Progressives want Lincoln/Rising Slave Emancipation Statue removed


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
They are never going to stop. They are just going to keep on pressing to impose their inability to even view things they find offensive on the rest of us. And the worst thing is they misinterpret it deliberately. The former slave isn't kneeling, he is RISING from his knees.

Democrats demand removal of Lincoln Emancipation Memorial in DC

"Although formerly enslaved Americans paid for this statue, the design and sculpting process was done without their input or participation, and it shows," Norton said in a statement announcing the legislation.

"The statue fails to depict how enslaved African Americans pressed for their own emancipation. At the time, they had only recently been liberated from slavery and were grateful for any recognition of their freedom. However, in his keynote address at the unveiling of the statue, Frederick Douglass pointedly did not praise the statue, and, indeed, in private remarks, went as far as to say, it ‘showed the Negro on his knee when a more manly attitude would have been indicative of freedom.’"

I would also love to see the actual reference to the Fredrick Douglass "private remarks" quote, and when it surfaced. It appears to be a retcon to me.
This and the entire defund the police crap is why the demcrats lost the house this fall. I hope saner voices like Joe Biden win out so we can protect ssi, ssd, healthcare and general human rights. If not then we'll lose it all.
It's time to stop this Obama bullshit. Lincoln ended slavery. We'll keep the statue, thank you...
These are the same people who voted for Joe Biden who said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, and who voted for Hillary Clinton said that Black Men are "super predators".
Democrat Voters are DUMB.
Awesome! Replace it with a statue of the greatest American patriot in history, JWB :cool:
I hope saner voices like Joe Biden

Sane to who? Retards?
They are never going to stop. They are just going to keep on pressing to impose their inability to even view things they find offensive on the rest of us. And the worst thing is they misinterpret it deliberately. The former slave isn't kneeling, he is RISING from his knees.

Democrats demand removal of Lincoln Emancipation Memorial in DC

I would also love to see the actual reference to the Fredrick Douglass "private remarks" quote, and when it surfaced. It appears to be a retcon to me.
Marty, this isn't about getting rid of statues depicting racial enslavement in any way.
It's about canceling our history as a nation. Our government has plans, but needs to delete
our history in doing so. We need to look towards our future as a nation, and just what kind of
government they have planed for it. I assure you it will likely have China as an influence with what
we end up with. In our schools, the children are already being indoctrinated with how bad our country is.
I'm just glad I won't be around.
Marty, this isn't about getting rid of statues depicting racial enslavement in any way.
It's about canceling our history as a nation. Our government has plans, but needs to delete
our history in doing so. We need to look towards our future as a nation, and just what kind of
government they have planed for it. I assure you it will likely have China as an influence with what
we end up with. In our schools, the children are already being indoctrinated with how bad our country is.
I'm just glad I won't be around.
I think this is a case where democrooks desire to erase their own history of having been the party of slavery and the resulting war as well as century of segregation, discrimination and terrorism that resulted from their defeat.
And we need to “understand” your misbegotten view?
Yes. The Right needs to understand that there will be consequences to teaching a whole generation of American youth that they live in a society they should despise. The Left is gnawing away at the foundations of our society. The next time it's stressed seriously -- such as a military defeat -- we're going to see those consequences.

Will we be prepared for them? At the moment, we're not. 'Normalcy bias', it's called.
Yes. The Right needs to understand that there will be consequences to teaching a whole generation of American youth that they live in a society they should despise.
As a general rule, I think the right already does. This is why we object to bullshit like CRT and that 1619 Project fraud.
The Left is gnawing away at the foundations of our society. The next time it's stressed seriously -- such as a military defeat -- we're going to see those consequences.
I agree that the left is insidious. But again, I believe the right already sees this.
Will we be prepared for them? At the moment, we're not. 'Normalcy bias', it's called.
The pushback is already underway. And the pushback seriously freaks out our liberals.
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., was joined by six congressional Democrats.

That's 1.6% of the House. 1.6%.

‘no one monument could be made to tell the whole truth’

“There is room in Lincoln park [sic] for another monument,” he urged in a letter published in the National Republican newspaper just days after the ceremony, “and I throw out this suggestion to the end that it may be taken up and acted upon.”
As a general rule, I think the right already does. This is why we object to bullshit like CRT and that 1619 Project fraud.

I agree that the left is insidious. But again, I believe the right already sees this.

The pushback is already underway. And the pushback seriously freaks out our liberals.
Well, I hope you're right. Could you give me some examples of the pushback?
It’s discussed here on a regular basis.

Or, try a Google search.

For example: a quick DuckDuckGo search revealed many such things including this one. Is the pushback against 'critical race theory' rooted in misconceptions?
Okay. There certainly is resistance to what's happening, which is a very good thing. However, what I meant was something different, predicated on the idea that (1) we're not going to win, and (2) there may be a catastrophic collapse of the social/legal order sometime in the future.

But this is a topic for a separate thread.
I agree. Our country is slowly going downhill.
Yes. Exactly why this is happening is difficult to understand. We can see some factors, but I haven't read a really satisfying explanation of it yet. Maybe people reading this can recommend something.

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