Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

People are standing up to groups and individuals that spread hate speech and who are widely condemned by every leader in our country including Trump. How can you compare that to an oppressed minority group like homosexuals?
How can you not, Slade? Either businesses have the right to refuse service or they don't. You can't have it both ways.
Again with the false premise thread .

But I'll answer . We have specific laws that say a business can't discriminate based on XYZ. For example , handicapped people .

No law says they can't discriminate based on political standing.
That makes zero sense. You just arbitrarily determined that political views aren't "XYZ". How does that work? :uhh:
Just speaking the truth. Both are fringe groups.
Every group has a fringe, even Christians... but but how can you equate the two?

Who's equating?
I've been talking to people all day trying to equate. If you're not then what is your point?

That you have to ask is telling....
Great I'm an idiot... so clarify for me

You know I've tried to clarify my points to liberals for the last thirty years yet not a single one has been able to clarify their point in a rational manner.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).

I don't have an issue with this. The server is their property so I guess if they don't want that on their server fine. Let The consumers descied, ain't that the American way?
I don't either. Just like I don't have an issue with a baker refusing their products and services to homosexuals because it doesn't align with their faith.
People are standing up to groups and individuals that spread hate speech and who are widely condemned by every leader in our country including Trump. How can you compare that to an oppressed minority group like homosexuals?
How can you not, Slade? Either businesses have the right to refuse service or they don't. You can't have it both ways.
I understand your point and it is a fine debate. I just think that hate groups are in a different league than minority and even political groups.
Let me see if I'm understanding your point correctly. You think the LGBT community should accept white supremacy and Nazis under the same premise that they expect to be accepted into society by Christians? Is that right?
Can you explain why that shouldn't be the case? If homosexuals can demand products and services from businessss that "serve the public" then Nazi's and white supremacists can as well. Equal protection under the law.
Every group has a fringe, even Christians... but but how can you equate the two?

Who's equating?
I've been talking to people all day trying to equate. If you're not then what is your point?

That you have to ask is telling....
Great I'm an idiot... so clarify for me

You know I've tried to clarify my points to liberals for the last thirty years yet not a single one has been able to clarify their point in a rational manner.
You keep diverting, I'll take that as you not wanting to engage. That's fine, i wouldnt be surprised if you didn't even know what your point was anymore
They should just claims it violates their deeply held religious beliefs to host them. I am sure the Liberty Counsel will be there to take their case on a pro bono basis if anyone should sue.
Let me see if I'm understanding your point correctly. You think the LGBT community should accept white supremacy and Nazis under the same premise that they expect to be accepted into society by Christians? Is that right?
Can you explain why that shouldn't be the case? If homosexuals can demand products and services from businessss that "serve the public" then Nazi's and white supremacists can as well. Equal protection under the law.
I agree with you on that point, but if a Nazi brings his ideology into a business and it causes a threat or disruption to the business then they should have the right to refuse service. Being gay is not a threat, it's not deemed as hateful or condemned by our leaders. The two are very different. It does beg the question about where to draw the line.
What if somebody is wearing a Nazi shirt... what about a shirt with a big cock on it... both may be inappropriate. It's a good discussion to carve out where the boundaries are
What do you think about Facebook deleting the profile of the Nazi leader that lead the tiki march?
The same thing I think about a baker refusing homosexuals - that is their call. No business should ever be forced into a business agreement.
I agree with you on that point, but if a Nazi brings his ideology into a business and it causes a threat or disruption to the business then they should have the right to refuse service.
But the same could be said about homosexuals. I can tell you right now, if I'm dining with my family and a group of homosexuals walk in sporting flaming gear, I'm either going to take my family and leave or force those homosexuals out of the building.

Yes - threats, violence, and disruption is clearly grounds to deny service. But the Nazis were not doing that in either case. The bottom line is that the left is simply not being consistent in their views (as usual).
What do you think about Facebook deleting the profile of the Nazi leader that lead the tiki march?
The same thing I think about a baker refusing homosexuals - that is their call. No business should ever be forced into a business agreement.
I agree with you for the most part. I used to do free lance videography, photography and website development and I loved the ability to pick and choose my clients. I could spot a nightmare client from a mile away so having government regulations telling me that I had to take every job inquiry that came my way would be crazy, i'd never support that. However, there are other types of businesses where regulations make more sense, for example Real Estate, which is an industry that I am now involved in. There are regulations that protect clients from discrimination and demand ethical treatment and services for all involved. Those, for the most part, make sense to me. If your business is a storefront and is open to the public then I understand anti discrimination laws. I just think our country made a tremendous stride with the civil rights act and I can't imagine seeing a business in my community that was a whites only diner, or that had a sign saying no gays allowed. Or a cab company that won't service blacks... To me that is anti-american on the same lines as the nazi, white supremacist agendas.
I agree with you on that point, but if a Nazi brings his ideology into a business and it causes a threat or disruption to the business then they should have the right to refuse service.
But the same could be said about homosexuals. I can tell you right now, if I'm dining with my family and a group of homosexuals walk in sporting flaming gear, I'm either going to take my family and leave or force those homosexuals out of the building.

Yes - threats, violence, and disruption is clearly grounds to deny service. But the Nazis were not doing that in either case. The bottom line is that the left is simply not being consistent in their views (as usual).
The inconsistency exists because there is not consistency with the scenarios. I'm not familiar with the Nazi denial situation but generally speaking. There is going to be more acceptance for agendas that favor the poor, minorities, and oppressed groups. Part of it is trying to help the balance of equality in this country and the other part is trying to right a moral wrong that our country engaged in for centuries. For example, there can be a Black Entertainment Network focused on Black entertainment. A White Entertainment Network that focused on whites would not be widely accepted in this country. If all was equal then that would not make logical sense and could be considered hypocritical... However the situation is more complicated that that for reasons that I just explained.
Who's equating?
I've been talking to people all day trying to equate. If you're not then what is your point?

That you have to ask is telling....
Great I'm an idiot... so clarify for me

You know I've tried to clarify my points to liberals for the last thirty years yet not a single one has been able to clarify their point in a rational manner.
You keep diverting, I'll take that as you not wanting to engage. That's fine, i wouldnt be surprised if you didn't even know what your point was anymore

Engaging with retards never ends well...
I've been talking to people all day trying to equate. If you're not then what is your point?

That you have to ask is telling....
Great I'm an idiot... so clarify for me

You know I've tried to clarify my points to liberals for the last thirty years yet not a single one has been able to clarify their point in a rational manner.
You keep diverting, I'll take that as you not wanting to engage. That's fine, i wouldnt be surprised if you didn't even know what your point was anymore

Engaging with retards never ends well...
Wow, another diversion. You really don't have anything real to say do you? Are you ever going to try and make a substantive point or are you just here to squabble like an idiot?
Oh pretty please with sugar on top, sue to make neo Nazis a protected class...:lol:

Fucking tools

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