Professor spends $1,000 to challenge $45 speeding ticket

insein said:
If i had the cash, i would fight it on the grounds that speeding tickets are unconstituional.

I am not sure that the constitution says anything about speeding on your horse.

insein said:
Laws are supposed to be made to PROTECT the people. Speeding hasnt been conclusively proven to cause anymore accidents then regular driving does.

It is proven and common sense that agressive driving, speeding and high speeds lead to more risk situations in traffic and are responsible for alot of deadly accidents. You endanger me and others with your speeding, thats
why there is reason for the government to keep it under control. Otherwise
certain people would go 130 miles on the highway. I am not sure if you
would feel better with that kind of rule of law.

"Complaints about aggressive driving, including tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic, also have increased. Speeding was the sole cause of 35 percent of all traffic fatalities in Oregon in 2003, the most recent year for which crash statistics are available. By contrast, alcohol was the sole cause of 25 percent of traffic fatalities. Seat belt use by drivers hovers around 92 percent.

Experts cite numerous reasons for the jump in speeding: drivers in a hurry to get where they are going; modern car engineering creating a deceptively safe-feeling and quiet ride; and, in Oregon, fewer troopers on the road to enforce higher speed limits on some sections of the interstate. Washington state, for instance, with 1.7 times Oregon's population, has 2.7 times the troopers -- 658 to Oregon's 241."

insein said:
We have accidents everyday and most are from bad driving. Changing lanes too fast, stopping too sudden, driving TOO SLOW in faster lanes, etc. Speeding in and of itself does not cause accidents.

changing lanes while speeding sure doesnt help. Slow drivers or a you just too fast ? Glad you agree a difference in speed can create accidents. Statistics show that acohol and speeding are the leading killers.
insein said:
The real reason for speeding tickets is too increase revenue for local governments. hearing.

That is one of their main motivation to enforce the speeding laws no doubt.
At least you got one right. :whip:
archangel said:
nah ya just stomped on yourself all by yourself...remove 99.99% geez...maybe a few but by no means 99.99%...please explain what 99 % you would remove!
Well, 99.99% isn't very real. It should be 99.99999999%. Maybe leave murder on the books. (although murder should be legal in some instances) You know, sitting here thinking about it, I can't seem to think of any that should be left on the books. Remove them all and start over. It shouldn't take Congress over one day to put back the ones we need.
It is proven and common sense that agressive driving, speeding and high speeds lead to more risk situations in traffic and are responsible for alot of deadly accidents. You endanger me and others with your speeding, thats
why there is reason for the government to keep it under control. Otherwise
certain people would go 130 miles on the highway. I am not sure if you
would feel better with that kind of rule of law.

"Complaints about aggressive driving, including tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic, also have increased. Speeding was the sole cause of 35 percent of all traffic fatalities in Oregon in 2003, the most recent year for which crash statistics are available. By contrast, alcohol was the sole cause of 25 percent of traffic fatalities. Seat belt use by drivers hovers around 92 percent.

There, I think you're wrong.. Aggressive driving, tailgating, etc. causing accidents is because the people that are driving in front of you won't move the hell out of the way when they see you coming - and they're most commonly in the left lane, where they have no business being. "Minimum Speed 55" and "Slower Traffic Keep Right" all MEAN something. It's not up to these people to set the course for speeds they think should be enforced that day. If they want to drive a mile below the speed limit, pull in to the appropriate lane to do it.

Speeding doesn't kill. People that impede traffic kill.
Shattered said:
There, I think you're wrong.. Aggressive driving, tailgating, etc. causing accidents is because the people that are driving in front of you won't move the hell out of the way when they see you coming - and they're most commonly in the left lane, where they have no business being. "Minimum Speed 55" and "Slower Traffic Keep Right" all MEAN something. It's not up to these people to set the course for speeds they think should be enforced that day. If they want to drive a mile below the speed limit, pull in to the appropriate lane to do it.

Speeding doesn't kill. People that impede traffic kill.
Riiiiiiiight, but reckless driving does and speeding is reckless no matter how you try an justify it.
Mr. P said:
Riiiiiiiight, but reckless driving does and speeding is reckless no matter how you try an justify it.

