Prisons...the ultimate gun free zones...higher murder rates than outside world....

I am totally pro 2nd amendment. :) I don't know about the comparison in the OP though. We must remember that prisons are full of criminals. Of course, life behind bars is going to be dangerous and violent because of the criminals.

I was coming into this thread to say almost the exact same thing. I agree with many of Billc's pro 2nd amendment threads, but his comparisons can be sketchy at times. :thup:

I am hoping more people who support the 2nd Amendment will take up the cause.....then you can make better comparisons....

Comparisons aren't needed. The obvious arguments against gun free zones have been made a million times. If people aren't convinced yet then they are lost causes. :D

The problem is gun grabber nuts never stop....they don't give up, and they will fight until every gun is banned......and we have to meet them each step of the way.....even here on little old U.S. message board...because we won't change the mind of the anti gun nuts.....but there are people who are not tuned in to the truth about guns in America...who watch t.v. shows that show anti gun messages, here anti gun sound bites on the democrat controlled news at 5....and when it comes time to vote for for anti gun nuts......

Stopping that takes constant work.....
I am totally pro 2nd amendment. :) I don't know about the comparison in the OP though. We must remember that prisons are full of criminals. Of course, life behind bars is going to be dangerous and violent because of the criminals.

I was coming into this thread to say almost the exact same thing. I agree with many of Billc's pro 2nd amendment threads, but his comparisons can be sketchy at times. :thup:

I am hoping more people who support the 2nd Amendment will take up the cause.....then you can make better comparisons....

Comparisons aren't needed. The obvious arguments against gun free zones have been made a million times. If people aren't convinced yet then they are lost causes. :D

The problem is gun grabber nuts never stop....they don't give up, and they will fight until every gun is banned......and we have to meet them each step of the way.....even here on little old U.S. message board...because we won't change the mind of the anti gun nuts.....but there are people who are not tuned in to the truth about guns in America...who watch t.v. shows that show anti gun messages, here anti gun sound bites on the democrat controlled news at 5....and when it comes time to vote for for anti gun nuts......

Stopping that takes constant work.....

Call me an optimist, but I'd like to think that we are doing a good job of stemming that just by being Americans. It's so deeply ingrained in our culture that even most liberals are pro 2nd Amendment. Nobody is taking our guns.
A better analogy would be gun stores.

They're everyone can walk in. Criminals. Soccer moms. Priests. Off duty cops. Open to all.

Its full of very valuable stuff: guns and cash.

Yet...crime is extremely rare inside a gun store during open public business hours.

Why? With so much worth stealing...and open to everyone. ..why is crime so much less common than...say...a gas station...which houses cheap food and drink and limited amounts of cash?
A better analogy would be gun stores.

They're everyone can walk in. Criminals. Soccer moms. Priests. Off duty cops. Open to all.

Its full of very valuable stuff: guns and cash.

Yet...crime is extremely rare inside a gun store during open public business hours.

Why? With so much worth stealing...and open to everyone. ..why is crime so much less common than...say...a gas station...which houses cheap food and drink and limited amounts of cash?

The point I was making is simply that even with no guns....people will rape, stab, beat and murder each other......
A better analogy would be gun stores.

They're everyone can walk in. Criminals. Soccer moms. Priests. Off duty cops. Open to all.

Its full of very valuable stuff: guns and cash.

Yet...crime is extremely rare inside a gun store during open public business hours.

Why? With so much worth stealing...and open to everyone. ..why is crime so much less common than...say...a gas station...which houses cheap food and drink and limited amounts of cash?

The point I was making is simply that even with no guns....people will rape, stab, beat and murder each other......

Oh yes...absolutely a great point. And a total gun free zone like a prison...extremely dangerous.

And gun stores...are the most gun saturated public places in America. And very safe.
Yes....a look at prison murder rates should deflate gun grabbers even more...because it just shows their rainbows and puppy dogs dream of a world without guns would be just as if not more violent than our current only has to look at history to know this....just ask the Mongols....

Maryland s Prisons Need More Guns - The Truth About Guns

I want you to imagine a place that we can keep 100% gun free. It’s behind barbed wire, with high walls. No guns, guaranteed. Admission to this place is tightly controlled. What would the murder rate be in such a gun-free utopia?
Easy to find out. Just such a place exists — it’s called the Maryland state prison system . . .

According to the justice department, the murder rate in Maryland prisons is 11 per 100,000. That’s three times the national average…for prisons, twice the national average for the non-incarcerated population, and almost three times the rate of the non-incarcerated population of “guns-everywhere” Texas.

So since there’s a long-term correlation between a rising gun ownership rate and a falling crime rate, should we be putting guns into the Maryland correctional system?

Yeah, that's not a fair representation either. Face it, the majority of the inmates have a natural propensity for violence. Are large, strong, and not particularly bright for the most part. They have also been warped by illegal drug use and have a whole host of mental problems thrown in to boot.
A better analogy would be gun stores.

