Pro-Trump, Rough and Tumble High-Traffic Politics Forum Under Attack


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The religion/politics forum is where you put on your thickest skin and battle for your opinion with some smart players. It has been under attack on and off since COVID when it disappeared mysteriously, then came back a year later. Most threads are sleepy, but when a news story hits that no one is talking about it can get 5,000 hits in a couple hours, and send a topic viral to the moon. Readers from all over the world. Ask for someone from Latvia to weigh in on some Latvian topic, and you will get "Latvia checking in" immediately. Lurkers outnumber commenters probably by 100 to 1 or more, and they have Reddit and Twitter accounts. Lots of Internet speak like ROFLMAO.

The site has been jammed since August 26 by China or DNC hackers who don't like the reach and impact it can have a prime age 25 to 45, high income white male demographic. Overwhelmingly Trump, although shills work full time to change the optics.

More evidence that Harris is desperate that no one know anything about her from now until election day.

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Is there a board policy about not advertising for other political forums?

Anways, it looks like the OP is getting his butt whupped in one forum, so he's here begging for some conservative trolls to help him out.

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