Progressive World


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The masters have been programming their legion of mindless drones for generations now. Each iteration tries to improve and perfect their experiment. Until instructed, they are tame and docile - Gruber called them stupid, have no idea where they came from, no ability to learn or think, and know only strict obedience to the one that created them: the state.

The masters begin to see how their creatures might perform by feeding situations down into the collective. This time, they send a shooting in SC and an "X" over the Confederate flag. The Collective springs into action...flag bad! flag bad! Flag bad! Flag BAD! BAD FLAG! FLAG BAD! They are on the Confederate Flag like a pack of Raptors on a duck with a limp.

The Masters are pleased with the performance of their trained monkeys

Next, how would the Progressive Collective react if a truly Hated figure let it slip that he was a member of the Collective? Hmmm. The Pope, a truly despised figure in Progressive Circles, uses the AGWCult Secret Handshake word: denier, thereby identifying him as a member of the Cult. The Collective responds by openly embracing a Catholic Pope. The training is perfect! They have made the perfect weapon

The Masters await the SCOTUS ruling on ObamaCare, which challenges one of the tenants of their Faith. Will the Collective be turned loose on the public should the Court rule against it. Only time will tell
Gruber said all voters are stupid, he didn't specify progressives - and he's right. And where in the world did you get the idea that liberals despise Pope Francis, looks like research isn't your forte.
Who are these 'Masters'
How does the 'state' train them
What 'programming' is installed?

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