American Patriots, and conservatives started weeding out the RINOS (we have made a few mistakes). Now, conservatives have a deep bench and the Democrats have communists. Choose your future carefully.
Here is hoping the great butt wiping of 2022 truly puts future Democrats in the place where they belong, their political careers flushed and gone.
The GOP will very likely win both houses of congress. There will be great red celebration all the way up to the realization that it won't make any difference at all.
They should probably wait until 4-6am to”stop counting” again as too many people witnessed the 2-4am stopping last time
Of course, they will do anything to salvage the Senate.

Republicans winning the day after Election Day but we are told there are many uncounted ballots and mostly from Democrat strongholds, and day after day they keep finding more Democrat votes. As they did in NJ in the 2021 Gubernatorial race.

Democrats throughout the political and corporate media spheres are attempting to normalize delayed election results in highly contested states ahead of Election Day, forecasting that final vote totals might not be fully known until well after Nov. 8.​
During a Zoom call with reporters last week, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, said that Americans should not be surprised if the state doesn’t have final election results on election night this November, with the Pennsylvania Democrat blaming any potential delays in vote tabulations on a state law that says election workers can’t begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day.​
“Official results will be available within a few days,” Chapman said. “This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening. It simply means that the process is working as it is designed to work in Pennsylvania and that election officials are doing their job to count every vote.”​
Pennsylvania is among nine states and the District of Columbia that permit election officials to begin processing absentee and mail-in ballots prior to the polls closing, but not before Election Day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. As of Oct. 19, more than a million Pennsylvania voters had applied to vote by mail, with Chapman telling reporters the “overwhelming majority” of mail-in ballot requests have come from Democrats.​
Delayed election results are not a new phenomenon for Pennsylvania; back in late May, the state took over a week to finalize the results of its Republican Senate primary that saw Mehmet Oz locked in a close contest with Dave McCormick. Voters in the state also experienced similar delays during the 2020 presidential election, where it took several days for the state to be called for then-candidate Joe Biden.​
Most recently, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a lower court ruling that had allowed undated mail-in ballots to be counted, which is a violation of Pennsylvania law. Despite such statutory obligations and the high court’s ruling, Chapman decided to take matters into her own hands and flat-out told counties in the commonwealth that they didn’t need to comply with the ruling. The statement from Chapman has since prompted a lawsuit from the Republican National Committee and other GOP groups.​

Democrats’ 2022 Playbook​

In predictable fashion, left-wing media outlets are attempting to downplay concerns over delayed election results and regularize incompetent election administration. In the write-up of Chapman’s remarks, for instance, ABC News went out of its way to run interference for the Pennsylvania Democrat and titled the article, “Why Pennsylvania may not have election night results and why that’s OK.”​
Other notable outlets pushing the same narrative include Politico, which on Sept. 19 ran an article headlined, “Why we may not know who won the Senate on Election Day,” that detailed how it “took five days after Election Day 2020 to tally enough votes for media organizations to call the presidential race for Joe Biden” and warned that the “same thing could happen in some of the country’s most important midterm elections this year.”​
“Many of the same factors in the same battleground states are at play in 2022, starting with races that could have very slim margins,” state politics reporter Zach Montellaro wrote. “Add in the continued popularity of mail voting and state laws in Pennsylvania and elsewhere that can delay processing of those ballots, and the chance of another waiting game is distinct — possibly with control of the Senate up in the air.”​
Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, the left-wing “fact checker” Politifact ran a similar piece on Oct. 3 titled, “Not all results will be known on election night 2022. That’s normal.” Citing several political journalists and “election experts,” the article’s authors argue that while there are “a few reasons to hope that the 2022 midterm elections will produce a faster count than 2020 did,” a “big lesson of 2020 voting — being patient — will be important this year, too.”​
“Americans may not know on election night which party will control the House or Senate in 2023, if the results are close in multiple states with hot congressional races,” the Politifact report reads. “It might take days, or longer, to count enough ballots to know with reasonable certainty the outcome of key races.”​
“People shouldn’t think of ‘election night’ anymore, rather ‘election week,'” it added.​

In too many states, the M.O. is to keep counting until the person they want to win wins. I have a thread that has gone inactive proposing some rules and regs that would prevent that. But as it is in some states now, if those in charge of the election and counting the vote want to cheat, there is little to prevent them doing it.
So, the Federalist is already claiming election fraud. Putin must be very happy.
That's the template. We already know it's going to happen when Republicans lose any elections. They're already starting to say it.
and should be received only up to the END of the day on election day.

