Professors should be taken to court for what they teach and student loan debt

Not to distract from the current more topical thrust, but

I think bowling balls still easily fit any definition of "particle" aside from them obviously not being "subatomic" which the proponent simply tacks on to prevent being accurately labeled hopelessly "atomistic." Given all is relative, one might consider the balls to be the tiniest parts or fraction of bowling alleys. In any case, moving or not seems to have nothing to do with it. A bowling ball remains such a "particle" regardless. To the contrary, speed them up 'enough and they get "fuzzy" or something'.

Again, I think you're confused. Entanglement has reportedly occurred at virtually any speed, distance, and/or temperature.

I see no connection. Material things obviously slow down and become more dense at lower temperatures. By extension, they become more "conductive" and magnetically cooperative. That's quite sufficient to explain "the Bose-Einstein condensate" in my book. K.I.S.S. / Occam's razor.

Should you be forced into a court-of-law to defend that post? ... or should the person who explain to me what I posted? ...

You and you strawman, you two make a cute couple ...
Anyone who agrees with quantum entanglement agrees that photons exist because it can't be disproven from Michelson morley results. I understand though. why don't they use a femto camera on a michelson morley setup and see what truly goes on with it? It would be much cheaper to debunk that experiment and move on with the aether again. It's been so long that its been denied that it leads to the spending of billions on a path that leads nowehere.

Are you seriously still whining about this ... it was 130 fucking years ago ... YOUR tax dollars DIDN'T pay for that ...

Your taxes paid for the Webb IR telescope ... not sure what the problem is ... Ukraine is more expensive ... and I promise we won't promote alchemy with it ...
Should you be forced into a court-of-law to defend that post? ... or should the person who explain to me what I posted? ...

You and you strawman, you two make a cute couple ...
I think 'splainin' this "strawman" you allege is on you.
alright alright alright alright I guess the Noble prize is pop science and from my experience not the stuff they teach in college courses. So maybe not the teachers but pffft maybe the wack a dos who come up with this stuff first off. Seriously were getting lead around by science trying to be trendy and ALL NEW! its pretty criminal like if you ask me. Still college's do teach gravity without explaining how it works, hmmm....
Seriously were getting lead around by science trying to be trendy and ALL NEW! its pretty criminal like if you ask me.
If you ask me, "science" basically means to study, thus leads no one anywhere except toward more educated guessing. Some scientists, on the other hand, doubtless ..
Intellectuals will become victims of the rise of fascism in America.
Trump does not like intellectuals. In school they got better grades than he did. Trump has said, "I love the poorly educated." They love him too, because he does not use a log of multi syllabic words that neither of them understand.
Trump does not like intellectuals. In school they got better grades than he did. Trump has said, "I love the poorly educated." They love him too, because he does not use a log of multi syllabic words that neither of them understand.
There are many similarities with Hitler's and Mussolini's tactics, as well as their personal traits.

It looks like DeSantis is more copy cat for the mob that Trump created, rather than being the real thing. But DeSantis needs to have more appeal than just relying on Trump's shrinking fascist oriented lowlifes.
but into debt
What matters is a professional degree from an elite college or university. If that is not an option one should probably learn a skilled trade. Some one who gets a liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation has wasted a lot of time and money.
What matters is a professional degree from an elite college or university. If that is not an option one should probably learn a skilled trade. Some one who gets a liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation has wasted a lot of time and money.
When regulations are thrown out, the need for a degree is thrown out too.
As is the case with tradesmen's papers.

Unrestrained capitalism has its costs but aren't going to be considered until it's too late.

Who needs a professional engineer bringing all sorts of commie regulations into building a bridge, when it can be done with non-professionals?
When regulations are thrown out, the need for a degree is thrown out too.
As is the case with tradesmen's papers.

Unrestrained capitalism has its costs but aren't going to be considered until it's too late.

Who needs a professional engineer bringing all sorts of commie regulations into building a bridge, when it can be done with non-professionals?
Non professionals are likely to build a bridge that collapses when cars try to ride it.
Non professionals are likely to build a bridge that collapses when cars try to ride it.
By that time the profits will be banked and only the dead and injured will need to be taken care of.

Profits soar when the unnecessary regulations are eliminated. Who needs an engineered bridge?
By that time the profits will be banked and only the dead and injured will need to be taken care of.

Profits soar when the unnecessary regulations are eliminated. Who needs an engineered bridge?
I hope you are being factious. We need government regulations, lots of them.
What matters is a professional degree from an elite college or university. If that is not an option one should probably learn a skilled trade. Some one who gets a liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation has wasted a lot of time and money.
I've taken an array of science courses at college. Since schools do a lot of courses online, and those courses are tiny programs you answerr simple questions from a book, why not complicate the online material into a video game, one that teaches everything you need to know about small engine repair or something, then you can be qualified to get job experience. It would be much cheaper then driving to and from a school for 8 hours a day and a much needed improvement in the use of scholastic video games.
You could sell scholastic video games with 3D technology and actually immitate car repairs. We should get Mrk Zckrbrg interested, his 3D metaverse is failing, put it to some good use.
alright alright alright alright I guess the Noble prize is pop science and from my experience not the stuff they teach in college courses. So maybe not the teachers but pffft maybe the wack a dos who come up with this stuff first off. Seriously were getting lead around by science trying to be trendy and ALL NEW! its pretty criminal like if you ask me. Still college's do teach gravity without explaining how it works, hmmm....
It's Nobel Prize. Anyway, you seem like one who missed the boat and subscribed to non-science. Yours isn't even pop science as you don't even know what is m x g is and how to get it.
It's Nobel Prize. Anyway, you seem like one who missed the boat and subscribed to non-science. Yours isn't even pop science as you don't even know what is m x g is and how to get it.
All theories and equations are flawed, some just less flawed then others.

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