Again, speeding is not reckless.. Unless you're sitting on the phone, writing out your electric bill check, eating breakfast, shaving, or putting eyeliner on.

Try putting all that crap aside, and just *driving*. People aren't aware of their surrounding, and just aren't paying attention. When you're driving, drive. Forget the rest of the bullshit. I can drive 95 just as well as I can drive 75.
Shattered said:
There, I think you're wrong.. Aggressive driving, tailgating, etc. causing accidents is because the people that are driving in front of you won't move the hell out of the way when they see you coming - and they're most commonly in the left lane, where they have no business being. "Minimum Speed 55" and "Slower Traffic Keep Right" all MEAN something. It's not up to these people to set the course for speeds they think should be enforced that day. If they want to drive a mile below the speed limit, pull in to the appropriate lane to do it.

Speeding doesn't kill. People that impede traffic kill.

Im with you on this!!!!!! :thewave: LOL
amazing how many people think the passing lane is for controlling the speeders??
Shattered said:
Again, speeding is not reckless.. Unless you're sitting on the phone, writing out your electric bill check, eating breakfast, shaving, or putting eyeliner on.

Try putting all that crap aside, and just *driving*. People aren't aware of their surrounding, and just aren't paying attention. When you're driving, drive. Forget the rest of the bullshit. I can drive 95 just as well as I can drive 75.

Exactly. Especially highway traffic. People are driving 100mph on highways anyway and as long as they are in the fast lane, whats the problem. they arent swerving in and out of traffic. They simply want to get to their destination faster then other people. If people get the f' out of the way, then there would be less problems.
Shattered said:
Again, speeding is not reckless.. Unless you're sitting on the phone, writing out your electric bill check, eating breakfast, shaving, or putting eyeliner on.

Try putting all that crap aside, and just *driving*. People aren't aware of their surrounding, and just aren't paying attention. When you're driving, drive. Forget the rest of the bullshit. I can drive 95 just as well as I can drive 75.
Try taking a 35 mph curve at 75 and get back to me, okay..It's reckless.
Mr. P said:
Try taking a 35 mph curve at 75 and get back to me, okay..It's reckless.

I'm smart enough to know I can't take a 35mph curve at more than 40-45 because it's too sharp.

What does that have to do with freeway driving?

Just because people drive fast, that doesn't mean they're unsafe drivers...
Shattered said:
I'm smart enough to know I can't take a 35mph curve at more than 40-45 because it's too sharp.

What does that have to do with freeway driving?

Just because people drive fast, that doesn't mean they're unsafe drivers...
Who said anything about freeway driving..this is about speeding, right..No matter where it occurs it's reckless. It's just as reckless on the freeway as the 35 mph curve. Why? because not everyone is driving the same speed on the freeway, it's a no brainer IMO.:bangheads
Mr. P said:
And those nasty sneaky cops hide under bridges an behind stuff to catch ya speeding too!

the ones here wait on the on ramps, so there is NO way to see them before you pass under a bridge. if you are going too fast, there's no way to slow down before they zap you.

by the time you see them, its too late.
Shattered said:
Again, speeding is not reckless.. Unless you're sitting on the phone, writing out your electric bill check, eating breakfast, shaving, or putting eyeliner on.

Try putting all that crap aside, and just *driving*. People aren't aware of their surrounding, and just aren't paying attention. When you're driving, drive. Forget the rest of the bullshit. I can drive 95 just as well as I can drive 75.

Do you have any idea what the stopping distance is an 95? What if there's a wreck. You're also probably driving very aggressively, since you have to get past all of the law-abiding citizens, and that puts everyone in danger. There's also the fact that the speed limit is where it is for a reason. There's a road near my house that had to put in a 4-way stop because people would think it was ok to do 45 on this 30 mph road, no realizing that there was an intersection on the other side of a hill, and if someone was in it, you couldn't stop in time unless you were expecting to. The put in the stop sign because people who "knew better" than the government and who "knew it was safe" to go over the posted speed limit were getting in wrecks at least once every two weeks. You've also got to consider frequency of intersections and on-ramps, frequency and sharpness of curves, pedestrians, and other road hazards which become far more difficult to avoid if you're speeding.