Those *%$#@s are planning to cheat again.

Are the Rs going to do anything about it?

McCarthy seems to be doing the RINO sidestep again and the election is not even here yet.
Of course, they will do anything to salvage the Senate.

Republicans winning the day after Election Day but we are told there are many uncounted ballots and mostly from Democrat strongholds, and day after day they keep finding more Democrat votes. As they did in NJ in the 2021 Gubernatorial race.

Democrats throughout the political and corporate media spheres are attempting to normalize delayed election results in highly contested states ahead of Election Day, forecasting that final vote totals might not be fully known until well after Nov. 8.​
During a Zoom call with reporters last week, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, said that Americans should not be surprised if the state doesn’t have final election results on election night this November, with the Pennsylvania Democrat blaming any potential delays in vote tabulations on a state law that says election workers can’t begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day.​
“Official results will be available within a few days,” Chapman said. “This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening. It simply means that the process is working as it is designed to work in Pennsylvania and that election officials are doing their job to count every vote.”​
Pennsylvania is among nine states and the District of Columbia that permit election officials to begin processing absentee and mail-in ballots prior to the polls closing, but not before Election Day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. As of Oct. 19, more than a million Pennsylvania voters had applied to vote by mail, with Chapman telling reporters the “overwhelming majority” of mail-in ballot requests have come from Democrats.​
Delayed election results are not a new phenomenon for Pennsylvania; back in late May, the state took over a week to finalize the results of its Republican Senate primary that saw Mehmet Oz locked in a close contest with Dave McCormick. Voters in the state also experienced similar delays during the 2020 presidential election, where it took several days for the state to be called for then-candidate Joe Biden.​
Most recently, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a lower court ruling that had allowed undated mail-in ballots to be counted, which is a violation of Pennsylvania law. Despite such statutory obligations and the high court’s ruling, Chapman decided to take matters into her own hands and flat-out told counties in the commonwealth that they didn’t need to comply with the ruling. The statement from Chapman has since prompted a lawsuit from the Republican National Committee and other GOP groups.​

Democrats’ 2022 Playbook​

In predictable fashion, left-wing media outlets are attempting to downplay concerns over delayed election results and regularize incompetent election administration. In the write-up of Chapman’s remarks, for instance, ABC News went out of its way to run interference for the Pennsylvania Democrat and titled the article, “Why Pennsylvania may not have election night results and why that’s OK.”​
Other notable outlets pushing the same narrative include Politico, which on Sept. 19 ran an article headlined, “Why we may not know who won the Senate on Election Day,” that detailed how it “took five days after Election Day 2020 to tally enough votes for media organizations to call the presidential race for Joe Biden” and warned that the “same thing could happen in some of the country’s most important midterm elections this year.”​
“Many of the same factors in the same battleground states are at play in 2022, starting with races that could have very slim margins,” state politics reporter Zach Montellaro wrote. “Add in the continued popularity of mail voting and state laws in Pennsylvania and elsewhere that can delay processing of those ballots, and the chance of another waiting game is distinct — possibly with control of the Senate up in the air.”​
Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, the left-wing “fact checker” Politifact ran a similar piece on Oct. 3 titled, “Not all results will be known on election night 2022. That’s normal.” Citing several political journalists and “election experts,” the article’s authors argue that while there are “a few reasons to hope that the 2022 midterm elections will produce a faster count than 2020 did,” a “big lesson of 2020 voting — being patient — will be important this year, too.”​
“Americans may not know on election night which party will control the House or Senate in 2023, if the results are close in multiple states with hot congressional races,” the Politifact report reads. “It might take days, or longer, to count enough ballots to know with reasonable certainty the outcome of key races.”​
“People shouldn’t think of ‘election night’ anymore, rather ‘election week,'” it added.​

With Covid-driven inflation, the cost of forging documents is now MUCH higher.

The Democrats ask that you understand this & be patient as they attempt to further demolish the country.