They're everyone can walk in. Criminals. Soccer moms. Priests. Off duty cops. Open to all.

Its full of very valuable stuff: guns and cash.

Yet...crime is extremely rare inside a gun store during open public business hours.

Why? With so much worth stealing...and open to everyone. ..why is crime so much less common than...say...a gas station...which houses cheap food and drink and limited amounts of cash?

The point I was making is simply that even with no guns....people will rape, stab, beat and murder each other......

That's true. People stormed a kindergarten in the UK, killing toddlers and staff with machetes.
Yes....a look at prison murder rates should deflate gun grabbers even more...because it just shows their rainbows and puppy dogs dream of a world without guns would be just as if not more violent than our current only has to look at history to know this....just ask the Mongols....

Maryland s Prisons Need More Guns - The Truth About Guns

I want you to imagine a place that we can keep 100% gun free. It’s behind barbed wire, with high walls. No guns, guaranteed. Admission to this place is tightly controlled. What would the murder rate be in such a gun-free utopia?
Easy to find out. Just such a place exists — it’s called the Maryland state prison system . . .

According to the justice department, the murder rate in Maryland prisons is 11 per 100,000. That’s three times the national average…for prisons, twice the national average for the non-incarcerated population, and almost three times the rate of the non-incarcerated population of “guns-everywhere” Texas.

So since there’s a long-term correlation between a rising gun ownership rate and a falling crime rate, should we be putting guns into the Maryland correctional system?

You have to be joking.
Yes....a look at prison murder rates should deflate gun grabbers even more...because it just shows their rainbows and puppy dogs dream of a world without guns would be just as if not more violent than our current only has to look at history to know this....just ask the Mongols....

Maryland s Prisons Need More Guns - The Truth About Guns

I want you to imagine a place that we can keep 100% gun free. It’s behind barbed wire, with high walls. No guns, guaranteed. Admission to this place is tightly controlled. What would the murder rate be in such a gun-free utopia?
Easy to find out. Just such a place exists — it’s called the Maryland state prison system . . .

According to the justice department, the murder rate in Maryland prisons is 11 per 100,000. That’s three times the national average…for prisons, twice the national average for the non-incarcerated population, and almost three times the rate of the non-incarcerated population of “guns-everywhere” Texas.

So since there’s a long-term correlation between a rising gun ownership rate and a falling crime rate, should we be putting guns into the Maryland correctional system?

You have to be joking. a place with absolute gun control, with 24//7 supervision of all activity, with armed guards controlling the population.....they still can't control against rape, beatings, stabbings and murder...often all of the above done with crude, primitive weapons.....

But anti gunner extremists expect to disarm the criminal population in the real world where they have absolute freedom of movement and can do what they want........
Stupid, sophomoric comparison. Idiotic...not worthy of even being a troll thread. I thought you had to be 18 to post here.
Yes....a look at prison murder rates should deflate gun grabbers even more...because it just shows their rainbows and puppy dogs dream of a world without guns would be just as if not more violent than our current only has to look at history to know this....just ask the Mongols....

Maryland s Prisons Need More Guns - The Truth About Guns

I want you to imagine a place that we can keep 100% gun free. It’s behind barbed wire, with high walls. No guns, guaranteed. Admission to this place is tightly controlled. What would the murder rate be in such a gun-free utopia?
Easy to find out. Just such a place exists — it’s called the Maryland state prison system . . .

According to the justice department, the murder rate in Maryland prisons is 11 per 100,000. That’s three times the national average…for prisons, twice the national average for the non-incarcerated population, and almost three times the rate of the non-incarcerated population of “guns-everywhere” Texas.

So since there’s a long-term correlation between a rising gun ownership rate and a falling crime rate, should we be putting guns into the Maryland correctional system?

You have to be joking. a place with absolute gun control, with 24//7 supervision of all activity, with armed guards controlling the population.....they still can't control against rape, beatings, stabbings and murder...often all of the above done with crude, primitive weapons.....

But anti gunner extremists expect to disarm the criminal population in the real world where they have absolute freedom of movement and can do what they want........

You better stop this one, it's embarrassing...
my point is simply this........there are no guns in prison.....absolute gun control......and it is the criminals inside the prison that commit the murder even without those criminals out in the world would still commit all of their crimes even if you used pixie dust and made all the guns in the world disappear.

Criminals, without guns can still commit murder, rape, robbery and can still stab, beat or cripple other people.....especially when they target the weak, or when they attack in groups........normal, innocent,,law abiding citizens don't Stand a chance against these criminals......but with guns, these innocent people have a chance and are successful........

Britain is a good example.....they have banned guns, and their violence rate is at least 2x our violence rate.....violence didn't stop because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often.......innocent people were just made easier targets and made gun use less necessary....but the only losers in the equation are the victims of the criminals....who are now required to simply submit to their attackers

Liberal Logic makes no sense.

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