On a side note, it doesn't matter if you think you can avoid a wreck at 95, if someone else who isn't as good wrecks with you, that extra 25 mph over the limit drastically increases your chance of dieing in the crash.

I'll excuse about 5-10 mph over, especially if you're going the speed of the prevailing traffic, but there's no excuse for going 90. You're just going to get yourself killed.
Mr. P said:
Who said anything about freeway driving..this is about speeding, right..No matter where it occurs it's reckless. It's just as reckless on the freeway as the 35 mph curve. Why? because not everyone is driving the same speed on the freeway, it's a no brainer IMO.:bangheads

That's why there are signs that say <b>SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT</b>.. That means move the fuck over - the left lane is for PASSING or for traffic moving FASTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. Don't just sit there doing 48 freaking miles an hour.

Most freeways have 3 lanes of traffic - slow traffic/exists in the far right lane, standard speeds in the middle lane, and faster speeds in the far left lane.

I don't think you'll find too many people that speed down side streets, and in residential areas - too dangerous. So, everything I said is based on freeway driving.
True going 95 is reckless especially in traffic, but it's more reckless to be an unsure driver who hesitates and can't make quick decisions..
Hobbit said:
Do you have any idea what the stopping distance is an 95? What if there's a wreck. You're also probably driving very aggressively, since you have to get past all of the law-abiding citizens, and that puts everyone in danger. There's also the fact that the speed limit is where it is for a reason. There's a road near my house that had to put in a 4-way stop because people would think it was ok to do 45 on this 30 mph road, no realizing that there was an intersection on the other side of a hill, and if someone was in it, you couldn't stop in time unless you were expecting to. The put in the stop sign because people who "knew better" than the government and who "knew it was safe" to go over the posted speed limit were getting in wrecks at least once every two weeks. You've also got to consider frequency of intersections and on-ramps, frequency and sharpness of curves, pedestrians, and other road hazards which become far more difficult to avoid if you're speeding.

On a side note, it doesn't matter if you think you can avoid a wreck at 95, if someone else who isn't as good wrecks with you, that extra 25 mph over the limit drastically increases your chance of dieing in the crash.

I'll excuse about 5-10 mph over, especially if you're going the speed of the prevailing traffic, but there's no excuse for going 90. You're just going to get yourself killed.

My average is 10 miles over the posted speed limit.. I hit 90 when I'm doing long distance road trips, and there's nothing but dead field the whole way..

Oh, and if there's a pedestrian on the freeway, you'll probably want to avoid them - they don't belong there.
Shattered said:
I'm smart enough to know I can't take a 35mph curve at more than 40-45 because it's too sharp.

What does that have to do with freeway driving?

Just because people drive fast, that doesn't mean they're unsafe drivers...

Depends on the car. d and I can vouch for that....

Shattered said:
That's why there are signs that say <b>SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT</b>.. That means move the fuck over - the left lane is for PASSING or for traffic moving FASTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. Don't just sit there doing 48 freaking miles an hour.

Most freeways have 3 lanes of traffic - slow traffic/exists in the far right lane, standard speeds in the middle lane, and faster speeds in the far left lane.

I don't think you'll find too many people that speed down side streets, and in residential areas - too dangerous. So, everything I said is based on freeway driving.
I missed that part in my state you can speed in the left lane where you live, legally? :eek2:
GotZoom said:
Depends on the car. d and I can vouch for that....


:poke: YOUR car is a good deal smaller than mine, Sweets. Better handling, too. :D
Mr. P said:
I missed that part in my state you can speed in the left lane where you live, legally? :eek2:

No.. You can drive about 10 miles per hour over the speed limit without risking getting pulled over, tho..

HOWEVER, that goes back to the original conversation wherein I said that if you DO speed, and you ARE going fast enough to get pulled over, suck it up and pay the damn ticket.
Taking the safety issue you realize that doing 90mph vs 65 mph only gets you to your destination minutes faster...and you burn approximately 40% more fuel...then you have the nerve to complain about fuel prices..economics and demand ring a bell? :(

Also at higher rates of speed you increase wear and tear on your vehicle by some 50%!

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