When you vote for Democrats, you voice your support for child drag shows and child sex changes. Not to mention unregulated abortion for any reason.
not to mention wide open borders where these unknown people get in and do God knows what to Americans

not to mention we will continue to have to depend on foreign dictators for oil when we could be and used to be oil independent

and we could all go on and on and on...................................................................
not to mention wide open borders where these unknown people get in and do God knows what to Americans

not to mention we will continue to have to depend on foreign dictators for oil when we could be and used to be oil independent

and we could all go on and on and on...................................................................
If you think pedo Peter is flying unaccompanied minors to all his buddies all over the country at 3am because he's a good humanitarian, you're a total fool.
Of course, they will do anything to salvage the Senate.

Republicans winning the day after Election Day but we are told there are many uncounted ballots and mostly from Democrat strongholds, and day after day they keep finding more Democrat votes. As they did in NJ in the 2021 Gubernatorial race.

Democrats throughout the political and corporate media spheres are attempting to normalize delayed election results in highly contested states ahead of Election Day, forecasting that final vote totals might not be fully known until well after Nov. 8.​
During a Zoom call with reporters last week, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, Leigh Chapman, said that Americans should not be surprised if the state doesn’t have final election results on election night this November, with the Pennsylvania Democrat blaming any potential delays in vote tabulations on a state law that says election workers can’t begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day.​
“Official results will be available within a few days,” Chapman said. “This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening. It simply means that the process is working as it is designed to work in Pennsylvania and that election officials are doing their job to count every vote.”​
Pennsylvania is among nine states and the District of Columbia that permit election officials to begin processing absentee and mail-in ballots prior to the polls closing, but not before Election Day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. As of Oct. 19, more than a million Pennsylvania voters had applied to vote by mail, with Chapman telling reporters the “overwhelming majority” of mail-in ballot requests have come from Democrats.​
Delayed election results are not a new phenomenon for Pennsylvania; back in late May, the state took over a week to finalize the results of its Republican Senate primary that saw Mehmet Oz locked in a close contest with Dave McCormick. Voters in the state also experienced similar delays during the 2020 presidential election, where it took several days for the state to be called for then-candidate Joe Biden.​
Most recently, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a lower court ruling that had allowed undated mail-in ballots to be counted, which is a violation of Pennsylvania law. Despite such statutory obligations and the high court’s ruling, Chapman decided to take matters into her own hands and flat-out told counties in the commonwealth that they didn’t need to comply with the ruling. The statement from Chapman has since prompted a lawsuit from the Republican National Committee and other GOP groups.​

Democrats’ 2022 Playbook​

In predictable fashion, left-wing media outlets are attempting to downplay concerns over delayed election results and regularize incompetent election administration. In the write-up of Chapman’s remarks, for instance, ABC News went out of its way to run interference for the Pennsylvania Democrat and titled the article, “Why Pennsylvania may not have election night results and why that’s OK.”​
Other notable outlets pushing the same narrative include Politico, which on Sept. 19 ran an article headlined, “Why we may not know who won the Senate on Election Day,” that detailed how it “took five days after Election Day 2020 to tally enough votes for media organizations to call the presidential race for Joe Biden” and warned that the “same thing could happen in some of the country’s most important midterm elections this year.”​
“Many of the same factors in the same battleground states are at play in 2022, starting with races that could have very slim margins,” state politics reporter Zach Montellaro wrote. “Add in the continued popularity of mail voting and state laws in Pennsylvania and elsewhere that can delay processing of those ballots, and the chance of another waiting game is distinct — possibly with control of the Senate up in the air.”​
Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, the left-wing “fact checker” Politifact ran a similar piece on Oct. 3 titled, “Not all results will be known on election night 2022. That’s normal.” Citing several political journalists and “election experts,” the article’s authors argue that while there are “a few reasons to hope that the 2022 midterm elections will produce a faster count than 2020 did,” a “big lesson of 2020 voting — being patient — will be important this year, too.”​
“Americans may not know on election night which party will control the House or Senate in 2023, if the results are close in multiple states with hot congressional races,” the Politifact report reads. “It might take days, or longer, to count enough ballots to know with reasonable certainty the outcome of key races.”​
“People shouldn’t think of ‘election night’ anymore, rather ‘election week,'” it added.​

That is why I keep asking who is counting the votes and how they being counted.

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