Professors Compare Pro-Life Students to Lynch Mob


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
More :cuckoo::cuckoo: progressive propaganda in the schools. Yay. One of the professors got a ride with the Po-Po.

"Pro-Life students at the University of Buffalo came under a fierce attack by a group of professors who compared them to a lynch mob. At least one professor was arrested after she launched a profanity-laced tirade directed toward the students"

Pro-Life students were also targeted by their peers. Their photos were posted on signs that were labeled “Indecency, Ignorance, Intolerance.”
“We knew coming in this would be rough,” Andzel said. “I am so proud of the pro-life students who stood up for the voiceless.”
The University of Buffalo did not offer any apology to the students who were subjected to the professor’s public outburst."

Professors Compare Pro-Life Students to Lynch Mob - Todd Starnes - Page 1

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