Pro-choicers: What would you say if you met an abortion survivor?

That's an interesting point.

Given that we had made the decision to fight the Japanese until they surrendered, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing no doubt saved more lives than they took. I'd say more Japanese would have died in a suicidal defense of the mainland.

But, if I met a survivor of one of those bombings, I would not be hypocritical to say that I am happy that they survived. The bombings ended the war, and one more or fewer survivor wouldn't change that.

But each survived abortion is personal to all involved.

A pro-choicer meeting an abortion survivor would have to express disappointment at the survival. "Your birthing person wanted to abort you and had a right to do so. Because you survived, she they were denied that right. They were forced to bear the burden of carrying you to birth and putting you up for adoption. Your life, however you have have enjoyed it, is not worth putting that burden on a birthing person."

If I'm wrong, please chime in pro-choicers! (but, please: not by just saying "you're wrong").
you bring up good points

I have never heard of these particular stories... I thought it was impossible to have these kinds ofbotched abortions... so strange... maybe the doctor was drunk or something...

or maybe God intervened?
No, I actually do not.

Is it the phrase "pro-life" coming from people who might support bombing other countries, or support the death penalty, or some other issue that you would disagree with them on, that upsets you?

I could say the same about "pro-choice," since people who support abortion rights do not support any choice an unborn child would make after not being aborted. "Pro-choice," and "pro-life" are terms used because pro-choice people do not want to be called "pro-abortion," which is what they are. I compromise and call them "pro-choice" to avoid an argument being reduced to whining about words.

Is that really the point you were making?

Call them pro-abortion for all I care. Most who call themselves pro-life truly are not.
i cannot believe you could ask that...

just cannot believe ...

the leftie brainwashing is working... but only w/ those who do not THINK
Well dumbass, I ain't a lefty. So you think there are long lists of babies waiting to die? Lol, most people just decide they don't want the kid and kill it. They don't keep lists.
Well dumbass, I ain't a lefty. So you think there are long lists of babies waiting to die? Lol, most people just decide they don't want the kid and kill it. They don't keep lists.
An abortion clinic doesn't have a list of people coming in to abort their babies that day? What do the do, keep track in their heads?
An abortion clinic doesn't have a list of people coming in to abort their babies that day? What do the do, keep track in their heads?

they're not smart enough... the devil has dimmed their souls

we pray for them... maybe reluctantly but we pray for them...

Pro-choicers: What would you say if you met an abortion survivor?​

Better luck next time?
When a woman requests an abortion and the clinic schedules one, the plan is to kill the person in the mother's womb.

Fetuses aren't people.

And giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside is taking rights away from the woman.

You'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide.
You'd be able to charge women with child abuse for smoking, having a sip of whine, or eating the wrong foods during pregnancy

You people didn't think this through at all.
I wonder how pro-choice advocates would react if they actually saw the horrific late-term abortion procedure they seem to advocate. Most of the radicals in the pro-choice world are probably political activists who couldn't care less about the mental and physical health of the mother not to mention the infant who never had a chance at life.
Baby killing Dems are sick bastards.
Fetuses aren't people.

And giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside is taking rights away from the woman.

You'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide.
You'd be able to charge women with child abuse for smoking, having a sip of whine, or eating the wrong foods during pregnancy

You people didn't think this through at all.
You remind me of something I saw on a late night talk show, by this weird conservative dude.

He had, as guest, an anti-tobacco activist who had produced a commercial showing an animation of an unborn baby smoking a cigarette. The point being, that when a pregnant woman smokes, she is forcing her unborn baby to smoke also. The host asked the guest, "are you pro-life, or pro-choice?" The guest said "Pro-choice." The host said, "then you are a hypocrite."

Not every law restricting abortion states that the "fetus," is a human being, though that is a scientific fact. The specific medical procedure of abortion could be banned without those horrible child abuse charges for unhealthy habits during pregnancy that you imagine.

Just like it is against the law to kill your newborn baby, but not against the law to smoke around it.
You remind me of something I saw on a late night talk show, by this weird conservative dude.

He had, as guest, an anti-tobacco activist who had produced a commercial showing an animation of an unborn baby smoking a cigarette. The point being, that when a pregnant woman smokes, she is forcing her unborn baby to smoke also. The host asked the guest, "are you pro-life, or pro-choice?" The guest said "Pro-choice." The host said, "then you are a hypocrite."

Which is why I don't use the term "Pro-choice". I use the term "Abortion Rights". It would be nice if women didn't have abortions or smoked... but honestly, I don't think it's my place to tell anyone else how to live.

The war on drugs has been an epic failure. Same with laws against prostitution. You can't legislate morality.

Not every law restricting abortion states that the "fetus," is a human being, though that is a scientific fact. The specific medical procedure of abortion could be banned without those horrible child abuse charges for unhealthy habits during pregnancy that you imagine.

I wasn't talking about the laws you guys are going to pass that everyone will ignore. I am talking about the premise they are based on, that fetuses are people.

Just like it is against the law to kill your newborn baby, but not against the law to smoke around it.

The problem here is ENFORCEABILITY. You can enforce a law against killing babies. True, most women who do cry something about post-partum depression and get really light sentences... but you can get a jury to agree that it was wrong and get a conviction, usually.

Given 60% of Americans support abortion rights, you are not going to be able to get a jury that will convict a woman of getting an abortion.
Fetuses aren't people.

That lie will never become true, no matter how many times you repeat it.

And giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside is taking rights away from the woman.

The only right we want to give the innocent child is the right not to be murdered in cold blood for no better reason than that his very existence is an inconvenience to someone else.

Who has advocated denying this right to the child's mother? The only “right” that we want to deny the mother is the “right” to murder her own child.

You'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide.
You'd be able to charge women with child abuse for smoking, having a sip of whine, or eating the wrong foods during pregnancy

You keep making that argument, and it's bullshit.

We don't investigate deaths from apparent natural causes, unless there is some indication that foul play was involved, and we don't prosecute women for child abuse for smoking around their children.

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